Supreme Chef

Chapter 1071 Turning corruption into magic

Chapter 1071 Turning corruption into magic
Lin Shu stood outside the minefield for about half a stick of incense before stepping into the minefield.

Just as Lin Mu's body entered the thunder field, there was a flash of lightning and thunder, and endless thunder fell, instantly submerging Lin Mu's body, making Lin Mu completely lost his way.

Although he lost his direction, Lin Mu was not in a hurry. With his flawless and perfect body cultivation, he could be safe in the thunder field at this time.

Lin Shu walked in the minefield with difficulty, and soon approached the center of the minefield again, and saw the palace in the center of the minefield.

This is the control center of the entire Thunder Domain, and it is also the place where the best immortal stones gather.

But after arriving here, Lin Mu did not dare to go rashly.

Although Lin Mu infers that this is the core to control the entire formation, Lin Mu is not sure what dangers lie here.

Not to mention other dangers, even the dense thunderstorm in the center made Lin Shu very afraid.

Lin Mu came here to crack everything, so Lin Mu has plenty of time.

An hour later, the trees moved, and the speed was still very fast.

One hour happened to be when the thunderstorm was weakest, so Lin Mu had to take advantage of this time to quickly approach the palace in the center of the thunderstorm.

Although the speed of the trees is fast, this palace also uses the method of shrinking the ground to an inch.


Lin Shu finally rushed into the main hall at the last moment of the thunderstorm.

"Damn it, I was almost turned into a roast suckling pig!" Lin Mu cursed very tastelessly when he entered the hall.

He raised his hand to cut off the burnt clothes on his body, and then Lin Mu also began to observe the palace.

This is definitely a man-made palace. Lin Mu didn't feel much from the distance before, but only when he really went deep into it did Lin Mu know the wonder of this palace.

Before, Lin Mu always thought that the palace might be built with top-level materials. Lin Mu even prepared to dig some top-level materials from the palace.But when he really walked in, Lin Mu realized that the palace was built with ordinary bricks and tiles, and there was nothing magical about it.

But this is precisely the most amazing thing about it. Ordinary palaces made of ordinary materials can withstand the ravages of thunderstorms. What a powerful strength it takes to turn decay into magic like this! .

Walking in the palace, Lin Mu also lamented the strength of the predecessor who built the palace.

Every plant, tree, and any building here, although they are exquisite, are all made of the most common materials that can be obtained anywhere.

But such an ordinary material can turn decay into magic in the end. With this level of cultivation alone, I am afraid that five people can match it.

"Senior, what kind of cultivation will the people who built this place be like?" Lin Mu was indeed curious, so he asked Taoist Guang for verification.

Taoist Guang pondered for a moment, and said, "I don't know either. It's beyond my ability to deduce such a way of turning decay into magic. No matter who it is, the person who built this place is a peerless and terrifying existence."

Lin Mu said: "Then you said we destroyed his arrangement, will he come to us?"

Guang Dao said: "I don't know about this, but I don't think so. Since he arranged a time formation, it means that he didn't want to seal the realm of comprehension forever. What you are sitting on is just to use this time formation." It's just ahead of time."

Lin Mu thought for a while, and he also felt that this was the reason.

Lin Shu walked quickly through the palaces, and finally appeared in the central palace in the center.

This is an extremely empty palace, except for a map, there is nothing in it.

"This is...the map of the realm of comprehension." Lin Mu was stunned as he looked at the map in front of him.

How big is the cultivation world? No one can say clearly, so let alone the map of the cultivation world, but what is in front of me is indeed the map of the cultivation world.

"That's probably not all. Look at the dark places next to him, and he didn't think he'd detected all of the cultivation world." Daoist Guang said, looking at some shadowed parts on the map.

Lin Mudao: "Although I haven't been able to fully detect it, it is very difficult to be able to detect it to this extent. I am afraid that the world of cultivation has not had such a complete map since the beginning of history."

Taoist Guang also nodded in agreement, and said: "That's true, even in ancient times, there was never such a complete map.

"That's Styx!"

Lin Shu pointed to a river that runs through four continents on the map.

There have been legends since ancient times that the Styx River connects the four continents, and Liu Jun also came to Xijizhou from the Styx River.

But this is just a legend, and no one has actually seen it. The Styx River runs through the four continents.

But here, this map has proved everything.

"Where is the source of the Styx River? Where does it lead to?" Lin Mu looked at the Styx River, also curious in his heart, wanting to know where the source of the river is.

However, this map is also incomplete. The source and end of the Styx River are both in the mysterious area, so the trees can only be helpless.

"The four areas marked on the map, Ying Ga is where the other four formations are located." Taoist Guang looked at the map and said the four marked locations.

Lin Mu looked at the four locations pointed out by Taoist Guang, which also corresponded one by one with the four locations he knew, and found that those were indeed the location of the other four foundations.

"According to my deduction, if Kuiba wants to end or speed up this formation, the four formation bases must move at the same time, otherwise, it will only cause the formation to explode, and may destroy the realm of comprehension." Lin Mu looked at Looking at the four bases on the four continents, he murmured.

"Do I want to find four people to disrupt the foundations of the four continents at the same time with me?"

"But in the entire world of comprehension, I am the only one left with the Flawless Body known to be perfect. Apart from me, where else do I go to find three other people who can withstand the attack of the thunder field?"

"Besides, even if we really find four people, the four people must be connected with each other, and we must move together. Even if we take a breath slowly or quickly, all the formations will be detonated."

While muttering to himself, Lin Mu frowned more and more.

Although he found the formation and knew the solution, he could only watch helplessly that he couldn't crack it, which made Lin Mu extremely depressed.

"Do I really want to find three people to cooperate with me?" After a long time of hard thinking, Lin Mu was also extremely depressed.

"It's so strange! This palace is so exquisite, but why doesn't it have a formation?" Blood Spirit Dragon said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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