Chapter 162 Black Belt Elite Tournament

Looking at the phone dangling all the time, I was upset, so I simply stuffed it back into my pocket, and lay down on the table, in a bad mood.

Pointing to the table unconsciously, she heard the conversation of several people not far in front.

"Hey, have you heard? The final result of yesterday's Black Belt Classic." A boy waved his hand excitedly and said to the two people next to him.

"Black Belt Classic? Isn't the president of our school's karate club going to participate?"

"It seems to be called Gao Tianze!" One of them thought for a long time before he came up with the name, and this person was not very famous in school.

Xia Yunmo closed his eyes, and frowned slightly when he heard the name.

Black Belt Classic?

She remembered that this was Gao Tianze's dream. He used to practice day and night for this competition, which made her a lot of appointments.

I didn't expect the game to start yesterday, time flies so fast!But it's none of her business anymore, she turned over and continued to doze off.

The two people in the narration chattered about how powerful the Black Belt Classic is and what kind of people can participate. Suddenly, someone yelled, and the people next to him were startled. Even Xia Yunmo on the table was startled.

Just as she was about to open her eyes in displeasure and remind them to be gentle, a word exploded in her ears.

"Don't you know? Gao Tianze didn't go to the competition."

"噗——" Xia Yunmo's eyes immediately opened, staring intently at the boy who spoke.

The boy wore a pair of glasses, was of medium build, and chattered endlessly, which disturbed her several times.But at this moment, Xia Yunmo hoped that he could say more.

The few people next to him also looked curious and pushed him, hoping to know the reason.

The boy proudly pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, twitched his mouth, looked around, then lowered his head and whispered into their ears, "I heard that Gao Tianze was disqualified."

"What! Disqualification?!"

"Hush!" The boy wearing glasses quickly pulled down the head of the person who was yelling: "Keep your voice down, I overheard this from the principal."

"You??" Everyone expressed disdain. What kind of person is he, and he can eavesdrop on news from the principal?Fool them!Began to doubt the credibility of this news.

The man with glasses struggled for a moment, then resigned himself to his fate and said, "A few days ago I burned down the school's tree, and I will go to the principal to be punished."

"Ah?" Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, "So you burned that tree!"

There is an old cherry blossom tree in the school, but most of it was burned down a few days ago. The school radio notified several times to let the person surrender, and finally adjusted the monitoring 
Unexpectedly, the murderer is right in front of us!
"Oh! I'm talking about the black belt classic now!" The man with glasses interrupted them, he shouldn't get angry and expose himself!

"Okay, okay, say it, say it!"

"Well" pushed the glasses again, and then spread his hands: "No, that's all I know."

"I'll go--" one of them couldn't help but say, what kind of gossip is this, it's simply tantalizing.

Glancing at him, he patted his shoulder: "Tell us, how did you burn that tree."

The man with glasses: " " wants to cry but has no tears.

Xia Yunmo, who had been listening to their conversation, frowned. Although their speech was messy, she still heard the most crucial sentence, which was 'Gao Tianze was disqualified from entering the Black Belt Classic'.

What exactly is going on?

 Four chapters in a row, the manuscript has been updated!I'm naked again! ! !

  Let me see if I can explode it on May [-]st, haha~~~
  If you are happy, ask for a reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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