Supreme Chef

Chapter 1054 One Person Breaks the Beast Tide

Chapter 1054
Lin Mu walked in front calmly, and when he was about to meet the beast tide, the Shadowless Knife blasted out suddenly.

The Shadowless Knife slammed down, as if the sky was falling down, and the cultivator of the Transformation God Realm standing behind Lin Shu was already a little dumbfounded.

It's not that he has never seen a monk in the Ascension state, but he has never seen such a powerful monk in the Ascension state. It seems that the sky is about to collapse with a single knife.

And the effect of Lin Shu's knife is also very impressive.

As soon as the knife fell, the beast tide in front was directly divided into two halves by Lin Mu artificially.

Lin Mu raised his feet and walked in the middle of the beast tide. All the beasts that approached five feet in front of Lin Mu would be bounced away inexplicably, and some weak beasts would even turn into a pile of meat paste.It doesn't matter what level the beast is, even if it's a level nine beast.

The cultivator in the God Transformation Realm followed behind tremblingly, completely unable to believe what he saw in front of his eyes.

This is an incomparably ferocious beast horde. With such a large-scale beast horde, even the eight-star sect might be obliterated.But Lin Mu is just such a person, passing through the street in a big way, not putting these fierce beasts under pressure at all.

Lin Mu was dissatisfied with walking, but the distance of the animal swarm was also very huge. It took two full hours for Lin Mu to walk out of the animal swarm.

The cultivator in the God Transformation Realm looked back, and found that the place he and Lin Mu had walked just now had been turned into a flat land by the tide of beasts, which made him break out in a cold sweat.At the same time, he was filled with awe for this incredibly powerful young man in front of him.

"Senior flew over the mountain in front of me and arrived at my Fenglin Sect." However, the moment the cultivator at the Transformation God Realm finished speaking, his face changed suddenly.

And the next moment he felt that he had crossed the mountains in front of him in one step.

In fact, it wasn't his feeling, but that he really crossed the mountains in one step, but it was the forest that pulled him across.

Lin Mu's consciousness has already captured the place where the Fenglin Sect is located, but at this time the Fenglin Sect is being besieged by a powerful wave of beasts, and the change of color of the cultivator in the God Transformation Realm is also because of this.

Lin Mu led him to shrink the ground into an inch, directly crossed the mountains, and came to the top of Fenglin Sect.

Seeing the mountain gate that was about to be breached, the cultivator in the God Transformation Realm also wanted to go forward and do his best, but with the trees around, it was obviously not his turn to do his best.

Standing on top of Fenglin Sect, Lin Mu was directly punched down by a wave of flames.

The billowing sky fire descended from the sky, and immediately an unknown number of beasts were turned into burnt ashes under the flames.

There is no doubt about the power of the trees, and even more so about the power of the sky fire.

The sky fire rolled down, and the turbulent beast tide was under the sky fire, and it was vulnerable to a single blow.

The sky fire continued to spread, and there was no sign of it going out, and the temperature here also soared hundreds of times in an instant, and the feet of those beasts were no longer scorched earth, but a magma billowing with flames.

The tongues of fire spewed out by the magma are extremely hot, low-level beasts can't hold on at all, and even high-level beasts can only hold on for a while.

Almost [-]% of the hundreds of thousands of beasts besieging Fenglin Sect were burnt to death, and the remaining beasts just scattered and fled in all directions, not daring to stay at all.

All the ferocious beasts escaped, but Liu Jun's disciple of the Transformation God Realm, standing behind Lin Mu, almost dropped his jaw.

To deal with the turbulent beast horde with one punch, this and that can be done by ordinary people.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior, the head of the Fenglin Sect..." The head of the Fenglin Sect came to Lin Mu, and just as he was about to thank him, he saw his own sect's disciple standing behind Lin Mu.

But after a short pause, the sect leader continued, saying, "Master Fenglin Sect, thank you again Li Xi."

Lin Mu raised his hand and said, "I'm Liu Jun's friend. I happened to meet Liu Jun's disciple, so I came with him to have a look and heal Liu Jun."

When Li Xi heard that Lin Mu was Liu Jun's friend, he immediately became more respectful, and said, "So it's Elder Li's friend, please come in quickly."

After speaking, Li Xi also let go of the sect's restriction, and invited Lin Mu to enter the Fenglin Sect.

Only after entering the Fenglin Sect, Lin Mu understood why the Fenglin Sect was called the Fenglin Sect.

Because there are maple forests surrounded by several people everywhere here, the fiery red area looks very pleasing to the eye.

"Senior, please rest in the main hall." Li Xi said proactively.

Lin Mu said: "I'm not busy, take me to see Liu Jun first, I'll heal his injuries first."

Li Xi said: "That's fine, senior, please come with me."

Under Li Xi's guidance, Lin Mu soon met Liu Jun.

Liu Jun's injuries were indeed serious. There were deep bone wounds all over his body, and all the tendons and veins in his body were broken in sevens and eighties. If Liu Jun's body training was not strong enough, he might be sitting in a wooden barrel now. Liu Jun, who was wrapped in the liquid medicine, was already a dead person.

Lin Mu took out a jade bottle and said, "Feed this to him."

Li Xi took the jade bottle, and just as he uncorked the bottle, his hands couldn't help shaking, and the jade bottle almost fell.

"Ninth grade healing medicine!" The reason why Li Xi's hands were shaking was because the jade bottle contained a ninth grade healing medicine.

Lin Mu looked at Li Xi's expression and said, "Liu Jun only needs three, and the rest will be given to you."

When Li Xi heard Lin Mu's words, he couldn't help but hastily cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior."

There are a total of sixteen Ninth Grade Healing Holy Medicines in it, Liu Jun used three, and there are thirteen left.

Thirteen ninth-grade healing medicines represent thirteen lives, so it's hard for him not to get excited.

Liu Jun took three ninth-grade healing medicines, and his injuries also improved at a speed visible to the naked eye. This made Li Xi and the elders of Fenglin Sect stare wide-eyed.The effect of this ninth grade healing holy medicine seems to be a bit too good, it is simply a magic medicine.

After about a stick of incense, Liu Jun also let out a foul breath, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank you, Senior Sect Leader, for helping me out!" Liu Jun was sober, and immediately cupped his fists at Li Xi and said.

Li Xi smiled wryly, and said: "Junior Brother Liu, I am not capable of saving you. It was your friend who saved you."

Liu Jun stared at Lin Mu for a few seconds, then suddenly remembered who Lin Mu was, jumped out of the barrel in surprise, came to Lin Mu, and said, "Brother Lin! It's really you! Do you think that there will be no chance to meet Brother Lin again in this life?"

Li Xi was listening, and couldn't help asking: "Junior brother Liu, is this brother Lin of yours the same Lin Mu you mentioned to me?"

Liu Jun nodded excitedly and said, "It's the trees."


After listening to Liu Jun's words, Li Xi gasped again.Lin Mu's name, he is like a thunderbolt.

The story of Lin Mu's extermination of the Eastern Emperor's Sect has been thoroughly spread in the cultivation world.And now there are still rumors that Lin Mu single-handedly wiped out the Blood Building, although it has not been confirmed.But it is not necessarily without reason. Since there is such a statement, it proves that there must be such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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