Supreme Chef

Chapter 1044 Eliminate all evil

Chapter 1044 Eliminate all evil (2)

Everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for the final outcome.But soon two dry coughs broke all Yun Tianhua's expectations.

Lin Mu was still alive, although he was really miserable and he was still coughing up blood, but Lin Mu was indeed still alive, and he stood alive in front of everyone.

"Bah!" Lin Mu spit out a mouthful of bloody foam, and cursed in a low voice: "The two old immortals are playing too hard, fortunately, I can't beat you."

At this time, Yun Tianhua's face was ashen. He knew what Lin Mu's life meant to him, and it meant death to him.

And with the end of the battle between Lin Mu and the three old antiques, the battle between Crystal Shears and Immortal Sword also came to an end.

The fairy sword that no one has refined is swaying in the air.

And the crystal dragon saw the opportunity, and directly bit off the blue-fronted tiger's neck.


The blue-fronted tiger disappeared, replaced by a fairy sword with no luster.

The fairy sword was about to fall with a clang, but Lin Mu grabbed it in his hand.This fairy sword is indeed useless, but the fairy material for refining it, the woods, can be used.

With the loss of the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact, the people of the Eastern Emperor's Sect were even more ashamed. They didn't even have the final guarantee, and they had no intention of fighting.

Lin Mu beckoned and cut the crystal back, and then said: "Get rid of the evil!"

These four words spoken by Lin Mu already foreshadowed the downfall of the Eastern Emperor Sect.

One with high fighting spirit and one with no desire to fight, the result can be imagined.

It took only half a stick of incense, and the Eastern Emperor Sect was completely defeated. Yun Tianhua knew that he had no face to face the world, so he chose to blew himself up and ended his life.

At the last moment, Yun Tianhua acted like a man, but Lin Mu would not have any sympathy for him because of this.

In this battle, Fumanlou won the battle and the legend of Emperor Zong being undefeated was completely shattered in the hands of Lin Mu.

In the future, there will no longer be any so-called undefeated myths in the cultivation world.

At the same time, Fumanlou's holy prestige reached its peak in an instant, even surpassing the Eastern Emperor's Sect.

After all, Fumanlou has a powerful alchemist in command, and Qidu's assistance from the side, it is difficult for Fumanlou's momentum not to exceed that of the Eastern Emperor Sect.

After solving the Eastern Emperor's Sect, Lin Mu went all out and took someone to check the Emperor's pulse of the Eastern Emperor's Sect.

But when Lin Mu arrived there, he found that the building was empty.Except for the empty cave, there is nothing left.

Obviously, all the people in the emperor's vein have fled.

Dimai would choose to escape, which was really beyond Lin Mu's expectation.Because in Lin Mu's view, these Dimai people are as arrogant as a peacock, how could they run away.

But they just ran away, and they ran cleanly.Nothing was left with the trees in the emperor's veins, and even the spiritual veins buried in the ground were all dug away.

Dimai's people are all masters of the Ascension Realm, if they are sure that they want to escape with all their hearts, Lin Mu still has nothing to do.

Returning to the mountain gate of the Eastern Emperor Sect again, the Beggar God also came to Lin Mu with three jade slips.

Lin Mu glanced at the contents of the jade slip, and found that the jade slip was written for Lin Mu by the other three emperors.

The contents of the jade slips are very simple. They did not take in anyone who escaped from the Eastern Emperor's lineage, and they were willing to pay for the damage caused to Fumanlou by attacking Fumanlou after being bewitched by the Eastern Emperorzong. compensation.

This is obviously softening, and now people are softening and paying compensation.Lin Mu was really embarrassed to do it.

Although it is said that Lin Mu really wanted to take the other three together, but now if he makes a move, it is obvious that he will lose the hearts of the people.

Beggar God obviously saw Lin Shu's difficulty, and said in a low voice: "It's the foxes who will show their tails one day. They Emperor Zong, they are soft for a while, but they are still proud in their bones. Don't worry, they will show their swords again sooner or later. It’s time for us to seize the opportunity.”

After hearing the words of the Beggar God, Lin Mu suddenly realized that they were Emperor Sect.Although they are soft, they are proud in their bones.

Sooner or later they will make a move, as long as they make a move, Lin Mu will not hold back his hand and be polite.

Lin Mu's eyes flashed coldly, and he said: "That's it. But the dilapidated place of Emperor Zong can't be kept, take all these valuable things away, and then I will burn it down with a torch, and give it to Emperor Zong A wake up call."

Under Lin Mu's command, within the gate of the Eastern Emperor's Sect, all valuable things were taken away by Lin Mu.After Lin Shu led people across the border like locusts and left, the entire mountain gate of the Eastern Emperor Sect, let alone spiritual veins and elixir, did not even have a single low-grade spiritual stone.

After all the things were scraped away, Lin Shu also blasted out with a wave of flames, and the entire Eastern Emperor Sect was on fire.

The raging flames made the whole sky glow red. The emperor sect, which was originally invincible, was slowly turning into a piece of scorched earth.

The fire burned for three full days and three nights. After the sky fire was extinguished, the entire Emperor Sect turned into a pitch-black scorched earth.

Starting today, the Eastern Emperor Sect will be completely removed from the cultivation world.

The emperor's clan was completely destroyed, the emperor's line fled, and the mountain gate turned into scorched earth.From then on, in the realm of comprehension, there is no such thing as the Eastern Emperor Sect.

Fumanlou won a complete victory and returned with a full load.There was unconcealable joy in everyone's eyes.

It was an unspeakable victory for all who participated in the battle.They not only avenged, but also created a history.Breaking the myth that Emperor Zong was undefeated, they overthrew Emperor Zong with their own abilities.

And those who quit at the last moment are really regretful at this time. If they had even a little trust in Lin Mu at that time, they would have become the people who made history.

Lin Mu asked people to count all the losses. This time Fumanlou dispatched a total of one million coalition troops.All the losses add up to only [-] yuan. Before the battle, this kind of loss was unimaginable to everyone.

Although the loss of [-] is a lot, you must know that they are dealing with Emperor Zong.

Lin Mu was also a little surprised by this result, but it was also what Lin Mu wanted to be able to win at the least cost.

Lin Mu was still standing on the high platform where the troops were dispatched that day. Lin Mu looked around at the crowd and said, "Lin Mu thank you all for your help. I know that what everyone wants to hear now is not the nonsense I said. Then I won't say any more nonsense. The next thing is to appreciate merits. I promised you that my trees will not change. On this basis, I will also take out three layers of treasures from the Eastern Emperor Sect to reward merits."


Hearing that Lin Mu was going to take out the three-layer thing he got as a reward, everyone below immediately cheered.

Lin Mu pressed down with his hands, and said: "Emperor Zong has been overthrown, and everyone's revenge has been avenged. Now if you want to leave, you can leave at any time. If you are willing to join my Fumanlou, I, Lin Mu Absolutely welcome with both hands. Don’t worry, I, Fumanlou, will not become the next emperor. I don’t want to be the creator of order in the cultivation world.

What I want to do is to give everyone in my Fumanlou a safe place.Let everyone get the best practice environment, and let everyone get the best practice resources.

Of course, if someone dares to call my Fumanlou's attention, I will be the first to refuse, and I will be the first to rush to the front.Now everyone can decide for themselves! "

After Lin Mu finished speaking, a flame ignited in everyone's heart.Obviously, what Lin Mu said was what they wanted most.

There was no need to win them over at all. Ninety-nine out of ten people chose to stay. After joining Fumanlou, they no longer have to worry about safety and cultivation.

Faced with the expansion of personnel, Lin Mu also handed over everything to Wu De.Lin Mu is not good at this kind of thing, but Wu De is very good at it, and he never tires of it.

When Lin Mu returned to his main peak, he was also preparing to use the teleportation array to return the crystal shears to the ancestors of the mermaids.

Lin Mu just activated the teleportation array, but his brows suddenly tightened.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Lin Mu frown, Gu Meiru also asked nervously.

Lin Mudao: "The teleportation array in Xuanxuan's hand is closed, I can't get through."

(End of this chapter)

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