Chapter 96

Gu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Could it be that you still doubt your son!"

Indeed, what Gu Hao didn't expect was that his son Gu Feng actually killed Bai Chen and Huang Rou. Although he heard the reason Kuang Dao said at the beginning, Gu Hao never believed it and still thought about it. It should be some excuse for Crazy Saber.

An excuse to conspire with Gu Xuan and others.

But now when Gu Feng personally admitted it, Gu Hao was indeed shocked. A martial artist who was less than 20 years old, a martial artist who was bullied by his tribe a year ago and trampled them under his feet a year later, Gu Hao Wiping his eyes and swallowing, is this really my son?

As if seeing the thoughts in Gu Hao's heart, Gu Feng chuckled: "It's a fake."

Seeing Gu Feng's fiery eyes, Gu Hao was also deeply moved, and murmured: "Have you seen it, this is our child, he has grown up, if you let the people in your family know, you have How will those people feel about a son who has become a Profound Realm martial artist before the age of 20?"

Gu Feng replied: "Father, don't worry, I will go to Zhongzhou after the completion of this matter in the Western Realm. I think it will not be very far away. At that time, I will definitely find my mother!"

What Gu Feng hadn't finished talking about was my Bi'er.

Three days later.

Nuoda's practice field of the ancient clan seemed very deserted. Three days ago, it was full of people's voices, but now this Nuoda's practice field is not only depressed, but also depressed.

In three days, Gu Hao took the dozens of people who were rescued by Gu Feng. What's interesting is that these dozens of people were all men, and all the corpses were retrieved, and some smashed corpses were also spliced ​​together. Together, buried well.

Since Gu Feng was reading martial arts in the library of the ancient clan during the period, he didn't show up, so Gu Hao naturally had something important to announce when he summoned the remaining dozen or so people.

"Gu Feng, it's Gu Feng!"

"It's him. If it wasn't for him, we would have already become the souls of those sons of bitches who fell under the knife of the Xuantian sect."

"A year ago, I had ridiculed him, and I felt really guilty thinking about it."

When the shadows of Gu Hao and Gu Feng appeared on the Gu Clan's practice field, there were only a dozen or so people left, and they all discussed, but they didn't know that Gu Feng's current influence had vaguely surpassed that of his father, Gu Hao. .

"Everyone of the ancient clan, I, Gu Hao, am ashamed of you!" Standing on a high place, Gu Hao said with a look of guilt on his face, bowing his head.

There are no other rhetoric, the first sentence is to be ashamed of others!
A generation of families openly admitted their mistakes, and ordinary people really couldn't do it. Even Gu Feng was slightly moved, but his father was a generation of wise patriarchs.

Gu Hao's confession also made everyone on the field at a loss, why did the patriarch admit his mistake.

"If I hadn't hesitated again and again, I wouldn't have caused Gu Xuan and Gu He to conspire outside and collude with foreign races. I, Gu Hao, would be ashamed!" Gu Hao said quietly. The person exploded in an instant.

"What, the patriarch said that Gu He and Gu Xuan elders betrayed the ancient village?"



Gu Feng also stepped forward a few steps, and said loudly: "I think everyone still doesn't know that Gu Xuan wanted to become the patriarch for his own selfish desire, but he conspired with Xuantianzong to kill Gu Hao patriarch. Become the new patriarch, otherwise, how could Xuantianzong enter our clan so easily!"

"Yes! Yes! If it wasn't for the betrayal of someone in the clan, those beasts from Xuantianzong wouldn't have entered our clan so easily!" Gu Feng's current status has been infinitely magnified in the hearts of these dozen people, Naturally, what he said was immediately catered to. Of course, this is also inseparable from the resentment these people have towards Xuantianzong.

"Now our homeland has been destroyed, and our family members have also been killed. I, Gu Hao, would rather risk my ancestors' disobedience, and decide to let the ancient clan reappear in the eyes of the world. Are you willing?" Gu Hao asked.

Reappearing in the eyes of the world, because of the decline of the ancient clan, the ancestors of the ancient clan set a rule, that is, they cannot bring the ancient clan to the world without authorization, unless there is a strong person in the heavenly realm in the clan.

But right now, if they continue to hide, it may not be long before the Xuantian Sect will attack again, and at that time, it may really be destroyed.

"Okay, I, Gu Yuan, will be the first to agree!"

"Count me into Gu Qian!"



All the passionate young people supported Gu Hao, angry and passionate.

"But this will mean that you will walk out of this mountain, and you may be attacked by enemies, and your lives will be in danger because of this, are you afraid?" Gu Hao shouted.

"Not afraid!"

"Very good, you are indeed a man of my ancient clan. At the same time, I would like to announce one thing. From today onwards, there will be no such family of the ancient clan in Qing County, because our ancient clan will establish a new organization called Dark Night." Team!" Gu Hao shouted.

The dark night group, the name is naturally what Gu Feng and Gu Hao said, dark night dark night, to be quiet, this is also created by Gu Feng imitating the killer organization in the previous life.

At the beginning, after Gu Feng told Gu Hao about the idea in his heart, Gu Hao obviously refused to agree. After all, in Gu Hao's view, the killer is extremely cold, and Gu Hao is a righteous person in his heart. Gu's.

But Gu Feng told Gu Hao that this is not only a killer, but also an intelligence organization. The Dark Night Group, under the survival and darkness, holds every intelligence on the mainland.

More importantly, the current world is so chaotic that a new order is needed, only a new order can be peaceful, and what Gu Feng told Gu Hao was that he would be the master of establishing this new order.

Gu Hao was moved. He was persuaded by Gu Feng. Indeed, if he can grasp the information of every place in the whole continent, it will definitely be good news for him, and it will be much faster to find He Huan. .

Of course, if it is possible to establish a new order as Gu Feng said, that would be great.

"Patriarch, what is the Dark Night Group?"

"Dark Night Group, you will be covered by the night, you will infiltrate every part of the continent, you will become the eyes of the ancient race, you will become the most concealed weapon, but in this way, you will lose something, and you will lose something. If you lose your happy life, you will have an endless break, and it will be very hard, will you?"

These were the people who were happy and quiet in the ancient clan, but Xuantianzong ruined their family and blamed themselves for their lack of strength. Right now, Gu Hao's proposal immediately got everyone's consent.

"Yes!" The voice was magnificent.

"Okay!" Gu Hao said in a deep voice.

That is to say, since today, an organization that shocked the entire Wuling Continent was born, the Dark Night Group, which will also become a great help for Gu Feng's great achievements in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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