Supreme Chef

Chapter 1018 Playing Yin

Chapter 1018 Playing Yin (2)

Lin Mu's roar obviously broke the unity of the 12 members of the first echelon.

"You've already got the things, let's lead us out." It was the master of the Ye family who spoke. Obviously, their small group was completely broken because of Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu also kept his word, transmitted the sound to everyone, and led them to break the formation all the way until they left the natural illusion formation.

After leaving this natural phantom formation, no one did anything to the trees.

Obviously because of Lin Mu's words just now, everyone is already afraid of each other.

Of course, the more important thing is that no one is sure that he can take down Lin Shu with one blow, and if he is injured by Lin Shu's counterattack, then he is likely to die before Lin Shu.

Although the 12 people continued to walk ahead, they had already begun to fear each other.

At this time, Lin Mu was no longer acting alone, but walked in the second echelon with Nan Shuang, always keeping a certain distance from the people in front.

"You already knew how to break the formation?" Nanshuang asked Lin Mu via voice transmission.

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "The eye of the formation is indeed the entire star, which is impossible for us to decipher. I just used this formation to deduce how to leave."

"Could it be that your formation skills have reached the level of an immortal formation master?" Nan Shuang looked at Lin Mu curiously.

Formation attainments have little to do with cultivation, so Lin Mu's formation cultivation has indeed reached the level of an immortal formation master, otherwise, Lin Mu really couldn't get out of the phantom formation of the natural immortal formation level.

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "Barely considered a master of the immortal array."

When Nan Shuang heard Lin Mu's affirmative answer, her eyes widened.For Lin Mu, the shock she brought was too much.

Nanshuang really doubted how the tree cultivated.Not to mention that his cultivation base is so high, and he is still a ninth-rank alchemist, and he may even be the only immortal array master in the cultivation world.

The two followed the crowd and walked for a while, when Nan Shuang suddenly said, "Actually, you shouldn't have come."

Lin Mu squinted at Nanshuang, and then Nanshuang said: "You offended the Four Great Emperor Sects, do you think they can live in peace with you like this?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Impossible. I also suspect that those four idiots are so quiet. If they don't do anything, I can't find a reason to kill them."

Nan Shuang shook his head and said, "I admit that you are very strong, but if four of them make a move, you may not be the opponent, and each of them has a fairy weapon on their body."

Nan Shuang paused, and said: "Besides the four of them, I think the geniuses of the four ancient families also wanted you to die, but now they are all in peace with you, obviously they have reached some kind of agreement. They should really wait for an opportunity that will prevent you from escaping, and then get rid of you."

Lin Mu nodded and said: "I know. They know that I master the rules of speed and space, and they will definitely find a safe place to kill me, but I think so too, and I also want to find a safe place to kill them. "

Nan Shuang looked at Lin Mu, really didn't know Lin Mu, where did he come from with confidence, and wanted to get rid of so many geniuses in one fell swoop.

After walking for a while, Lin Mu said, "Do you think Bai Yan would be so kind as to lead us to find the ancient road to the fairy world?"

When Nanshuang heard Lin Mu's question, she was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head, and said, "I don't know either. Everyone knows about some of the Bai family's actions, but this is an opportunity to leave the cultivation world, not just for us , but also for the sect behind us. And for us five emperors, we must leave the cultivation world and go to the fairy world to tell the sects in the fairy world what happened in the cultivation world and let them find a way to open the channel."

After listening to Nan Shuang's words, Lin Mu couldn't help but frown. If the people in the fairy world really have a way to open the channel, then the most dangerous person may be himself.

Although it has been so long, the Immortal Realm may have known about the blockade of the Cultivation Realm, but if these emperors find the ancient road to the Immortal Realm, and if they really enter the Immortal Realm, then the Emperor Sect of the Immortal Realm is likely to follow Follow the direction they came from, and then return here in the opposite direction, and even enter the cultivation world.At that time, I am afraid that I am really in danger.

"They must be stopped!" Lin Mu secretly made up his mind that he must stop them from finding the ancient road to the fairy world.

Everyone quickly found the teleportation array according to the map, and the two groups got together, passed the teleportation array together, and went to the next place.

The brilliance of the teleportation array flickered, and everyone appeared on a planet again, but this planet was full of vitality and dense vegetation.


Before everyone could stand still, there was a rumbling sound like thunder, and then everyone saw ancient trees that were hundreds of feet tall in the distance, and they were crushed one after another.

"Ninth level ghost wolf!"

Everyone is not an ordinary person, so they immediately saw what knocked over these towering ancient trees.

The Nether Wolf is the most ferocious and bloodthirsty existence among spirit beasts.They are ferocious, cunning, and live in groups. Generally, a medium-sized wolf pack, even if it is only level seven, can kill a master of Ascension Realm.

There are at least 1000 wolves rushing over now, and all of them are at the ninth level, and the two leading hills laugh loudly, their fur glowing with golden light, obviously, they are the existence of the peak of the ninth level who have lived for an unknown amount of time.

Although all the people present were the best of the best, they all changed colors in the face of such a group of nine-level wolves.

"We can't deal with such a pack of wolves individually, how about we join forces?" Bai Yan said with a serious face.


After Bai Yan finished speaking, everyone nodded, even Lin Mu also nodded.

Such a powerful pack of wolves, if placed in the realm of comprehension, would definitely destroy any Nine-Star Sect, even the Emperor Sect would be half-crippled by their impact.

"We have a total of fourteen people, three of us are guarding one side, and Lin Mu and Nanshuang are the backup support. Now is not the time for us to be suspicious of each other. If it doesn't work out, we have to explain it here, so everyone, please work together!" Bai Bai Yan said.

Everyone has no opinion on this point. This is indeed not the time to be suspicious. Such a pack of wolves, if they fail, they will indeed have to explain it here.

Naturally, Lin Mu and Nanshuang had no objections. Anyway, they are just backups, and it is not certain whether they can be used.

The pack of wolves approached very quickly. Apart from being cunning and bloodthirsty, the Nether Wolves were extremely fast.The general cultivation world is no match for the Nether Wolves at all.

(End of this chapter)

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