Supreme Chef

Chapter 1085 An Unbelievable Ruthless Man

Chapter 1085 An Unbelievable Ruthless Man
Lin Mu is in a place very close to the barrier. Although Lin Mu doesn't know how many monks are there in the [-] miles, Lin Mu also knows that this will definitely not be a small number.


Accompanied by the sound of morning bells and evening drums, everyone moved, and the descendants of Emperor Zong and the great immortal emperors who were closest to the emperor's tomb immediately entered the emperor's tomb.

Their purpose is very clear, it is for the inheritance of Ruthless People, so they will not stay at the entrance.

Lin Mu was not in a hurry to go in. This kind of emperor's burial doesn't mean that whoever goes in first can get more things.

Lin Mu waited outside for a day, and after seeing tens of thousands of people entering the emperor's tomb, he also flew towards the emperor's tomb.

Apparently there were quite a few people who had the same thoughts as Lin Mu, and after Lin Mu, hundreds of people entered the Emperor's Tomb one after another.

After Lin Mu entered the emperor's tomb, he also discovered that there was a universe inside the emperor's tomb.

Although the area within the Emperor Tomb is not vast, it is by no means large.

Moreover, there is not a single terrain in the Emperor Tomb, but various terrains, which are almost exactly the same as the environment outside.

"This ruthless man is not simple. He really wants to reshape the fairy world. This place is completely arranged according to the fairy world. If I expect it to be correct, there should be nine places like this. It just corresponds to the nine layers of the fairy world. God, and here he has even made minor changes to the rules of heaven and earth, if he is really successful, then he may really be qualified to aspire to longevity." Looking at the layout here, Taoist Guang also sent out sigh.

For the time being, Lin Mu doesn't care much about Changsheng, and even if Lin Mu cares, he can't reach the sky in one step.

Food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step.

"He should not be able to fully integrate this place into one. It should still be arranged in an inverted triangle. And if my expectations are not bad, the corresponding cultivation base of each layer of him should also be every step of his cultivation. Each of these Among the layers, I am afraid that there is his understanding of that period.

He was preparing to simulate himself into the fairy world, and let his will become the will of the fairy world. His idea is really bold, no wonder he will die.However, if you can gain his understanding and experience in each layer, it should be of great benefit to your cultivation. "Guang Taoist continued to analyze.

With an encyclopedia like Taoist Guang, it is indeed possible to take a lot of detours.

Although Lin Mu is now an Earth Immortal, Lin Mu also wants to see how the legendary ruthless man is different from his own path.

Lin Mu wandered around the first floor for a long time, but he couldn't see a single figure.

"It seems that the things on the first floor can't attract everyone to stop. Everyone has gone to the second floor, but this is good, and there is no need to compete with others." There was no one on the first floor, and Lin Mu was also very happy.

After wandering around the first floor, Lin Mu didn't see anything about this ruthless man, except for some common fairy grasses.

"Could it be that he left all his insights on the last floor." Lin Mu couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

"Well, why is she here?" Just as Lin Mu was about to go to the next floor to have a look, he suddenly saw an acquaintance.

The acquaintance not far away is the heavenly immortal with hidden cultivation that he rescued, but Lin Mu didn't know how she would be on the first floor, and judging by her appearance, it seemed that she also came with a purpose.

"It doesn't matter, let's follow up and have a look first." Lin Mu said to himself after observing for a long time.

Lin Mu always felt that the fairy he saved was not simple, and the reason why Lin Mu chose to part ways with her was also because he didn't understand.For a person who doesn't know, especially a woman, the best way for Lin Mu is to hide away.

But now Lin Mu is going to follow her to see what she is going to do.

Lin Mu hung far behind her, hiding his whereabouts all the way.

The female fairy was also very careful, changing her route from time to time. Even if she didn't find any trees, she would change her route every once in a while, making it completely unpredictable what she was going to do next.

"This little girl is too careful. If she plays like this, she may not be able to reach her destination after a month's walk." Lin Mu was also depressed.

Sure enough, this little girl stopped and walked for half a month. When Lin Mu was about to give up, this little girl was finally on the right track.

Lin Mu followed behind her, sneaking all the way to find a very hidden valley.

Xiao Nizi gestured in front of the valley for a while, and then disappeared into the valley with a flash of brilliance.

After she disappeared for a while, Lin Mu stepped forward quickly, and then used his memory to type out the same formula.

With a flash of brilliance, a door of light appeared in front of Lin Shu.

Lin Mu didn't hesitate at all, and stepped directly into the light gate.

"Sure enough, I was followed by someone. Your Excellency's tracking method is so clever, I don't think you are a loose immortal." Just as Lin Mu came in, he saw Xiao Nizi standing not far away, looking at him and said.

When Lin Mu saw this little girl, he also sighed in his heart for the keen intuition of a woman.

Lin Mu was sure that her tracking method was flawless, and the only possibility for her to discover herself was her intuition from a woman.

Now that he was discovered, Lin Mu also smiled honestly, and said softly, "I'm just curious, I didn't expect there to be such a place here."

The woman stared at Lin Mu's chubby body, and felt a little familiar, but she really couldn't remember it.

"It is your own ability that you can come here with me. This is the comprehension of the owner of the tomb in the Earth Immortal Stage. I don't want to fight with you. Anyway, there are only two of us. We live in peace and comprehend our own. .” The woman also said.

Lin Mu was also so happy, he smiled, and said in a soft voice: "This is the best, we each understand ourselves, and don't bother anyone."

The woman nodded, and then ignored the trees, and sat down at a random place.

Seeing this, Lin Mu took advantage of the situation and found a place to sit down. Anyway, it was just comprehension, and it was the same sitting there.

Lin Shu crossed his legs into meditation, and soon sensed the will floating in the space.

These wills are very fragmented and need to be organized by Lin Shu.

It took five full days before Lin Mu got all his will out of the group.

And through these wills, Lin Mu also discovered that these things turned out to be when this ruthless man had just ascended.

"I didn't expect this ruthless person to choose the same as me. He also chose to compress the immortal essence when he was ascending. It seems that the skills he practiced are also very top-notch. He can be in the fairyland. Start to compress the immortal essence." Looking at these wills, Lin Mu sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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