Supreme Chef

Chapter 1034 Do not accept surrender

Chapter 1034 Do not accept surrender (1)

Xiao Yi was also embarrassed by a word from his ancestor.

Lin Mu left the teleportation array leading to Fumanlou on his body to Gu Xuan, and also left a lot of top-level cultivation resources for Gu Xuan.

The teleportation array was given to Gu Xuan, so Lin Mu and Xiaoyi could only use red to return to Fumanlou.

The Heartless Sea is still calm on the surface, but there are turbulent winds and clouds in the dark. The danger in the Heartless Sea, even the current forests, dare not say that it will pass through safely.

But fortunately, Chi Hong's speed is fast enough, coupled with the strong breath of the trees, it also blocked the careful thoughts of many people.

Chi Hong soon entered the territory of Dongxuanzhou, and she can feel at ease when she reaches the forest of Dongxuanzhou.

Lin Mu simply gave the scarlet to the blood spirit dragon to control, and then began to sit and discuss with Xiaoyi.

Under Lin Shu's guidance, Xiao Yi's many questions were answered in an instant.

Xiao Yi's qualifications and talents are excellent, but he has too little experience in fighting the enemy.Many of her problems are simply caused by lack of actual combat experience.

But for Lin Mu, the most indispensable thing is actual combat experience.

After Chi Hong flew for five days, a piece of news directly made Lin Mu unable to calm down.

Fumanlou was besieged by Dongdizong, Bai Family and Jiang Family. The three families sent a large number of masters this time, as if they wanted to wipe out Fumanlou.

Such news directly caused Lin Mu to invest a lot of spirit stones, and Chi Hong activated the limit speed for the first time.

Under the limit speed, Chi Hong feels like disintegrating, but I have to say that this limit speed is really unparalleled.

The ten-day journey has already arrived in less than a day.

From a long distance away, Lin Mu had already seen the flames soaring into the sky, the destroyed mountains, the rivers pouring backwards, and even the formations he had set up were all in pieces.

Fortunately, Fumanlou was only slightly impacted.

"If you don't get rid of one or two of you today, you really don't know the pain." Lin Mu also felt ruthless.

In the past, Lin Mu was powerful on his own, but now it is different. Lin Mu brought back a pack of wolves. These wolves are all level nine spirit beasts, and the two wolf kings are at the peak of level nine, which is equivalent to the powerhouse of the Ascension Realm Dzogchen.

Facing geniuses, the strength of these wolves may be a little discounted, but facing people in the cultivation world, these wolves have really demonstrated their true power.

With a wave of Lin Mu's hand, the pack of wolves flew straight into the crowd attacking Fumanlou.

They were all beaten to the door of the house, and even the door of the house was about to be overturned. Lin Mu could no longer be calm.

This time Lin Mu is determined to get rid of the family, and everyone in the province thinks he is a soft persimmon and easy to bully.


More than 300 level nine spirit beasts plunged into the crowd, like a tiger that had been hungry for a few days and was suddenly thrown into the flock.

A charge of wolves, thousands of people lost their lives.

Then the wolves began to massacre one-sidedly. In just a dozen breaths, nearly [-] cultivators fell under the sharp claws of the wolves.

However, Lin Mu didn't mean to stop at all, and the repeated violations of Fumanlou had already made Lin Mu want to kill.

Asking them to pay compensation last time was also an expedient measure for Lin Mu.His own strength is tyrannical, but Fumanlou's background is still too weak, so he can only ask them to compensate.

But now it's different, I have a pack of wolves, even if Emperor Zong comes out in full force, Lin Mu is sure to keep them, not to mention there are ghost cities and soul cities.

Xiao Yi couldn't bear to watch the one-sided massacre scene, and Lin Mu didn't force Xiao Yi to participate.

After all, kindness is still a good thing, Lin Mu can't force Xiao Yi to become cold-blooded and ruthless, some things can only be lured.

The sharp claws of the wolves ruthlessly reaped the lives of all the offenders, and the blood of the practitioners further stimulated the bloodthirsty of the wolves.

Finally the masters from the three families arrived, but seeing more than 300 level [-] earth ghost wolves and two powerful wolf kings, they couldn't help but gasped.

A level nine Nether Wolf represents a strong Ascendant, and more than 300 of them represent more than 300 Ascendant.

This time they spent a lot of money, and there were only more than 50 Ascension Realm experts who came.

After all, the powerhouses of Ascension Realm are not carrots and cabbages, they can have as many as they want.

With a ratio of one to six, this is a battle without any suspense at all.

"Beasts die!"

A grand elder of the Eastern Emperor Sect saw one of his grandsons pinned to the ground by the wolf king, and his eyes widened with anger, and he jumped up immediately, wanting to kill the wolf king.

This Supreme Elder is also an existence at the level of old antiques. The rules of heaven and earth have changed a little, so that these old antiques finally don't have to worry about Shouyuan, and they can finally come out to activities, activities, and see the sun.

This old antique was very powerful, and the wolf king also instinctively felt a sense of danger spreading, and he relaxed a little bit as he pressed the cultivator's paw.

"Eat him!" Lin Mu shouted coldly, and then flew up to block the old antique.

The wolf king was ordered by Lin Mu, and with his blue eyes, he bit the monk's neck.

The earth ghost wolves like the monk's blood and Nascent Soul most, these things are their shortcuts to advance.

"Bastards dare!" Seeing the wolf king eating his own grandson, Old Antique's eyes were about to burst with anger, and the immortal energy in his palm gushed out.

"Old beast, die!" Lin Mu shouted coldly, and directly slapped it with one palm.


The thin immortal essence in Lin Mu's palm directly cut the opponent's immortal essence in half from the middle, and then the powerful immortal essence directly bombarded the opponent's body.


Old Antique directly sprayed blood from his mouth and flew backwards, and before he flew backwards, he happened to see the wolf king swallowing the bones of his grandson's bones.


It was another mouthful of dirty blood, and then Old Antique passed out directly, but he was obviously angry.


After everyone saw the person who made the palm, they couldn't help but stare.

Lin Mu killed three geniuses in a row, and now let alone geniuses, no matter how old they are, they don't think they will be Lin Mu's opponent.

"Lin Mu, you beheaded three geniuses from my family, and you will definitely pay in blood today!" An old man with no white beard and wearing a loose robe stared at Lin Mu and shouted coldly.

Lin Mu glanced at the old man, from his body, Lin Mu could hardly feel the fluctuation of the real essence, it was the fluctuation of the immortal essence, Lin Mu even wondered if the old man himself was a fairy.

But even so, Lin Mu is suddenly not afraid. At this time, nine levels of Lin Mu's true energy have been transformed into immortal energy. Even if all the opponent's true energy has been transformed into immortal energy, Lin Mu is not afraid.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said directly: "I also have the same intention. You are besieging and suppressing me, Fumanlou, and I just want to settle this blood debt with you."

The person who spoke was a grand elder of the Bai family, who was also Bai Yan's direct relative, but in terms of seniority, Bai Yan might be his grandfather's grandfather's grandfather.

How could he not be angry when his ancestor was beheaded by Lin Mu.Besides, if his lineage wants to gain a foothold in the Bai family, only Bai Yan can do it.

"Fight these old guys with all your strength, kill them, and eat everything they have!" Lin Mu directly gave the wolf king an order.

"Wow!" The two wolf kings howled excitedly when they heard Lin Mu's order.

And these two howls of wolves also brought the angry Bai family back to their senses.

There are a lot of Ascension Realm masters on their side, but there are more than 300 level nine earth ghost wolves on their side.There is no need to carefully judge this strength comparison.It is clear at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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