Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 66 9th Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 66 The Nine Heavens Tribulation
The night is as quiet as water.

After Gu Feng agreed to Haotian, he followed Haotian to a hall in the back hill of Haoyue College. The whole hall is very spacious and there are various sculptures everywhere.

"This will be your place of meditation in the future. Now you can take out two maps and start stitching them together. I will protect the law for you." Hao Tian stopped and said to Gu Feng.

Gu Feng looked at Haotian, and without any hesitation, he took out two maps directly, Haotian's eyes tightened, and with a wave of his hand, the restrictions that had been originally covered by Haodi on the two maps were dispelled. .

After the restriction was removed, the two maps vibrated crazily like two magnets, and then the two maps slipped out of Gu Feng's palm, and slowly joined together in midair, following the lines, like a new life.

After a long time, a brand new map was formed under the watchful eyes of Gu Feng and Haotian. The map slowly fell into Gu Feng's hands. The material was extremely soft. A black line quickly flashed in Gu Feng's hands and flowed into Gu Feng's back. In the Haotian stick, of course Haotian didn't notice this scene.

The incomprehensible stripes on the original map have been combined very regularly at this time, and it is obvious that the map has been stitched together successfully.

Gu Feng's straight body is standing in the lobby, the dim light hits Gu Feng's resolute and pretty face, the edges and corners are very sharp, in Hao Tian's eyes, he admires him very much, this kind of heart is really a teenage boy Is it possible to have it? Facing this kind of temptation, he can still ignore it indifferently. Haotian asked himself that he couldn't do it when he was in such a grade.

"Are you ready?" A deep voice came from Haotian in the lobby.

Gu Feng's eyes were fixed on the front, and he nodded slowly. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the map that had been stitched together in his hand. There was a flash of heat in Gu Feng's eyes. Although his clothes were calm on the surface, Gu Feng's heart was It is very exciting, because this kind of unknown temptation is the most mysterious.

"Remember what I said, you only have seven days. After seven days, no matter whether you get what you want, I will pull you out!"

Gu Feng wasn't too surprised, after all, this time opening the Martial Spirit Space again was hidden from everyone in Haoyue Academy. This is an extremely secretive operation in itself, and it's normal that there is a time limit.

"If you are ready, then go in!" The low voice sounded again, and then Gu Feng looked at the round mirror that appeared in front of him, and stepped in without any hesitation.

Just like the first time, Gu Feng felt the tearing pain again. Fortunately, there was a white circle of light around him. After Gu Feng's feet landed on the ground, the circle of light around him slowly dissipated.

The surrounding area is still dizzy, but this time when he revisited the old place, what Gu Feng felt was only tranquility. It seemed that this space had completely turned into a dead place after the previous experience.

At this moment, the map that Gu Feng held in his hand was emitting white light little by little, and then the map floated in front of Gu Feng. Gu Feng stared at the map with his eyes, and saw a Little red dots, twinkling.

"Could this represent my current location." Gu Feng stared at the blinking red dot, and said to himself, and then wanted to take the map with his hands, but the originally soft map came to Wuling Space It's like turning into a ball of air, you can only see it but not grab it, no matter how you grab it, it's useless.

"It's not mine at all, I'll give it back to you!" After a few times of hard work, Gu Feng no longer persisted, and laughed at himself, trying to remember the route shown on the map and the location of the red dot, about After a stick of incense, Gu Feng looked at the map and walked directly to the center according to the route he remembered.

What Gu Feng didn't know was that when Gu Feng's body left, the map that was originally suspended followed Gu Feng.

Three days later.

"According to this route, I should have reached the center. Why is it still so dark and barren?" Gu Feng looked around at the dark world and said to himself.

At this moment, a black light flashed, Gu Feng's eyes blurred, and the map appeared in front of Gu Feng's eyes again, but at this time the whole map was emitting black air.

Immediately afterwards, a huge gravitational force rushed out from the map, covering Gu Feng's body in an instant, and at that moment, endless pressure moved towards Gu Fenggai.

"Huh!" Gu Feng snorted coldly, not to be outdone, his left foot trembled violently, and with a tremor, pieces of golden dragon scales quickly covered Gu Feng's body, and the dragon scales refined his body.

"Get out!" With a yell, all the pressure covering Gu Feng's body dissipated, and the map was also shattered into pieces of foam in this yell.

Just when Gu Feng thought he had been fooled and there was no chance at all, the whole earth changed, and the scattered foam from the black map quickly sank into the earth.

Immediately afterwards, the power that attracted Gu Feng was reawakened, and Gu Feng felt a pain in his back, and the Haotian stick that had been quietly carried on Gu Feng's back rushed out quickly, and directly merged into the black earth.

At that moment, the feeling of being connected with the blood of the Haotian Cudgel disappeared, but this feeling only lasted for half a breath, the ground trembled, and the originally dark sky began to become brighter.

A series of thunder and lightning actually appeared in this space. Gu Feng's eyes were greatly shaken at this time. Looking at the thunder and lightning in the sky, Gu Feng's heart trembled suddenly. Nine Heavens Tribulation.

Any foreign object that makes the heavens jealous appear in this world, there will be a nine-fold catastrophe, but unlike the martial artist who breaks through the heaven, the appearance of a foreign object will cause thunder according to the strength of the foreign object, and the most powerful foreign object will appear. Nine thunderbolts appeared, and the most common foreign objects would only trigger one thunderbolt.

Under Gu Feng's astonished eyes, a huge energy shot down from the sky and hit the ground where the Haotian stick was swallowed. The robbery spread.

This is not over yet, before Gu Feng stood firm, another divine thunder fell, but after this divine thunder fell, there seemed to be a sharp howl from the depths of the torn ground.

The divine thunder in the depths of the sky seemed to be getting more and more intense. In just a few breaths, seven more thunderbolts fell, plus the previous two, a total of nine thunderstorms appeared.

When all the nine thunder disasters dissipated, the sky slowly became calm. After a long time, the miasma that appeared on the ground dissipated, and at the place where the thunder disaster was bombarded, a black spear was lying quietly .

(End of this chapter)

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