Chapter 195 Planet Xiluo
These sarcasm words made Circe's heart sink severely.What should come is finally here!

Wiping away the tears from his face, his raised face was full of determination: "Father, as long as you are willing to resurrect that child, I am willing to return to Planet Xiluo with you."

She didn't continue to kneel down, but stood up and looked in a certain direction. She didn't move her lips, but the voice was extremely loud, sonorous and powerful, every word!

Xia Yunmo fell to the ground in surprise, such a mother was strange to her.Who is she? !
"Heh~" A mocking taunt swirled around, and the thick voice struck again: "Cersi, return to Ciro? You think highly of yourself! Ever since you gave birth to this evil seed, you have long been cut off from Ciro!"

"If you want to come back, you can't control yourself!"

Circe's face remained unchanged, and he clenched his fists tightly, trying his best to restrain his faintly trembling legs.

"No, you will let me go back." She turned her head confidently, and stared in another direction, sonorously: "Because I am the most talented witch in Ciro, and I am the daughter of your night devil! The whole Ciro The future queen of the planet."

That air of arrogance and uprightness arose without wind, and even the surrounding flowers and plants couldn't help but bend their waists, wanting to pay respects.

Xia Yunmo fell on all fours, but his whole body seemed to be sucked out of anger, his face was almost transparent, and he looked at the person whose back was facing her.
Her mother turned out to be a witch.Is this too ridiculous?
Before she could figure out whether it was reality or her own imagination, anger was hidden in that originally mocking voice.

"You still know it's my daughter! If so, you would have left your only family member behind? Eloped with that humble human, and gave birth to this bastard!" As soon as Xia Yunmo finished speaking, Xia Yunmo only felt the surroundings were cold, feeling A pair of eyes watched her invisible.

She huddled into a ball, but the trembling appearance provoked a burst of laughter from the night demon: "Look, human beings."


"I beg you, Father, don't care about the child." After a pause, the sadness in his tone could not be concealed: "I am willing to go back with you, and guarantee with my life that I will never meet this child forever."

"Mom—" Xia Yunmo screamed, she really wanted to say: Stop filming, let's go back quickly.
"Your life is useless to me, I want her!" Before Xia Yunmo could recover, his neck tightened, and a bloody smell emerged from his throat.

This time she didn't even have the chance to speak, but at the moment of life and death, she was not afraid, those clear big eyes were no longer confused, there was a golden light shining in them, shining brightly, like a pair of golden eyes, shocking others!

A pair of looming golden wings swayed behind the back, and it was fleeting.

At this time, the golden eyes reflected a person who was covered in black Taoist robes and held a Nine-Dragon Profound Staff, whose face could not be seen clearly.

Meeting those eyes, the man was taken aback for a moment, then let go of his hand after thinking about something.

"Pfft—" Once he was relieved, the blood in his throat could no longer be restrained from gushing out.

"Xiaomo!" Circe glanced at her daughter worriedly, her panic was palpable.

"I don't need to kill her, but I can't tolerate the puppet you created!" Furious, thunderbolt broke out.Circe opened her eyes wide and murmured, "No, no."

Then a person flew past on the bright avenue, and stood straight not far from Circe.

"No, no," she raised her foot and wanted to walk towards that person, but even though she tried her best, she was still spinning around in place.

When that person appeared, Xia Yunmo's eyes had already widened, and he opened his mouth to spurt out another mouthful of blood.

 Preview of the next episode: Resurrection of Yan Junyi!
  do you know?When a lot of people are asking me whether Yan Junyi is dead or not.

  I really want to be honest and say dead, but...

  But then it came back to life...

  Really, I dare not give you a clear answer, otherwise it would be so boring... Wow Kaka――

(End of this chapter)

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