Supreme Chef

Chapter 1010 Elixir Planet

Chapter 1010 Elixir Planet
Gu Xuan nodded obediently, and then Lin Mu also began to help Gu Xuan integrate and refine Wanling Tong.

In fact, Lin Mu is also very much looking forward to what kind of power the truly complete Wanlingtong will have.

The fusion process went very smoothly. Although it was a little painful, Gu Xuan was very strong and persisted through gritting her teeth.

After the fusion was completed, it actually directly attracted the sky-defying Thunder Tribulation.

Lin Mu looked at the robbery cloud above the sky, and was shocked in his heart. This Myriad Lingtong is actually a magic weapon. In the early stage of a magic weapon, it has not fully released its power, and it has attracted the sky-defying thunder and robbery. It can be seen that this magic weapon should have How outrageous.

"Xuanxuan, you concentrate on refining Wanlingtong, and Dad will deal with the catastrophe for you!" Lin Mu said.

He is very experienced in dealing with the Heavenly Tribulation Lin Mu. Although this Heavenly Tribulation is against the sky, it is still a little worse than Lin Mu's alien Heavenly Tribulation.

Besides, Lin Mu's face is not afraid of thunder, let alone the catastrophe.

An hour later, Lin Mu helped Gu Xuan successfully blast away the Heavenly Tribulation, and Gu Xuan's refinement also went extremely smoothly.


After the final fusion stage was completed, two colorful lights burst out from Gu Xuan's eyes.

Although the rays of light looked very beautiful, their power was astonishing. Two rays of light rushed out, directly vaporizing a mountain a hundred miles away.

Seeing the tottering Gu Xuan, Lin Mu hurried up to support her. Looking at Gu Xuan's pale face, Lin Mu also quickly took out a pill to feed Gu Xuan.

The elixir entered the mouth, and it immediately turned into a billowing real essence, instantly supplementing the deficiency in Gu Xuan's body.

Seeing Gu Xuan wake up quietly, Lin Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your current cultivation level is still low, you can't just use Wan Ling Tong's ability casually, you know?" Lin Mu told Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan stuck out her tongue mischievously, and said: "Little daddy Xuanxuan knew it was wrong, Xuanxuan was just curious about the ability of this Wanlingtong, she didn't expect it would require so much energy, it almost killed Xuanxuan."

After Lin Mu told Gu Xuan again, he also asked, "Xuanxuan, do you have any discomfort?"

Gu Xuan blinked her more vivid eyes, and then said: "There is nothing uncomfortable, I feel very good."

Lin Mudao: "Xuanxuan's Wanlingtong is capable of emitting a destructive light, what other abilities does it have?"

Gu Xuan said confusedly: "I'm not too sure, my mind is so confused now, I feel that it seems to be able to do many things, but I don't know exactly what it can do."

After all, Gu Xuan is still young, and her cultivation is too superficial. Even if Gu Xuan knows many abilities of Wan Lingtong now, she may not be able to use them. It will take time.

"Little Dad, I saw a lot of strange veins in front of my eyes. These veins seem to lead in one direction." Gu Xuan said to Lin Mu with her little hands open.

After listening to Gu Xuan's words, Lin Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "This thread may be the thread of the first level, and the place it leads to may be the teleportation array, Xuan Xuan, you take Dad and go find it." Teleportation array!"

Gu Xuan took Lin Mu's hand and said, "Okay! I can finally help Dad."

Lin Mu was looking for the direction of the teleportation array in the first pass, and in the Wanyao Gate of Nanyanzhou, the face of the demon king was already extremely pale.

"Jiao Fei and the Supreme Elder are all dead, Wan Lingtong may have fallen into Lin Mu's hands, and he may even have helped that Gu Xuan refine the real Wan Lingtong!" The demon king's tone was cold, not With any tinge of emotion.

The big demons below were all silent. This time Wan Yaomen really lost their wife and lost their soldiers. Not only did they fail to bring Gu Xuan back, but they also fulfilled Gu Xuan, allowing Gu Xuan to have a real Wanling pupil. .

"At all costs, I will take Wan Lingtong back!" The demon king clenched his fists tightly and said in a ruthless tone.

"Yes! Demon King!"

The big monsters below did not dare to neglect, and responded quickly.Wanling Tong had consumed too much manpower and material resources of Wanyaomen. This was the result of the joint efforts of several generations of Wanyaomen, but at this time, a child was cheaper. How could the Yaowang swallow this breath.


On the big star of the first level, although Gu Xuan was leading the way, but because the star was too huge, Lin Mu walked for a month, but he still didn't reach the teleportation array.

Although they did not reach the teleportation array, Lin Mu and Gu Xuan were in danger several times during this period.

This first level is completely a Jedi, there are almost no valuable elixir and spiritual herbs, but there are many mutated monsters and monsters, and most of them are monsters and monsters that live in groups.

Another two months passed, and Lin Mu and Gu Xuan finally arrived at the teleportation array.

Looking at the slowly rotating teleportation array in the void, Lin Shu clicked his tongue again.

Because if you want to activate this teleportation array, what you need is not a spirit stone, but a spirit vein.

If you want to use it once, you need a low-grade spiritual vein.

A low-grade spirit vein is almost all it needs for a small sect, but here, the teleportation array can only be used once.

It can also be seen from this, how far the teleportation array should travel.

But no matter how much it costs, Lin Shu has to leave here.It's too dangerous here.

The teleportation array was activated, Lin Mu hugged Gu Xuan, and also walked onto the teleportation array.

After seven days of running around in the teleportation formation, Lin Mu and Gu Xuan also appeared on the big star in the second level.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation formation, a refreshing medicinal fragrance rushed to his face.

"This is the ninth-grade spiritual grass Xingluo grass!" Lin Mu looked at the grass growing on the edge of the teleportation formation, which were all ninth-grade spiritual grass, and was a little shocked.

"If I had known this was a planet full of elixir, I would have gone directly to the second level. Why did I suffer in the first level!" Lin Mu also cursed in his heart.

But this can't be blamed on Lin Mu. After all, he knows too little about the ancient starry sky road. Although Taoist Guang has entered, the place where Taoist Guang appeared was the eighth level, so he naturally doesn't know the luck ahead.

And if Lin Mu hadn't been honed in the first level, he probably wouldn't be able to master the fourth cut of Sky Splitting, nor would he be able to obtain the Myriad Spiritual Eyes.

Facing the elixir here, Lin Mu is also not polite, and directly picks it by hand. The quality of the elixir here is excellent, and the year is also very good. Lin Mu is now a ninth-rank alchemist.

Although there are many ninth-grade elixir in the realm of comprehension, they are limited and cannot be compared with those on this planet. When Lin Shu comes here, he will naturally not let go of such an opportunity.

Lin Mu was harvesting wildly all the way, and a month later, Lin Mu was numb after seeing the ninth-grade elixir. In the chaotic world, there were already ten medicine houses to grow the ninth-grade elixir.

Even the fruit that Gu Xuan gnawed at this time was the ninth-grade spiritual fruit, the Heavenly Dragon Fruit.But to Lin Mu's slight disappointment, although the ninth-grade elixir is hidden here, there is no fairy medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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