Supreme Chef

Chapter 1057 Animals are Animals

Chapter 1057 Animals are Animals
When Liu Jun heard Lin Mu's words, he couldn't help being taken aback, and said, "Go in openly?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes, just go in openly."

Liu Jun looked at Lin Mu, full of puzzlement, and said, "Brother Lin, my younger brother is stupid, please explain clearly to Brother Lin."

Lin Mu smiled, pointed to the jade plaque on the table, and said, "We're going to get in through this."

Liu Jun was even more puzzled when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu also smiled mysteriously, and then used voice transmission to tell Liu Jun about his plan.

When Lin Mu and Liu Jun were discussing the plan, the little second who had withdrawn was also quickly passing through the Yujian, telling Lin Mu and Liu Jun about asking for directions to him.

After the report, the little girl weighed the pill in his hand, and said with a sneer, "I've blinded a fat chicken for nothing, but if you fight against our Wan Yao Sect, you must be prepared to die."

The next day, Lin Mu secretly left Nanyan City alone. As for where Lin Mu went, Liu Jun didn't know.He just told Liu Jun that he would be back in three days, and when he came back, it was the day when they could act.

Lin Mu didn't stay idle after leaving Liu Jun. Liu Jun disguised himself in various appearances and appeared in all the teahouses in Nanyan City, and Liu Jun appeared here for only one purpose, to spend money to ask for directions.

In just three days, Liu Jun visited all the more than 100 teahouses in Nanyan City, and received more than two hundred pieces of jade slips.

After integrating all the jade slips, Liu Jun discovered that there are more than 100 different passages in these jade slips, which can enter the Wanyao Gate.

Three days had passed, but Lin Mu hadn't come back yet, which made Liu Jun a little worried.

"Brother Liu, are you standing by the window, are you waiting for me, or are you missing your beautiful lady?" Just as Liu Jun was thinking about what to do, Lin Mu's voice sounded behind him.

When Liu Jun heard Lin Mu's voice, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and turned his head to see Lin Mu, who was sitting in front of the table pouring himself a drink.

Seeing this scene, Liu Jun quickly walked up to Lin Mu and said, "How is Brother Lin doing?"

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "It's pretty smooth."

After a pause, Lin Mu said, "Brother Liu, how are you doing?"

Liu Jundao: "According to what you said, I went to all the teahouses in the past three days. I collected more than 200 pieces of jade slips and sorted out more than 100 routes. But I still don't know Brother Lin. You want these dangerous things. What is the route for?"

Lin Mudao: "Wan Yaomen must have arranged eyeliners in all the teahouses, and you have appeared in various identities these three days. You have obtained so many routes. Wan Yaomen must be one of the sects to take precautions in advance. All the people are scattered and deployed to various places, so that their forces will be completely dispersed."

Liu Jun was still puzzled after hearing Lin Mu's words, and said, "But even if their forces are dispersed, with the two of us, it's impossible to get in from the front? Besides, even if their forces are dispersed, it's still at the Wanyao Gate." Within, we go in from the front, and it is very easy for them to gather the scattered forces."

Lin Mudao: "So tomorrow we will carry out the second step of the plan. Wanyaomen is in order to refine Wanlingtong. It must have offended many people in Nanyanzhou. These people must be eager to kill Wanyaomen and then quickly .

Although Wan Yaomen was smart this time, they let their people enter the teahouse so that they could take precautions in advance.But they were also clever but were misunderstood by their cleverness. The people they sent wanted to gain our trust.The routes that must be given are all true.

Just imagine, if we spread these routes in the whole southern Yanzhou, what kind of consequences will it cause. "

Liu Jun thought about it carefully, and he completely understood what Lin Mu was going to do.

Once these real routes that can enter the Wanyao Gate are dispersed, it will inevitably cause an uproar.At that time, those who want to seek revenge from Wanyaomen will have more than 100 choices, and it will be impossible for Wanyaomen to gather their forces.

Besides, even if Wan Yaomen had the heart, they didn't have the guts to experiment.If one is compromised, the chain reaction will be very terrifying.

After he figured it out, Liu Jun couldn't help laughing wildly, and said: "Animals are animals, if you pretend to be smart, you will be mistaken."

Early the next morning, Lin Mu and Liu Jun, among the avatar crowd, scattered all the routes like snowflakes.

The sudden appearance of these routes into the Wanyaomen in Nanyan State indeed caused an uproar.

As the overlord of Nan Yanzhou, Wan Yao Sect offended very few people in order to refine Wan Ling Tong.

It's just that many people are afraid of the strength of Wanyaomen, and because they have no way to enter Wanyaomen, they can only choose to endure. Now it is different, they have more than 100 routes to attack, even if they can't really take revenge, they can We must kill some beasts to vent our anger.

And to Lin Mu's surprise, some people actually formed an alliance to attack the Wanyao Gate together, and this alliance was like a snowball, expanding to tens of thousands of monks in just one day.

As a beast clan, Wanyaomen slaughtered human monks, which already touched the bottom line of human monks, not to mention that Wanyaomen still occupies the best cave in Nanyanzhou, and some big sects in Nanyanzhou have long seen I'm not used to it.

There was a grudge in the first place, and coupled with the persuasion and obstruction of the caring people, the snowball turned out to be getting bigger and bigger, which was beyond Lin Mu's previous expectations.

But no matter how you say it, this kind of thing is a very good thing for Lin Mu and Liu Jun.

The more people are going to trouble Wan Yaomen, the less pressure they will have to attack from the front.

It would be best for all the people in Yanzhou in the south to go to Wanyaomen to trouble them.If this is the case, both Lin Mu and Liu Jun don't need to make a move, and Wan Yaomen can be wiped out.But obviously, it is impossible for Quannan Yanzhou to attack Wan Yaomen.

But at this moment inside the Ten Thousand Demon Gate, the Demon King was furious and furious.

"You bastards, you can't do such a thing well, and now everyone knows all the routes of my Wanyaomen! My Wanyaomen, what secrets are there!" After hearing the news, the Demon King said, Almost fainted.

I just ordered my subordinates to arrange some spies, and then released a little news to give myself a buffer time for Wanyaomen.

But these scoundrels, the spies were sent out, but so many were sent out, and the most annoying thing is that these spies didn't know to discuss it before, and the routes given by each of them were all different. The door, there is no secret anymore.

Not having any secrets is not the key, the most important thing is that Wan Yao Sect is very passive now.

Originally, the Wanyao Sect was the most powerful sect in Nanyan Prefecture, not only relying on their strong strength, but also the quantitative advantage that no sect can match.But now?

There are more than 100 passages in front of people, and it is too late for me to repair them. There are more than 100 passages, each of which must be guarded by Chen Bing, and each passage must be guarded by Chen Chongbing.

In this way, the numerical advantage of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect will be gone. With more than 100 passages, almost four-fifths of his Ten Thousand Demon Sect's troops were shared, which made his Ten Thousand Demon Sect very, very passive.

"You go and find a way for me now, this matter can't be solved, you don't have to come back!" The demon king's fingers crackled, wishing to bite the person who sent the message to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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