Chapter 83 Combat
The Nuoda Arena is surrounded by crazy spectators, shouting and screaming, their eyes are full of ardor, they are passionate about the strong and cruel, they like bloody scenes, the more so they are It will become very exciting, and when their eyes saw a young man stepping into the arena, after a moment of stunned, a strong roar erupted immediately.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

This young man is naturally Gu Feng. Only when Gu Feng really stands in the arena can he experience the chill here. There is a disgusting smell of blood everywhere, because the blood is so heavy that the whole air becomes It became sticky.

Opposite Gu Feng was a strong man covered in blood, with some viscera left on his hands, extremely disgusting. At this time, the man was looking at Gu Feng with madness in his eyes.

"The competition has officially begun, let's cheer, for the god in your heart, let's cheer!" The majestic voice filled the entire arena, and at the same time, the already crazy audience around them became even more unscrupulous , all the spearheads are pointing at Gu Feng.

"Killed, killed him, cut open his stomach..."

At the moment when the majestic voice fell, the strong man opposite Gu Feng shot towards him, laughing continuously, acting recklessly.

Gu Feng's eyes also solidified, pointing to strength alone, this strong man's realm is obviously not as good as his own, but in terms of momentum, this strong man has already reached a high level, the kind of blood that is sticky, the kind that only has experience The murderous aura that can only be exuded without the tempering and fighting of iron and blood has already affected Gu Feng.

"This is murderous intent. Is this what the uncle wants me to look for here?" Gu Feng thought to himself.

While he was still thinking, the strong man's fist had already come to Gu Feng's face, with a bang, Gu Feng was completely punched in the face, caught off guard, Gu Feng was blown away by the strong man's punch.

"What a domineering punch. Although it doesn't have the strength of the profound realm, it is definitely a destructive punch. If I only have the strength of a martial artist, I'm afraid that I will be injured by a punch!"

I thought so in my heart, but there was no pain on Gu Feng's expression. On the contrary, his eyes were full of joy. The moment the strong man knocked Gu Feng into the air, the cheers of the surrounding audience reached a climax. The man said lightly, carry the coffin down, and prepare to deal with the funeral, then shook his head, and wanted to scratch Gu Feng's name with a pen.

Because, according to the experience of each of the challengers, the next thing the strong man in the first level has to do is to tear Gu Feng's body apart, but the man's pen is not yet ready, and there is a loud noise, followed by the whole competition There was a tremor in the field.

The man looked up with soft eyes, and frowned, obviously very dissatisfied with the big man making such a big noise, but when his eyes locked on the arena again, his originally soft and tired expression immediately became energetic.

There was also a look of surprise on his face. The scene in his mind did not appear. On the contrary, the strong man was stepped on by Gu Feng, and under the body of the big man was a huge pit. Of course the man knew the ground of the arena What is it used for? Ordinary warriors can't break through this ground. There is only one reason, and that is that the strength of this young man has already reached the Profound Realm.

But the young man named Gu Feng in front of him is obviously not over 20 years old, what does this mean for a strong man in the profound realm who is less than 20 years old?
And as a strong person in the Profound Realm, he still came to the arena, what exactly was he doing here?


Countless questions filled the man's mind in an instant. As one of the persons in charge of this arena, he had to find out Gu Feng's purpose. The loss of the field is too great.

At this time, Gu Feng's eyes were very cold, and his left foot firmly stepped on the face of the strong man. The strength was so great that the strong man couldn't move a single point.

The originally crazy audience around fell silent when they saw Gu Feng punching the strong man, but when they saw that Gu Feng's left foot had already stepped on the strong man's face, the surrounding audience burst into enthusiasm again The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The audience is cheering for Gu Feng.

"I think you can understand the rules of the arena. It's either you die or I die here. Unfortunately, I'm not the one who died." Gu Feng said coldly to the strong man.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of spiritual power gushed out, Gu Feng pressed down with his left foot, and the head of the strong man collapsed like a watermelon.


After seeing the strong man being trampled to death by Gu Feng, they immediately became crazy, cheering one after another, cheering for Gu Feng, crazy for Gu Feng, what they like is this kind of murderous person, and even some nobles have already The gold coin in his hand was thrown into the arena.

"In the first round, the challenger wins. Challenger, you can choose to continue to challenge, or you can choose to become the champion of the first level. After you win 49 games in a row, you can quit directly!" The majestic voice was heard by the strong man. After stepping on it, pianzi, Gu Feng, rang in his ears.

It turns out that this is the rule of this arena. As long as you have ambition, you can always challenge upwards, but the result of challenging upwards is that you will not know whether you will live or die. Of course, if you are willing to stay at this level and become the champion, you don't need Keep challenging, and as long as you can win 49 games, you can exit unscathed.

"Continue to challenge!" Gu Feng responded.

A moment later, a man full of hair stepped out from the arena. The hairs were like sharp thorns. His burly body was several times bigger than Gu Feng. When his eyes saw Gu Feng, he felt A strong disdain came out unreservedly, and he said lightly: "I really don't know, who are the masters of the first level now, how can even a brat pass!"

"Boy, I'm sorry to inform you that you will become my pierced meatloaf, and your internal organs will become my glory! Roar!" A deep voice came out of the strong man's mouth.

Before the majestic voice gave the command, the strong man rushed over. Obviously, this is not the first time or the second time he has flouted the rules of the arena. After all, as long as you can win, who will care what you use? method?

"Toxic!" Gu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, because of the fluctuation of spiritual power emanating from the air, Gu Feng could feel that the sharp thorns surrounding the strong man's body were highly poisonous.

Killing people with poison, and then pretending to kill them with their own strength, this man really has a deep plan to confuse the audience in the arena.The black gun on Gu Feng's back was already held in the white palm, the tip of the gun hit the ground, and it kept buzzing...

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(End of this chapter)

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