Supreme Chef

Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087

He will not be careless about revenge for Lin Mu. Now that the Supreme is not out, the half-step Supreme is the supreme existence.I still have a long way to go to get revenge, and there are still many unsolved mysteries, Lin Mu will be very patient.

Lin Shu practiced in the canyon for another five days before the woman woke up.

Obviously this time, she benefited a lot.

"You haven't left yet?" The woman got up and saw Lin Shu.

Lin Mu said: "Waiting for you, I want to form a team with you."

The woman frowned and said, "I don't need to team up with others, and you don't want to waste your life here."

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and left without giving Lin Mu a chance to speak.

Even being rejected, Lin Mu also felt a little speechless.Previously, he rejected others by himself, and this is really a quick return of the present world.

Shaking his head, Lin Shu also left the canyon.According to the deduction, this second layer should be the experience of this ruthless man in the immortal stage.

Although Lin Mu is not yet a celestial being, his experience in cultivating Taoism is universal.

Moreover, the Heavenly Immortal Realm is the most important realm. After the Heavenly Immortals comes the Golden Immortals, and the Golden Immortals are an important watershed for immortals.

At the golden immortal stage, a powerful immortal can cultivate his own realm.

Once the domain is completed, there are two different paths in front of the immortal.

One is to follow the ancient method and follow the route of Yu, that is, to perfect his own domain. At that time, although Yu Dacheng is still a golden immortal, his strength will be comparable to that of an immortal emperor, not much less.

The other one is to continue to improve the cultivation level, through the improvement of the cultivation level, to continuously expand and improve one's own domain.

The two roads are completely different, but the end point is the same. As for which is better, it all depends on the individual.

The path of the Immemorial Golden Immortal may be slightly weaker in the early stage due to cultivation.But when the strength reaches the Immortal King, relying on the strength of the domain, it will accumulate a lot.

As for those who improve through cultivation, they will be very strong in the early stage, but there may be some deficiencies in the understanding of the domain.However, if one can cultivate to the level of Immortal Emperor, these deficiencies can be made up for.

Similarly, if the strength of Taikoo Golden Immortal can reach that of Immortal Emperor, the lack of strength can be completely made up for.

However, Lin Mu felt that the path of the ancient golden fairy was definitely not suitable for him, but Lin Mu had already created his own domain in the cultivation world, which was an anomaly.

However, this odd number gave Lin Mu more room for choice, and Lin Mu already had a rough idea in his mind.

Lin Mu is going to take a two-pronged approach, that is, from now on, he will continue to improve his domain according to the way of the ancient golden immortal, but he will not give up the improvement of his cultivation.

Although this two-pronged approach is extremely energy-intensive, it is also much more difficult.But if this road can really go through, then Lin Shu can completely make up for the shortcomings of the two methods, making himself invincible no matter in the early, middle or late stages.

After Lin Mu told Taoist Guang about his thoughts, Taoist Guang also felt that Lin Mu's idea was bold enough.

However, Taoist Guang felt that such a path was absolutely feasible, because I am afraid that in the entire history of monks, no one could create his own domain when he was not a fairy like Lin Mu.

Therefore, no one can do both things like Lin Shu.The reason why others can't is because once they take the ancient golden immortal path during the Golden Immortal Stage, their cultivation will immediately make no further progress.

But Lin Shu doesn't need to worry about this, because Lin Shu's domain was not created in the Golden Immortal Period at all, so Lin Shu can do both.

Lin Shu soon reached the second floor, and there were obviously more people on the second floor than on the first floor.

Moreover, the secrets here do not seem to be exclusive to Lin Mu and the woman. Many people have already found out the secrets here, and everyone is looking for the place of enlightenment left by the ruthless man.

Of course, not everyone here is a celestial being, so it doesn't seem so abrupt for Lin Mu to appear here.

The area of ​​the second floor is much larger than that of the first floor, so even though there are many people here, they didn't find the fairy's enlightenment place in the first place.

"I heard that many powerful figures on the list of celestial beings have already missed this place. This is the opportunity I have been waiting for. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but I must not miss it." Lin Mu found a person with more immortals. place, but also want to inquire about the news.

"Why, if you miss it here, you can only miss it?" Lin Mu also asked puzzled.

The speaker was startled when he heard someone asking a question suddenly, but when he saw that Lin Mu was just a loose fairy, he let down his guard, and said in a disdainful tone: "Didn't you realize that it's not allowed here?" Backtracking?"

"Huh?" Lin Shu really didn't notice this point before, but now that he felt it, he realized that the rules here turned out to be the kind of rules that can only move forward and not turn back, and if you miss it, you can't go back.

But this is also in line with the reason that monks go against the sky. No one has the chance to turn back, and the same is true for chance. Once missed, it is impossible to turn back.

"Then what's going on with the list of immortals?" Lin Mu continued to ask.

Seeing that Lin Mu was just a loose immortal, and his words were considered polite, this immortal in the early days of the Celestial Immortal also said: "The Celestial Immortal Ranking is the ranking of the most talented disciples of the Celestial Immortals within nine days. Anyone who can make the list is a The person who is most likely to have his own domain when he becomes a Golden Immortal. You are still a Loose Immortal, these things are too far away from you, and you will naturally understand when you reach your cultivation base."

Pausing for a moment, this angel also reminded me kindly, "Don't think about the place of enlightenment here, just find some elixir and fairy materials here and leave quickly. If once the place of enlightenment is discovered, you must There will be a battle of geniuses, and at that time, with your cultivation base, you will not even be able to rely on the edge, so don't realize your own life here."

"Thank you for this fairy friend, I will find some fairy grass and leave." After Lin Mu cupped his hands, he also left quickly.

"This kind of loose fairy is still very self-aware. Let's hurry up and search for it. If those geniuses find it first, I'm afraid we won't have a chance." .

After Lin Mu left, he also found a hidden place, changed his appearance and aura again, and then revealed his true cultivation, the early stage of earth immortality.

Since there is no way to turn back here, Lin Mu feels that with his own various means, he is somewhat sure of wanting to compete with those angels.


Just when Lin Mu wanted to find some opportunities, a dazzling light suddenly lit up on the entire second floor, and a multicolored auspicious light shot directly into the sky.

Seeing the distance between the colorful Ruiguang and him, Lin Mu rushed over without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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