Bamboo horse is about to go wild: Qingmei is so ashamed to run!

Chapter 175 The girl from 'Strange'

Chapter 175 The girl from 'Strange'
"A girl doesn't mind a boy having a girl he likes because she doesn't think she's good enough for him."

"Being able to see him is the happiest thing for a girl."

"Later, the adoptive father was imprisoned for stealing alcohol and beating someone to death by mistake. That day was the most celebrated day in the girl's life. She ran to tell the boy that she thought the boy would be happy for her, but he just She nodded, and under the girl's persecution, she knew that the boy was unhappy because of the girl named 'Mo'."

"The boy originally planned to confess to the person he liked, but found out that there was another man beside her. The boy was very sad, but the girl stayed with him and comforted him, and finally they had a second relationship."

"The boy's family is well-off, and he asked his parents to sponsor the girl to go to junior high school and high school. She didn't dare to expect anything from the boy, but just hoped to stay by his side all the time, and just silently guard him."

"But God still didn't take care of her, the girl named 'Mo' still appeared!" Speaking of this, Li Yueyin took a hard look at Xia Yunmo, and Xia Yunmo's veins on her temples were throbbing. .

Why are you looking at her like that?She didn't know Gao Tianze before.

Xia Yunmo felt a little unnatural, and said dryly, "Continue."

"On the day when he entered high school, the boy hugged the girl and said he was very happy, because that girl appeared in his life again, but he didn't know what to do, because the boy beside her became better, not everyone It can be compared. All the boys will become a thorn in the eye of the good boy, he said that he has a very painful life, and he is in dire straits every day. Until one day the good boy came to him."

Li Yueyin pulled back from her long thoughts, and looked at the frowning person.

"Xia Yunmo, isn't this your plan? It's your skill to deal with two men!" Li Yueyin's tone was sharp and mean, with a hint of chill, looking at Xia Yunmo with hatred in his eyes.

Only then did Xia Yunmo come to his senses, "You mean that girl named 'Mo' is me? How is that possible!"

Xia Yunmo couldn't help laughing: "The story you made up is too exaggerated. I didn't know Gao Tianze at all before."

"Just because you don't know Gao Tianze, doesn't mean Gao Tianze doesn't know you!" Xia Yunmo was speechless with a sharp sentence.

She opened her mouth, but didn't say a word.But the suspicion in my heart is getting bigger and bigger.

"Shenglan Junior High School, you were in Class 4 back then, and Tianze is only one floor away from you!" A simple sentence shattered all the impossibilities in Xia Yunmo's heart.

Shenglan Junior High School and Shengyan High School are schools under the same group name, and there is also Shengming Primary School corresponding to it.

And she was indeed in Class 4 back then, but she didn't expect that Gao Tianze, who was a year older than her, would bump into a building with her!

At the beginning, she and Yan Junyi were in the same class, Yan Junyi hardly gave her any chance to communicate with other boys, and would get tired of being with her every day.

It's normal not to know that Gao Tianze is there, because she doesn't even know about some boys in their own class, let alone upstairs!
Li Yueyin's words seemed to stir up a turmoil in Xia Yunmo's heart, thinking that she asked Yan Junyi to help her chase Gao Tianze before... 
As a result, she entered the karate club smoothly the next day without any requirements 
"It was Yan Junyi who asked me to join the karate club?" Xia Yunmo stood up, she couldn't calm down, although she didn't know what method Yan Junyi used, but it was she who begged Yan Junyi to find Gao Tianze!
(End of this chapter)

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