Supreme Chef

Chapter 1060 Comes with barbecue function

Chapter 1060 Comes with barbecue function
Liu Jun was stopped by Lin Mu, and he also looked at Lin Mu with a puzzled expression.

Lin Mu tapped the door of this room with his hand, and said: "Although these beasts are not very intelligent, they still have a lot of tricks to play with their minds. There is a small trap on this door. If the door is forcibly broken, the detainees inside will be killed." It is very likely that it will be wiped out instantly by the formation."

Liu Jun couldn't help but shudder after hearing Lin Mu's words.

Liu Jun is not good at formations, but he knows that Lin Mu is good at these.

Before Lin Mu came to the door, he also wiped it with his hand, and the formation above the door instantly disintegrated, and a puff of black smoke came out. Lin Mu also said: "It's ready now."

When Liu Jun heard Lin Mu's words, he couldn't wait to break through the door and go to find his Taoist companion.

The Taoist couple reunited after a long absence, so naturally they would have endless things to say, but now is obviously not the time to talk, because Lin Mu has already seen five old spirit beasts in form, blocking the door.

These five transformed spirit beasts are obviously the strongest of the Wanyao Sect, especially the one who walks in the front, whose face is livid and unable to tell that his body is a murderer, even Lin Shu feels a sense of oppression from It came from the body.

Lin Mu turned into the room and shouted: "If you want to have a baby, don't have it here, go back to your house and have it casually. Now we should withdraw."

Liu Jun couldn't help but blush when he heard Lin Mu's words, and then went outside with his Taoist companion.

"It's you! You're not dead!" The Demon King couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Liu Jun.

Obviously he knew Liu Jun.

When Liu Jun saw the demon king coming, he was also furious and cursed, saying: "You bastard is not dead yet, how can I be willing to die before you."

Although Liu Jun cursed loudly, the demon king was obviously not angry because he was staring at Lin Mu.

Because in the eyes of the demon king, the real threat is the forest in front of him. As for Liu Jun and his Taoist companion, they can be completely ignored.

"May I ask who is your Excellency? Why do you want to have trouble with my Wanyaomen?" The demon king stared at Lin Mu and asked.

Lin Mu smiled, and said: "It seems that you have lived too long, and your memory is not good. You just hired the blood building to rob my daughter, and now you forget who I am."

When the demon king heard Lin Mu's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed suddenly, and he said, "It's you! You are Lin Mu!"

Lin Mu grinned, and said: "It's me. I originally wanted to give you a warning, but I didn't expect that your Wanyao Sect's popularity is so bad that it caused public outrage. I'm afraid I can't make up for the loss I caused you. "

When the demon king heard Lin Mu's words, he was also surprised: "You designed all this by yourself?"

Lin Mudao: "That's right. But this result is not in my plan. I can only blame you Wan Yaomen for making too many enemies."

When the demon king heard Lin Mu's words, he clenched his fists and made a 'creak' sound. Obviously, his heart was full of anger at this time. If he could, he would rush up and crush the tree to feed the spirit beasts outside.

"Go and save other people. Since you won't be able to leave for a while, it's a good deed." Lin Mu said to Liu Jun and Liu Jun's Taoist companion.

Liu Jun said: "Brother Lin, I'll help you, just let Yihan go by herself."

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said, "Alright, I'll teach her the method to break the prohibition above, and you will meet these old monsters with me."

Soon Lin Mu taught Yihan the method of breaking the restrictions on the wooden door. With Yihan's perfect cultivation base, it is no problem to solve those restrictions, so Lin Mu and Liu Jun can also face the enemy with peace of mind up.

"Lin Mu, you are too rampant, you dare to come to the hinterland of my Wan Yao Sect, then I'm afraid you can only stay here forever today." The demon king said through gritted teeth.

Lin Mu smiled faintly, and said: "If you can keep me, I'm sure I have nothing to say. But if you can't keep me, I will definitely crush your turtle shell."

When the demon king heard Lin Mu's words, his body trembled slightly, and when he looked at Lin Mu, two gloomy lights appeared in his eyes.

Both of them are masters who will not let each other go, so there is nothing to say at all.

Lin Mu took the initiative to take over the demon king and the three big monsters, and left the weakest one to Liu Jun.

Lin Mu is one against four, although it is a bit difficult, but it is not at a disadvantage.

The spiritual intelligence of the three great demons and the demon king is extremely high, and the coordination of the four of them is much more tacit than that of humans.

Lin Mu and the four of them were also very fast, and they fought outside from this impermeable palace.

The melee of five people obviously attracted everyone's attention.

It is simply unimaginable for a human monk to fight against the five old monsters with his own strength.

Especially this human monk, he was able to fight with ease, without falling into a disadvantage at all.

"Who is this person?"

"Is it an unborn strongman in Nanyanzhou?"

"Could it be the guardian clan of Nanyan City!"

"It must be! It must be the actions of the Wanyaomen, which offended their bottom line, and they are going to take action to destroy the Wanyaomen."

All of a sudden, the speculation about Lin Mu being the guardian clan was rampant.

The guardian clan in Nanyan State is a mysterious existence, but for monsters, they are a taboo, a taboo that cannot be mentioned.

However, the Demon King is suffering at this time and can't tell. If Lin Mu is really a guardian clan, it will be easy to handle.

It's not that he has never been in contact with the Guardian Clan, and the Guardian Clan is indeed so powerful that it defies the sky.But the Guardian Clan is reasonable, the Guardian Clan and Wan Yaomen have reached a private agreement.

That is, it has nothing to do with people from Wanyaomen participating in the beast tide, but people from Wanyaomen can't take the initiative to lead the beast tide to destroy the sect of human monks.

You can see how reasonable the guardian clan is, at least they won't take the initiative to kill you, and they will reason with you.

But the most ruthless person in the cultivation world in front of you is simply reasoning with you, and judging from Lin Mu's posture, he is obviously planning to wipe them out completely.

The demon king is also suffering and can't tell now, even he regrets it a little, why did he provoke such a number one person.

Of course, the Demon King hates Xuelou even more now. If Xuelou didn't handle things well, he was destroyed a lot, and even let this ruthless person find him.

Lin Mu used one-to-four, the Shadowless Knife in his hand, and every time he attacked, he could almost bring out a pool of bright blood.

There were already countless wounds left on the bodies of the three old demons.At this time, they also had a clearer understanding of the most ruthless person in the cultivation world, and such a person was simply not something they could provoke.

In fact, in terms of age, these old demons lived longer than the old antiques in the cultivation world, but the longer they lived, the stronger they were.


Lin Mu saw an opportunity, opened his domain directly, and then controlled one of them in his domain, and then the Shadowless Knife slashed down with a single blow, and the fourth slash of the sky blasted out, directly killing the unknown person on the opposite side. The old demon who lived for tens of thousands of years was chopped off with all his strength.

The old demon's body was slashed by Lin Mu's strength, and the inner alchemy was also smashed to pieces by the saber energy.

The internal organs fell like a rain of blood, and the old demon also showed his own body after death.

A huge colorful tiger with a length of hundreds of feet, the tiger's body fell from mid-air, smashing the ground, and trembling violently.


An incomparably huge crack appeared, and the gushing hot air instantly roasted the tiger's meat into golden brown.

Seeing the tiger dripping with oil, Lin Mu also grinned and said, "Nanyanzhou is indeed a nice place, and it also has its own barbecue function?"

(End of this chapter)

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