Chapter 206 Serving Mother-in-law

However, it was a surprise to be able to exchange the eldest son for three years of comfortable life. After coming out of Concubine Min's tent, Yin Xiang couldn't wait to share the good news with Yi Rao.

"Three years, should be enough, right?" Yi Rao was beating a small drum in her heart, a little uncertain, the time-traveling women next to her were all litters of twins and triplets, how could it be impossible for her to come here?Not to mention one litter after another, there is not even a single one.

"Even if we don't have children by then, let's think of other ways. Soldiers will come and flood the water and soil. There will always be a way. Don't worry, I will do what I promise you." Yin Xiang patted Yi Rao on the shoulder, Give her encouragement and show determination by the way.

"What do you promise me? Don't always be like this. It's like a curse. I hope you want to do it from your heart, not because you promised me." I really love her to the bottom of my heart, and other women are even He wouldn't even glance at him when he was naked and lying in front of him.This kind of thing happens naturally, not deliberately.

Two people who love each other guard their bodies like jade, which is the most basic requirement in love.

"I know, I know, I'm not afraid that you won't believe my promise, that's why I said that." Yinxiang quickly explained.

Seeing Yin Xiang's eager look, Yi Rao smiled and nodded, which seemed to agree with Yin Xiang's explanation.

Although Concubine Min expressed that she would let Yi Rao go for the time being, she still had to command Yi Rao when she was supposed to. Who made Yi Rao act so small and strong, and after fanning for an entire afternoon, her complexion was as usual without any signs of fatigue.Since Yi Rao didn't cry out that she was tired, Concubine Min pretended not to know, and kept Yi Rao in front of her to serve her.

As soon as Concubine Min called Yi Rao to come over, Hua Honghong sent someone to call Yin Xiang. Yin Xiang wanted to save Yi Rao, but was worried that the more he defended Yi Rao, the more Concubine Min would be angry. , he was outside the carriage, and Yi Rao was inside the carriage, and he couldn't open the curtain to enter without Concubine Min's permission. Hey, it would be sad to say too much.

But with the little white dragon, Yi Rao didn't feel tired, but she was a little annoyed. Concubine Min didn't like her, and she was full of anger when she saw her. How could she like Concubine Min? Whenever she saw Concubine Min's smile With the expression in her eyes, she always felt chilly.

There is also Niu Hulushi, this scheming and powerful time-traveling girl, Yilao feels that Niu Hulushi and Concubine Min are together, always discussing how to abuse her,  ̄□ ̄||She has actually been raped Persecution delusions.

This day, Yi Rou was called by Concubine Min to chat again, she said it was a chat, but she was just serving Concubine Min.When Yirao went, Concubine Min was playing Go with Niu Hulu. Yirao didn't know much about Go until now. Seeing Concubine Min and Niu Hulu playing seriously, she sat at the door of the carriage and lifted her hands from time to time. The door curtain looks at the scenery on the road.

Seeing that Yi Rao was quite comfortable sitting alone at the door, Concubine Min smiled and said, "Rao'er, come get a glass of water."

Yi Rao hastily answered yes, got up and knelt by the kang table and poured Concubine Min a cup of tea, Concubine Min took a sip, saw a bunch of red grapes on the kang table, and said, "Raoer , Peel a few grapes for Er Niang to eat."

Grapes are not as ripe as grapes, and the skin can be peeled off directly. Even if the grapes need to be peeled, they have to be peeled a little bit. This kind of work should usually be done by the person who eats it.But since Concubine Min has spoken, Yi Rao can only obediently follow suit, she agrees, picks up a grape and peels it carefully, after peeling it, she hands it to Concubine Min's mouth, Concubine Min slowly opens her mouth to eat.

After eating five or six grapes, Concubine Min shook her head to express that enough was enough, seeing Yi Rao sitting at the door of the carriage again, Concubine Min smiled and said, "Rao'er, your birthday is coming, what gift did Yin Xiang prepare for you? "

Yi Rao's birthday is the ninth day of September, so there is only half a month left.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Min would ask this, Yi Rao was stunned for a moment before replying, "I don't know, Lord Thirteen didn't say anything." Yin Xiang wanted to surprise her, and always took out presents on her birthday. Who knows what Yinxiang is going to give.

"Yinxiang loves you so much, it should be the most precious thing." Concubine Min began to smile on the surface again, the smile only remained on the face, not reaching the eyes.

"It doesn't matter if it's expensive or not. What's important is your heart." Yi Rao pretended not to understand Concubine Min's smile, still innocent.

The word Xinyi hurt Concubine Min's heart. What she hated the most was Yinxiang's infatuation with Yirao, and what she was most dissatisfied with was Yinxiang's heart and soul for Yirao, which almost made her feel like this. Er Niang completely forgot about it!

A surge of anger rose in her heart, Concubine Min smiled and said, "That's true, everyone in the capital knows Yinxiang's love for you."

Yi Rao was silent and said nothing.

Concubine Min continued, "Don't sit at the door, it's windy and dusty, come and sit next to Er Niang, and watch Er Niang and Niu Hulu play chess."

"My daughter-in-law doesn't know how to play chess." With that said, Yi Rao obediently sat down beside the kang table.

"It's been so many years, but I haven't made any progress at all." Concubine Min recalled the time when she taught Yi Rao to play Go, because she was reprimanded by the Queen Mother for this. up.

"My daughter-in-law is stupid, but she can barely understand, and she can do a few tricks." Concubine Min almost said that she was stupid, and Yi Rao quickly explained, worrying that Concubine Min's anger would add to her anger and find fault with her.

"Hey, with your temperament, if your child follows you in the future..." Even though she knew that Yi Rao was not born stupid, Concubine Min was still a little worried. If Yi Rao was so stupid, her grandson would not be taught by Yi Rao in the future.

Seeing that Concubine Min wanted to attack personally, Yi Rao hurriedly said, "My child is sure, follow Master Thirteen, smart, well-behaved, and filial."

"It's not necessarily true, maybe there is cleverness, but it's not enough to be obedient and filial." Concubine Min obviously had something to say.

Yi Rao pretended not to understand, followed Concubine Min's words and said, "If you're not obedient and filial, let Master Thirteen teach you."

"A son follows his father. If his Ama is not obedient and follows others, how can he be obedient?"

Concubine Min was about to say that Yin Xiang was not filial, but Yi Rao pretended not to understand, and said, "If you are disobedient, hit me."

"Hehehehe, it really is Rao'er. I like fists and kicks, and it's the same with children."

Yi Rao was terrified by Concubine Min's heck, she forced out a sweet smile and didn't answer.

Yi Rao smiled sweetly, but Concubine Min was heartbroken. If it wasn't for this face, how could Yi Rao be loved by Empress Dowager Kangxi?She glanced at Yirao carefully, and Concubine Min looked at Niu Hulu again, seeing that Niu Hulu's face was smooth and tender enough to pinch water, she said, "Raoer, what kind of rouge powder do you usually use?" ? Niu Hulu Gege, what are you using?"

(End of this chapter)

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