Supreme Chef

Chapter 1022 Lei Zun

Chapter 1022 Lei Zun
After Lin Mu and Nanshuang made their decision, they also resolutely gave up looking for the teleportation array, and went straight to the tomb that was bursting with auspiciousness.

At the same time, Bai Yan and the others also saw such a vision. After discussing, they also temporarily gave up looking for the teleportation array and walked towards that tomb.

Lin Mu and Nanshuang had the wolf king as their mounts, and they were extremely fast. In just half a day, they were already close to the tomb where the aura was steaming.

Lin Mu and Nan Shuang saw the father in the tomb even more clearly.

Those sprayed out with the colorful rays of light are indeed the stumps and broken arms of immortals.And there are not only these, but also some fragments of fairy artifacts and magic weapons.

"That should be a magic weapon fragment of a seventh-rank fairy weapon, right?" Lin Mu pointed at the floating magic weapon fragment in the mid-air, and couldn't help but gasped in his heart.

Nan Shuang followed Lin Shu's eyes, and also saw the half of the bronze mirror magic weapon.Seeing the magic weapon of the bronze mirror, Nan Shuang couldn't help but tighten her eyes.

This is indeed a genuine Seventh Grade Immortal Artifact
Immortal artifacts are also in short supply in the fairy world, and high-level immortal artifacts are even more in short supply.

Generally, only the existence of the Immortal King level can possess such seventh-rank immortal artifacts.

But now the seventh-rank fairy weapon has been completely broken, so it can be seen that there must be some immortal king-level figures who have fallen here.

It is impossible for Lin Mu and Nanshuang to imagine what kind of person died in this tomb that can make a person at the level of the Immortal King fall.

"Another fragment of a seventh-rank fairy artifact." Soon Lin Mu saw another fragment of a seventh-rank fairy artifact. These are two completely different fairy artifacts. It can be seen that the immortal king-level figure who fell here, Definitely not one.

"Whose tomb is this?" This was the common question in Lin Mu and Nan Shuang's mind at this moment.

"Don't worry about whose tomb, it's cracked now, let's go down and have a look first," Lin Mu said.

Nan Shuang also nodded, and then Lin Mu put away the two wolf kings, and he and Nan Shuang jumped into the tomb directly.

Lin Mu has already seen it just now, there is no formation here, and there is no danger.If you really want to talk about danger, it is the glow that may erupt from the tomb at any time.

Because there are fragments of fairy artifacts in these rays of light, if they are accidentally hit by these fragments of fairy artifacts, they will definitely die.

However, both Lin Mu and Nan Shuang's spiritual senses were very keen, and it was no problem at all to avoid such fragments of magic weapons.

After the two entered the tomb, they were also shocked by the tomb.

The reason why the two were shocked was not because of how luxurious and top-notch the tomb was, but because the tomb was simply too simple.

Moreover, this place is obviously a battlefield, and everywhere you can see are the traces left after the fierce battle between the two sides.

However, although this place is simple, the people lying on the ground are not simple.

Judging from the corruption of these people, it is very likely that this is an ancient and powerful tomb.

Lin Mu and Nanshuang simply counted the people who had died in the tomb, and there were 32 people in total. Although there were not many 32 people, the cultivation of these 32 people really scared Lin Shu and Nanshuang.

The ones with the lowest cultivation base are probably the two heavenly immortals, but these two heavenly immortals should also belong to that kind of genius disciples.

As for the remaining 30 people, the ones with the lowest cultivation bases were all Xuan Xian, and the remaining half of Lin Shu and Nanshuang couldn't judge their cultivation bases at all.

Although they couldn't see their cultivation bases, it could be seen from the magic weapons they used and the clothes on their bodies that these people's identities were not low, at least they were all above the level of Immortal Kings.

If a person wants to use so many people above the level of Immortal King to catch him, what kind of cultivation is he.

Immortal Monarchs, Immortal Emperors, and even Emperor-level figures.

Lin Shu and Nanshuang couldn't imagine it anymore.

The two walked forward along the corridor of the tomb without encountering any danger or obstacles from formations.

This is obviously a temporary tomb, and the owner of the tomb is likely to be dying at the end, so he built such a tomb for himself.

And the people who died at the entrance of the cave are likely to be the last to survive and follow the owner of the tomb here, but they were all killed by the owner of the tomb in the end.

Lin Mu and Nanshuang moved forward all the way, and soon reached the end of the tomb. This place is very spacious, and it is also the source of colorful rays of light.

All the rays of light are emanating from a bronze coffin opposite the forest and Nanshuang.

Lin Mu searched around, and finally found something that could prove the identity of the owner of the bronze coffin.

Lin Mu found a broken stone tablet, on which there were only two words.

"Lei Zun!"

Taoist Guang was the first to get excited when he saw the word Lin Mu here.

"Lei Zun, it was him. He died here!"

Lin Mu asked humbly: "Senior, is Lei Zun very powerful?"

Dao Guang said: "It's not just powerful. In ancient times, he once controlled the Immortal Dao Thunder in the Immortal Realm. How powerful are you?"

"Hiss!" Lin Mu gasped when he heard Taoist Guang's words.

Immortal Thunder, isn't this what Heaven should control, but one person can control Thunder against Heaven, this is no longer powerful or not, but against Heaven.

Nan Shuang obviously didn't know what Lei Zun meant, but she also understood that anyone who dared to add the word Zun after her would definitely not be an ordinary immortal.

Dao Guang said: "Go and open his coffin and see if there is a piece of golden paper. Get that paper first, and then I will tell you about Lei Zun."

After listening to Lin Mu, he also nodded and stepped forward, ready to open the coffin.

But as soon as Lin Mu took a step forward, it was as if some kind of switch was touched, and countless sky thunders landed in an instant. The dense thunder made Lin Mu think of a thunder field.Even this power is greater than the thunder of the thunder field.

Because the sky thunder is mixed with the law of immortality, even the trees can hardly bear it.


Just a moment later, Lin Mu was forced to vomit old blood, and at the same time, his body could not help but take two steps back.


Lin Mu couldn't help staring at Lei Hai who had recovered his calm.

The thunder field that contains the laws of the immortal way is simply not something that his flawless body Dzogchen can resist.

As soon as he took a step, he vomited blood, and his whole body was scorched black. If it was someone else, he would have lost both body and spirit.

Nan Shuang watched from the side, and couldn't help but click her tongue secretly. It's no secret that Lin Shu is flawless and perfect.

But if the trees were split and vomited blood, it would be even more impossible for him to get close to the copper pipe.

There is indeed no danger in front of the tomb, but when we get here, we are blocked by a natural barrier. Isn't this worrying.

(End of this chapter)

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