Supreme Chef

Chapter 1008 Wan Ling Tong

Chapter 1008 Wan Ling Tong (2)

The attack just now came very suddenly, if it wasn't for the fact that Lin Mu's spiritual sense was different from ordinary people, then Lin Mu and Gu Xuan would have been robbed just now.

Regarding the attack just now, Lin Mu was also completely angry.

Lin Mu went to look for the person who attacked him, but Lin Mu didn't see the person, but saw two huge eyeballs.

"This is……"

Looking at the two huge eyeballs in the sky, Lin Shu couldn't help being surprised.

Gu Xuan hugged Lin Mu tightly, and said, "The eyes of little daddy are so terrifying, I'm afraid!"

Lin Mu patted Gu Xuan on the back, and then summoned the Blood Spirit Dragon.

The forest has a chaotic world, although it cannot bring people, but there is no problem with the bloody spirit dragon.

Lin Mu explained to Xue Linglong, "You protect Gu Xuan, and I will deal with those eyes."

Xue Linglong nodded, and let Gu Xuan lie on his back.

The blood spirit dragon may not be able to beat people, but the blood spirit dragon can run, and with the strength of the blood spirit dragon at this time, the average ascension level monk is really no match for the blood spirit dragon.

"Little dad, be careful, I feel those eyes are very weird." Gu Xuan said to Lin Mu worriedly.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Xuanxuan, don't worry, Dad will be fine."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu also looked at the pair of eyes on the opposite side, and said: "People of the Wanyao Sect should stop hiding behind and pretend to be ghosts. I didn't expect that your Wanlingtong has been sacrificed to such a degree. There is only one thing missing." Lingtong will succeed."

These eyes are obviously the Wanling Pupils sacrificed by the Wanyaomen. The Wanyaomen originally planned to send experts to capture Gu Xuan directly after Lin Shu entered the trial ground, and then gouged out Gu Xuan's eyes.

But what they didn't expect was that Lin Mu actually brought Gu Xuan into the trial ground, which completely ruined their plan.

So they can only temporarily change the plan, and have people bring Wanlingtong into the trial ground, and directly complete the sacrifice of Wanlingtong in the trial ground.

Now that Lin Mu had seen through it, the two who were controlling Wan Lingtong also came out.

These are two very powerful big demons, one young and one old. Obviously, the young one obtained the quota through his own strength. As for the old one, he naturally obtained such a quota through quota trading.

Wan Yao Sect would not spend such a large price to buy a quota, but the control of Wan Lingtong by one person always made the Yao King feel uneasy, so he spent a lot of money to buy a quota, so that a person from Wan Yao Sect Old Antique, who hadn't left the gate for many years, entered with this genius of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, vowing to kill Lin Shu and capture Gu Xuan's spiritual pupil at the same time.

"Hand over your and her spiritual pupils, and I'll let you leave, otherwise, you don't want to leave today." The great demon from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, who hadn't left the gate for many years, looked at Lin Mu and said suspiciously.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said: "Your Wanyaomen are really haunted, it seems that after the matter here is over, I need to go to Nanyanzhou, your Wanyaomen's territory, and settle down with your Wanyaomen. It's settled."

The genius boy from Wanyaomen said: "Lin Mu, don't be too arrogant. You killed my elder Wanyaomen and my younger brother. Today is your death day."

"I'll kill your brother? You're not an earth snake, are you?" Lin Mu looked at the genius boy and said.

When the genius boy heard Lin Mu comparing himself to an earth snake, he was about to explode.

However, he was stopped by the old demon and said: "Lin Mu, you can't escape today. The demon king asked us to bring Wanlingtong just to kill you completely, so if you still want a glimmer of life, Just cooperate obediently, and the old man can decide to let you survive."

Lin Mu looked at the two eyeballs on the opposite side, and said: "Actually, I think I should thank you, thank you for bringing this Wanling Pupil to my daughter, my daughter happens to have no decent magic weapon, these two Wanling Pupils, just right It can be used by her."

"Little Daddy Xuanxuan, why don't you want this disgusting thing?" Xuanxuan was frightened when she looked at these two eyeballs, how could she accept it.

Lin Mu said: "Silly boy, as long as you have these two eyeballs, you can quickly learn whatever Dad teaches you."

"Really?" Gu Xuan's eyes lit up when she heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Of course it's true."

The two demons on the opposite side, seeing that Lin Mu didn't take them seriously at all, but was explaining the benefits of Wanlingtong to his daughter, immediately changed their colors.

"Lin Mu, you are too rampant, even if that is the case, the old man will accept you today, and let you come to this Wanlingtong blood sacrifice!"

After finishing speaking, the old demon also directly controlled Wan Lingtong, and shot out the light of destruction, trying to kill the trees.

Lin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he saw the destructive light emitted by Wan Lingtong.

Lin Mu only knew before that Wan Lingtong had a heaven-defying function, that is, to quickly learn and copy the opponent's moves. He did not expect that Wan Lingtong's attack power would be so amazing if it was used to attack.

Lin Shu dodged to the side, and the destructive light swept across, directly causing a peak behind Lin Mu to collapse.

Seeing such power, Lin Mu secretly clicked his tongue in his heart.

"Lin Mu, kill my brother, today I will avenge my brother!" The young genius of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect attacked again after the old demon attacked, and the same destructive light swept across.

Lin Shu didn't dare to shake it hard, so he could only dodge again, and the same mountain collapsed directly.

"The power of the Wanling Pupil is so great. No wonder there were rumors that a creature who had mastered the Wanling Pupil had committed endless murders." Taoist Guang was also secretly surprised.

Lin Mu continued to dodge, but did not choose to fight head-on. The Wanling Tong was so powerful that Lin Mu did not dare to confront it head-on.

But after avoiding several times in a row, Lin Mu also discovered something.

I don't know if it's because the Wanling pupil has not been perfected, or because of other reasons, the two eyeballs can't attack at the same time.And even if they attack separately, there will be a few breaths of time between the two eyeballs. Although this interval is very short, it is completely enough for Lin Shu.

"Aren't you crazy, Lin Mu? Killed my younger brother alive and shared the food, why do you only know how to dodge blindly today!" The young genius of Wan Yaomen sneered contemptuously.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, then suddenly his figure flashed, and said: "Then I will do as you wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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