Supreme Chef

Chapter 1029 The Mysterious Key

Chapter 1029 The Mysterious Key
And at the moment when Lin Mu opened the ancient road to the fairy world, the ten people that Lin Mu hadn't seen showed their figures at the first time. At the same time, they all played the speed to the extreme, rushed towards the fairy world, and even collected the triangle.

But Lin Mu had been on guard against this for a long time. Lin Mu slapped out, and the billowing thunder flames rushed towards the ten people like a galaxy leaking out.

"Senior Sister Nanshuang, hurry up and leave this place to me!" Lin Mu said to Nanshuang.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Nan Shuang didn't hesitate anymore, and flew directly into the triangle, her figure also quickly disappeared.

Seeing that Nanshuang disappeared, Lin Mu also raised his hand to close the triangle, but how could the ten people following behind make Lin Mu succeed.

They didn't do their best to deal with Lin Mu just now, but now in order to enter the fairy world, they dare not hold back any more.

Because if the triangle was taken away by Lin Shu, it would be extremely difficult for them to enter the fairyland again.

And when they returned to the realm of comprehension, they believed that Lin Mu would ruthlessly suppress them and hunt them down one by one.

One against ten, Lin Mu is also under great pressure, so Lin Mu also waved his hand and summoned his own wolves.

Those wolves who had just fought with Bai Yan and the others had all their injuries disappeared long ago.Of course, this is mainly due to the contribution of Lin Mu's ninth-grade elixir. In the entire cultivation world, Lin Mu is the only one who feeds wolves with ninth-grade elixir.

But Lin Mu doesn't care, Lin Mu doesn't have many other things now, what he does most is the ninth-grade medicine pill and the ninth-grade spiritual grass.

After sweeping around the second level, the ninth-grade elixir that Luo Tian now possesses is not enough for even the warehouses of those big sects in the cultivation world to look at.

What's more, Lin Mu not only collects elixir, but also knows how to plant these elixir, so Lin Mu doesn't have to worry about elixir in the future.

Things like wolves are not only smart, but also have a very good memory.They have fought against a group of people three times in a row, and they have already memorized most of the routines of this group of people. What's more, with Lin Mu personally directing, it is extremely difficult for ten people to break through at once.

Seeing that these people were blocked, Lin Mu also turned around, and wanted to collect the mysterious triangle.

But no matter how the trees are harvested, this mysterious triangle will not change at all, as if it has taken root in the void.

Seeing that Lin Mu couldn't shake the mysterious triangle, the ten people were also relieved.As long as Lin Mu can't collect this mysterious triangle, they still have a chance.

Now the ten people were not in a hurry, they started to deal with the wolves, and even waited for the opportunity to kill the wolves and the trees.

Bai Yan and Jiang Shili are not Lin Mu's opponents, so if the ten of them add up, they can't be Lin Mu's opponents.

"Senior, can you see what the hell that triangle is?" Seeing that he couldn't collect the triangle, Lin Mu was also a little anxious.

Of course, Lin Mu not only doesn't want the people behind him to pass by, but also fears that someone will come from the other side of the triangle. This is what Lin Mu is really afraid of.

Taoist Guang stared at the shining mysterious triangle, and said, "I'm not sure it's that thing either?"

"What?" Lin Mu asked quickly.

Taoist Guang said: "According to the legend, there is a mysterious triangular key in the ancient times. It can open the passage between any realm, no matter where it is? No matter where it is? As long as you want to go, you can open the passage there. Passage, enter that place."

"However, although the triangle in front of me opens the link between the fairyland and the trial ground, it still has to be in a specific place, so I'm not sure if it's that thing."

A mysterious key that can open various domains, such a function sounds a bit tasteless.

Because he can neither attack nor defend, and he doesn't even look good as a pendant.

But you must know that if the key is not in the hands of Lin Mu.But it is in the hands of a real master, or even a real Supreme.

The master who holds this key is tantamount to turning the Ten Thousand Worlds into his back garden.Wherever he wants to go, he can go there, and what resources he needs, just turn on the key.

It can even be said that mastering this key is equivalent to turning Wanjie into his own warehouse. Of course, the premise is that you are strong enough.

Of course, these are not what Lin Mu has to consider now, because Lin Mu has already felt the violent fluctuation of immortal energy in the fairy world.

Lin Mu didn't know what caused this, but no matter what the reason was, it was not a good thing.

"Senior, I don't care what kind of key it is, I have to put it away first." Lin Mu said anxiously.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Speaking of it, this thing is just a magic weapon. Bai Yan didn't refine it, you try to recognize the owner with a drop of blood, and make it your treasure."

Lin Mu gritted his teeth when he heard Taoist Guang's words, and then forced out a few drops of blood.

The essence and blood were flying, and directly submerged into the mysterious triangle, and at the moment of submersion, Lin Mu felt a familiar feeling.

Then with a wave of Lin Shu's big hand, the triangle disappeared directly, and the passage also disappeared.

"So simple?" Lin Mu looked dumbfounded. Lin Mu thought that he might have to spend a lot of effort, but in the end it was solved like this, which is too fast.

In fact, not only Lin Mu didn't react, but the ten people behind him also didn't react at all.

One moment Lin Mu was helpless with the mysterious Triangle, but the next moment it was just a few drops of blood, and it completely surrendered.

If they had known how simple it was, they would have been worth it even if they forced out a bucket of blood.

Because once you master this mysterious triangle, it is equivalent to mastering the key to the fairy world.

Maybe this thing was worthless in the past, but it is not the past now.Now there is no way to ascend. Whoever holds the key will hold the right to speak and take the initiative.

Even just by auctioning the places to go to the fairy world, an amazing fortune can be quickly gathered.

"Hand over that triangular key!" the disciple of the Eastern Emperor said sharply after sending away the Nether Wolf that was close to him with one palm.

Lin Mu looked at the son of the Eastern Emperor, and said, "I've wanted to kill you for a long time, you're just giving me another excuse to do it."

When the Eastern Emperor heard that Lin Mu was going to do something to him, he couldn't help but panic immediately.

Although the son of the Eastern Emperor thought that his status was respected, he didn't think that his own strength could be as strong as that of Bai Yan and Jiang Shili.


When Lin Mu stepped out, he also directly entered the pack of wolves, and then punched out, heading straight for the son of the Eastern Emperor.

Seeing Lin Mu's punch, the Emperor Dongdi's eyes also showed a trace of panic, but soon three people appeared beside him and joined forces with him to stop Lin Mu.


Lin Mu didn't gain any advantage by punching down, on the contrary, he suffered a small loss, and his body also flew upside down for a certain distance.

(End of this chapter)

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