Supreme Chef

1090. Chapter [-] I can't keep a low profile

1090. Chapter [-] I can't keep a low profile
The celestial immortal's roar also attracted the eyes of all the immortals.

No one is willing to leave this kind of treasure land. This kind of treasure liquid, let alone earth and heavenly immortals like them, will be of great benefit even to golden immortals.

Many Earth Immortals who are stuck in the breakthrough state are confident that if they can stay here for a day and a night, they will definitely be able to break through.

Although the Immortal Realm has a large area, its resources are even scarcer than that of the Cultivation Realm.It is a great opportunity to find such a treasure land, and no one is willing to give up on it.

Now Lin Mu is obviously an example for these earth immortals. One manpower splits two angels, as long as Lin Shu doesn't retreat, they don't have to retreat.

Lin Mu also didn't expect that this mid-term fairy would choose to target himself, and he also thought it was a bit funny.

Lin Mu opened his eyes, looked at Tianxian Zhongqi who was not far away, and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

Lin Mu's tone was calm. This immortal in the mid-celestial stage actually had a faint feeling of regret.

Lin Mu's tone was too calm, and his expression was too calm, which made him feel deeply uneasy.

But the words have been spoken, and now it is obviously impossible for him to take them back.

The mid-stage Celestial Immortal also had a serious look on his face, and said, "I'm just talking to you. You are just Earth Immortals. Occupying the resources here is just a waste. This area is huge, and you can go and find your own opportunities."

Although the tone was tough, the words were already a lot softer.

But he is willing to soften, Lin Mu is not willing to accept this kind of favor at all.

Lin Mu said: "I still think it's a waste for you to be here, why don't you go find your own resources?"

"Hmph! It's ridiculous to think that one's physical body is strong enough to be domineering!" Another mid-stage fairy jumped out and targeted Lin Shu.

Seeing someone jumping out again, those earth immortals who were looking at the trees all had serious expressions on their faces.

It is true that Lin Mu can leapfrog the challenge, but if there are two people, they don't believe that Lin Mu can, one against two.Moreover, there are two higher than the trees, one level of existence.

On the other hand, the mid-stage Celestial Immortal who jumped out first and aimed at Lin Shu had a happy expression on his face at this time.

He was really a little uncertain by himself, but now that someone else stood up to cooperate with him, he felt much more secure.

Lin Mu looked at the two people on the opposite side, and said with a sneer, "Domineering! It's just ridiculous. If you walk with me, it's not like being domineering. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you two bugs. If you want to fuck, you two should do it together."


Everyone gasped when they heard Lin Mu's words.With one against two, existences that are still higher than his own level, are doing such contempt, this earth fairy is simply rampant to the limit.

Seeing that Lin Mu not only did not retreat, but counterattacked strongly, it also attracted the attention of many heavenly beings in excellent positions.

These people are all powerful figures on the list of immortals, and they occupy the best positions, so naturally no one dares to say anything.These figures above the list of immortals all have the strength to leapfrog challenges, and no one is so stupid as to seek death by himself.

The two angels, who were despised by Lin Shu, turned cold and shot at the same time, no matter what was fair or unfair, the only thought of the two of them now was to kill Lin Mu.

Seeing two heavenly immortals fighting against an earthly immortal in the mid-term, everyone felt disdainful.

But at the same time, they were also sighing for Lin Mu's arrogance. In their view, if the two angels attacked at the same time, Lin Mu would not be able to survive even if he was against the sky.

"Being a human being should be low-key, otherwise, like him, you can only fall!" An old-fashioned fairy said to his heir beside him.

Those descendants nodded after hearing what the elder said.

In fact, Lin Mu has been very low-key, not only changed his appearance, but also changed his breath, and he didn't even compete for the best position.

But there are some people who think low-key is easy to bully, they choose to target themselves, Lin Mu also has to be high-key to kill these annoying flies, and then continue to practice.

The two angels in the mid-term clearly understood that Lin Mu's physical body was tyrannical, and they both chose to suppress it with magic power. They stood at a distance and used their powerful magic power to attack Lin Shu.

The two punched at the same time, and the surging immortal energy poured down, obviously preparing to crush the forest directly.

Seeing how strong the immortal essence of the two of them was, many people felt sorry for such a genius as Lin Mu.At the same time, many old-fashioned celestial beings are here to tell their descendants.

But before their instructions were finished, their mouths were opened wide, and their children's eyes were all bright.

The immortal essence of the two is indeed strong, but Lin Mu is not only physically strong, but also extremely fast.

Lin Mu's figure just flashed in the air, and the next moment, he appeared in front of the two of them.

In front of so many people, Lin Mu didn't use the speed rule to avoid arousing others' covetousness, but even if he didn't use the speed rule, it would not be difficult for Lin Mu to do this.

The two angels felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then the trees appeared in front of their eyes.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Lin Shu, both of them were shocked, and at the same time subconsciously wanted to block it.

However, Lin Mu's speed was too fast, they couldn't even lift up the immortal essence, and they were already bombarded by Lin Mu.

The two had no choice but to passively block.



The two sounds made people listen, and they were the sound of broken bones, and then saw the blood vessels on the hand bones of the two angels burst, and Lao Gao spattered with blood.

With just one blow, Lin Shu broke the arms of the two angels, and this was only the strength of the physical body.

The two were severely injured by the trees, and they also quickly retreated, and at the same time set up defenses.

However, Lin Mu was not prepared to give the two of them a chance at all. He took a step forward and directly used his own body to break through the defenses set up by the two of them.

Lin Shu stepped forward, each step was hundreds of feet, and did not give the two angels a chance to distance themselves.

And every time Lin Shu approached, he would strike thunderously, relying on his powerful physical cultivation, to ruthlessly crush the two provocative middle-stage angels.

After more than a dozen punches, the bodies of the two angels no longer had a single intact bone.

The internal organs were severely traumatized, and now every time the two of them coughed up blood, they would bring out a large amount of internal organ fragments.

"Stop fighting! We admit defeat! We admit defeat!" The two knew that if the fight continued like this, they could only perish, and they could only beg for mercy.

Lin Mu didn't kill them all, and said, "Leave your storage rings, and get out and go find your opportunities elsewhere."

The reason why Lin Mu didn't kill him was because he didn't want to cause the other angels to backlash. If he attacked them together, he would be really in danger.

The two angels didn't say anything in the middle stage, leaving their storage rings, they turned around and left.


Those veteran angels who had just taught their heirs a lesson felt a little speechless.

And those descendants of the veteran celestial beings looked at Lin Shu as if they had seen idols.

A child who is not very old, but already an earth fairy, tugged on his grandfather's sleeve, and said in confusion: "Grandpa, should we keep a low profile in the future, or should we be a little higher?"

The grandfather who was asked didn't know how to answer his grandson's words.

(End of this chapter)

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