Chapter 71
"Sage Yuan Wuling!" The uncle's voice woke up Haotian who was in a daze.

Martial spirits can be divided into yellow yuan, silver yuan, earth yuan, tianyuan, and holy yuan. The more powerful a martial spirit will be, the greater the advantage it will give a warrior. Saint yuan and martial spirits, all the owners of this kind of martial spirit stand on their feet. The pinnacle of the continent.

What they didn't know was that Gu Feng kept one hand because he still had a martial spirit. Of course, the other martial spirit, Gu Feng, would not be exposed immediately. After all, Gu Feng didn't know the two in front of him well enough.

If they knew that Gu Feng had hidden a martial spirit, what would they think?
"Xiao Feng, come here!" After a brief astonishment, Hao Tian waved to Gu Feng.

Gu Feng responded and walked over.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Bo, who is also the guardian of Jiuzhong Mountain. He has noticed every time you climb before!" Haotian introduced.

It was only at this time that Gu Feng saw the old man in front of him clearly, with gray hair and wrinkled skin, but Gu Feng knew that such an old man who could not see the strength to be able to protect Jiuzhong Mountain must have something powerful.

Recalling that I climbed up step by step, if something happened on the way, I am afraid that the old man would rescue him immediately. At this point, Gu Feng was filled with gratitude, bowed respectfully, and said: "Meet uncle!"

What the uncle didn't expect was that a person with such outstanding talent could still have such a heart. He applauded loudly in his heart and brushed his beard. The shock on his face disappeared, replaced by an endless smile, and said: "I The old man will have no regrets in his lifetime to see our students from Haoyue Academy climb the Nine Bells Mountain and ring the Nine Bells!"


"Have you heard, there are three days left, Xuantianzong is coming to ask for someone!"

"I don't know who it is, so lucky to be selected by Xuantianzong!"

"Hmph, I'm afraid it's different this time. I heard that Xuantianzong didn't come to select students this time, but to arrest them!"

"It's Gu Feng who won the first place in the entrance examination!"

"Speaking of Gu Feng, it seems as if he disappeared after winning the first place. I'm afraid he has already escaped!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Every word and every word around was heard by Gu Feng. It has been half a month since Gu Feng came down from Jiuzhong Mountain. In the past half month, Gu Feng has been living in seclusion, so not many people know Gu Feng's whereabouts. Gu Feng naturally listened to the words of some passing students during a retreat in the forest in the college.

"Xuantianzong! Is it finally here?" Gu Feng opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.

In fact, Gu Feng already knew that Xuantianzong would definitely come to ask for someone, because Gu Feng had already been exposed during the admissions examination. , has long been a celebrity of the entire Xuantian Sect.

Three days later.

On the square of Haoyue Academy, there are students standing there at this time, each and every student is energetic and neat, this is the foundation of Haoyue Academy, an academy that even some top sects dare not underestimate.

Standing in front of all the students is Dean Haotian and others. There are four figures beside them. All four figures are wearing purple shirts, and there is a golden Xuan character drawn on the purple shirts. The figures were from Xuantian Sect, and one of them was very familiar to Gu Feng, that was Bai Chen, the man who was once beaten by Gu Feng with one finger.

There was a woman standing beside Bai Chen. The woman was very coquettish and she was wearing very thin clothes. There was a bit of white skin faintly exposed under the purple gown.

The other two are middle-aged men, and the other is an old man with graying hair, but this old man's eyes are closed from beginning to end, as if everything that happens around him has nothing to do with him .

"The two principals, Haotian and Haodi, Xuantianzong and Haoyue College have been cooperating for a long time. If there is any disturbance during this sudden visit, I hope the two principals will forgive me!" The middle-aged man said quietly, Although the words were very polite, there was no trace of respect in the tone, as if everything was taken for granted.

"Deacon Bai is too humble. I don't know why you came here this time?" Haodi stepped forward, obviously this middle-aged man liked him very much by calling him Dean Haodi.

"Then let's make a long story short, this time we are here for Gu Feng!" The middle-aged man's tone was already cold.

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Haodi's face became more intense, and he immediately shouted at the students below: "Gu Feng, come out!"

The sound was like thunder, shaking around the students.

"I'm here!" Gu Feng's voice did not appear in the group of students, but came from a corner beside him, and Gu Feng's figure gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

When he saw Gu Feng clearly, Bai Chen's face turned cold immediately, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes, it was this kid.

Sensing Bai Chen's strangeness, the middle-aged man at the side immediately sent a voice transmission: "Don't worry, third young master, Gu Feng will definitely die this time!"

Taking a few steps slowly, Gu Feng had already come to the front of the academy, bowed respectfully to Haotian, and said, "I don't know why the principal summoned me?"

But the four of Bai Chen were directly ignored by Gu Feng.

"Gu Feng, I don't know if you still remember me?" A cold voice came from Bai Chen's mouth, and his vicious eyes fixed on Gu Feng like a poisonous snake.

Gu Feng smiled inwardly, looked back at Bai Chen, looked at Bai Chen's icy appearance, pretended to think hard, and said: "I'm sorry, I really can't remember some ordinary people, and my brain is also Confusing enough."

"You!" Bai Chen never imagined that Gu Feng would be so sharp-tongued that he could speak to himself in one sentence, and he was a little speechless for a while.

"Bold Gu Feng, why don't you invite him for the truth, don't insult our Haoyue Academy!" Seeing that something was wrong, Haodi immediately shouted at Gu Feng, and directly put his big hat on it.

"I don't know Haodi Vice President, how do you know that I didn't tell the truth, I said that I can't remember some ordinary people, what's wrong with that?" Gu Feng immediately shot back.

"What a sharp-tongued boy, I wonder if you still remember your fiancée who divorced you?" The middle-aged man said coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone below looked at Gu Feng with amazed eyes. His fiancée divorced him. This has never happened before in the entire Wuling Continent. Gu Feng is really ashamed.

After hearing this, Haodi also looked at Gu Feng with a smile on his face. As long as he found a chance, he could directly expel Gu Feng from the academy.

"Hehehe, I finally remembered, Deacon Bai, right? Could it be that all of you Xuantianzong are a bunch of useless people who like to turn right and wrong, Bai Chen, right? Didn't you bring my divorce letter with you?" Go back?"

It's 15 words, and Yuzu is still working hard. Everyone who likes Xuanbing Wuzu, please vote for a recommendation ticket and bookmark it. Yuzu is very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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