Supreme Chef

Chapter 1020 Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf

Chapter 1020 Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf
Bai Yan and the others intentionally let these ghost wolves come over, obviously intending to kill Lin Mu and Nanshuang, even if they couldn't kill them, they were obviously planning to seriously injure them both.

A bit of murderous intent flashed in Lin Mu's eyes, and then suddenly he threw out a heavy punch, which was the Wuhuang Fist fused with Dao Fist.


The wolf king was directly blown away by the trees. At the same time, all the bones of the two front legs of the legs were also broken, and almost half of the bones on his body were broken.

"It's now."

Lin Mu transmitted the sound to the blood spirit dragon, and the blood spirit dragon cooperated very well, directly releasing its own dragon power that could kill any spirit beast.

Feeling the heaven-defying dragon's power, the wolf king opposite the forest couldn't help but trembled, and his spirit also lost for a while.

And Lin Mu took advantage of this gap to directly help the blood spirit dragon break through the wolf king's sea of ​​consciousness, and the blood spirit dragon directly imprinted the soul mark on the wolf king's sea of ​​consciousness, making the wolf king completely surrender Own.

"Let them go back and attack!" After controlling the wolf king, Lin Mu also gave the first order.

Although the wolf king was unwilling, but since he already had the imprint of the soul of the blood spirit dragon in his sea of ​​consciousness, he could only look up to the sky and howl.

Hearing the wolf king's long howl, those ground ghost wolves that were rushing towards the forest and Nanshuang turned their heads and counterattacked at Bai Yan and the others.

And Nan Shuang, who was entangled with another wolf king, didn't know what happened, but the next moment, a figure appeared in front of him, and then punched the wolf king in the abdomen, directly blowing the wolf king away.

At the same time, he did the same thing, allowing the Blood Spirit Dragon to take in a younger brother again.

Bai Yan and the others were waiting to see a good show, but they didn't expect these ghost wolves to turn around suddenly and kill them by surprise.


The pack of wolves was not afraid of death, and directly fought towards Bai Yan and the others, and with the command of a human named Lin Mu, it was obvious that the fighting power of the pack of wolves had risen by more than a level.

Animals are animals after all, no matter how high their intelligence is, they cannot compare with humans. This is an unchanging fact.

After a short period of unwillingness, the two wolf kings also accepted this fact, and Lin Mu also promised Liangtou wolf king a very big benefit.

Nan Shuang looked at the cool wolf king, squatting beside Lin Shu like two obedient puppies, and was also very puzzled.

However, too many strange things happened to Lin Mu, so Nan Shuang didn't ask.

Bai Yan and the others naturally saw the situation on Lin Mu's side, and they didn't know how Lin Mu managed to deal with the two wolf kings.

But now Lin Mu and Nanshuang were indeed just standing and watching the show, and for some reason, the tacit understanding and power of the wolves' cooperation suddenly increased several steps.

It will be very difficult for them to kill any more.

"Brother Lin, Junior Sister Nanshuang, since you have dealt with the wolf king, come over and help us so that we can continue on our way!" Bai Yan had no choice but to ask Lin Mu for help again.

Lin Mu said: "Nan Shuang and I are in a stalemate with the wolf kings and can't move. When I subdue these two wolf kings, I will help you."

The two wolf kings are obediently lying on your lap, and you said that you will help after the wolf king is subdued. Isn't this obviously lying?
However, Bai Yan and the others were wronged first, so it is really difficult to say anything now.

Lin Mu and Nanshuang watched the wolves fight with Bai Yan and the others for more than two hours, and saw that Bai Yan and the others seriously injured more than 20 Nether Wolves, Lin Mu felt that it was almost done.

These ghost wolves are all the background of my future Fumanlou, all of them are treasures, Bai Yan and the others have killed hundreds of them before, and they can't let them kill the remaining trees.

Moreover, Bai Yan's cultivation base is really against the sky, it is impossible to do anything to them with these ghost wolves.

"Pay me!"

Lin Mu pretended to make a handprint, and then asked the two wolf kings to tell all the wolves to run towards him.

The two wolf kings let out a long howl, and then Lin Mu waved his hand directly, and temporarily received all the ghost wolves in the ring made of mustard stone.

Although the mustard stone ring can't pretend to be a living person, it can still hold some spirit grass and spirit beasts.

Although these spirit beasts were subdued by the blood spirit dragon, they could also be put into the chaotic world, but in front of these geniuses, Lin Mu dared not use the chaotic world lightly, what if someone found out.

"Lin Mu, you didn't mean to punish us!" This time, even the disciples of the Eastern Emperor looked very unkind.

Under Lin Mu's behest, he was the one to be taken care of. Although he didn't hurt his life, he was crushed and beaten by dozens of beasts. He, the son of the Eastern Emperor, still felt very shameless.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "It's really funny to punish you on purpose, who do you think you are, and let me do it myself."

"You..." Dong Dizi's face was livid because he was choked by the trees, and Bai Yan's face was not good-looking at this time.

I was going to shade Lin Mu twice, but Lin Mu easily resolved it twice, and also made myself lose face. This is really embarrassing and thrown to grandma's house.

Lin Mudao: "Since the way is different, it's better for us not to conspire with each other. You take your single-plank bridge, and I take my sunny way."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, while Nan Shuang also followed behind Lin Mu, preparing to leave.

"Lin Mu, you want to leave after taking our things. What a joke, you can leave today if you want to, and return what you took from us." Jiang Shili said coldly.

After Jiang Shili finished speaking, the rest of the people were also staring at Lin Mu, obviously ready to strike at any time.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "Jiang Shili, your Jiang family is really shameless. I forgot how grandpa saved you just now. Now I think there won't be any formations here. You want to get back your things, right?"

"Hmph!" Jiang Shili snorted coldly and didn't answer, it was obvious that Jiang Shili thought so.

Lin Mu glanced at Jiang Shili, then looked around at the crowd, and said, "You think so too, don't you?"

No one spoke, but obviously they all thought so.

Lin Mu nodded and said with a smile: "Today, I finally understand what revenge is, but since you think so, then fine. Whoever wants it, just come, of course, the premise is that you have the ability to take it away from me." .”

Jiang Shili snorted coldly and said, "There are so many of us in Lin Mu, do you think you are sure to deal with all of us?"

Jiang Shili paused, and said, "Or do you think that you are sure to escape from us?"

Jiang Shili is undoubtedly confident, because they have a large number of people, and there is no formation restraint here, they can do whatever they want, even if Lin Mu wants to run, it is difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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