Supreme Chef

Chapter 1103 The True Land of Inheritance

Chapter 1103 The True Land of Inheritance

When Lin Mu saw the huge beam of light, he also moved instantly. With a flash of his figure, he had already appeared beside the beam of light.

"What a fast speed, that's the scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List, that monstrous Earth Immortal." The speed rule has now become the symbol of Lin Shu, as long as you see such a monstrous speed, you don't need to ask at all, it must be Lin Shu. up.

Hearing such a title, Lin Mu really wanted to turn around and pinch the speaker to death, but what is important now is to grab the thought fragments in the beam of light and the possible supreme combat skills.


As soon as Lin Mu got in front of the beam of light, he was bombarded and killed for no reason.

There are only so many fragments, and whoever gets more will get more inheritance.

Faced with this kind of unreasonable bombardment, Lin Mu was already prepared. Seeing the angel who bombarded him, Lin Mu simply punched him out.

Although this boxing technique is not as fierce as Wushenquan, but the inner Dao is able to exert its greatest power in this immortal world where Dao is complete.

"Scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List!"

The person who was attacked by Lin Mu saw Lin Mu's attack, and the face of the angel who attacked Lin Mu also changed suddenly.Then he didn't resist at all, turned around and ran.

Lin Mu, the scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List, has a great reputation. He has already lost five powerful immortals in a row, and two of them have no chance of resurrection.How far away can such a murderer be.

Hearing this name, Lin Mu felt extremely painful. Lin Mu swore that he must catch the person who named him.

After driving away one person, Lin Mu also turned into Thunder's big hand to grab the memory fragments inside.


Just when Lin Shu was about to grab it, a light palm also fell directly, shattering his thunder palm.

Lin Mu raised his head and looked at the young man who was ranked third on the list of immortals opposite him, and he also frowned.

This person is considered to be the most powerful in the arena, he is more than a head stronger than Li Huangtian and the others, even if he faces him, he dare not say that he is sure of victory.

But how could Lin Mu be reconciled to the disappearance of the things he got, besides, Lin Mu had already seen a corner of the inheritance just now, which was clearly a method of thunder.

For Lin Mu who has mastered the true understanding of the Dao of Thunder, being able to master more Thunder Techniques will definitely improve his Thunder Techniques to a higher level.

After being shattered by someone, Lin Shu didn't retreat but advanced, and made a strong move again, it was still Thunder Palm.But this time it wasn't pure thunder, but the illusion of thunder and flames.

"Thunder flames! This must be so much thunder and profound comprehension, to be able to do this!" Someone who watched the battle gasped and sighed.

The third person on the list of celestial beings also frowned when he saw the palm of lightning that had once again turned into a forest tree.

Turning the invisible thunder into flames was only heard of in mythology, but this is definitely the first time I have seen it in reality.With such a profound comprehension of thunder, I am afraid that even the legendary Lei Zun is nothing more than that.

The third genius on the list of immortals was shocked, but he would not retreat, because he also saw a corner of the inheritance.

Thunderbolt is the most powerful attack method, and it is also the rarest attack method.

Because thunder is invisible, thunder is ruthless.

There are very few people who can master it, and there are almost no dharmas that can be manipulated.

I saw an article on the Thunder Law here, and no one would give up on it.

What's more, the Thunder Art that can be collected by ruthless people, you don't need to think about it to know that it will not be ordinary.

The third master on the Celestial Ranking will not give up, and neither will Lin Mu.

The third master of the Celestial Immortal Ranking, once again made a strong attack, and the light palm directly challenged the Thunder Flame Palm.

The huge explosion made the beam of light vibrate violently, and the big hands of the immortals around who were about to grab the fragments were all shattered one after another.

But in the end, Lin Mu's Thunder Flame Palm was still slightly better, and he firmly grasped the Thunder Law in his hand.


Lin Mu clasped his hands together, and also grabbed the Thunder Method.

"Put down the Thunder Technique!" The third master on the Celestial Immortal Ranking, seeing that Lin Mu was about to receive the Thunder Technique, also roared, and then resorted to his most powerful move, the Divine Consciousness Combat Technique.

The third master on the list of immortals, the phantom consciousness spear, also directly stabs at the sea of ​​consciousness in the forest.

Lin Mu also sneered when he saw the divine consciousness transformed by the third master of the Celestial Immortal Ranking.

Speaking of other methods, Lin Mu may not be his opponent, but when it comes to the Divine Consciousness Technique, Lin Mu can beat him by a few blocks.

My own Divine Sense Nine Slashes, known as the number one divine consciousness attack method in ancient times, can completely outshine any divine consciousness combat technique by a few blocks.Besides, he also has a soul-suppressing talisman, which can completely defuse all spiritual attacks.

Facing the Spiritual Consciousness Spear, Lin Mu did not choose to dodge at all. Lin Mu used the Divine Sense Nine Slashes, and similarly transformed into a Divine Consciousness Spear.

Seeing that Lin Mu had transformed into a divine consciousness, the third immortal on the immortal list that day also frowned slightly, but in terms of spiritual consciousness, he was completely confident.

He has had a great opportunity, and his spiritual sense is no worse than any golden fairy, especially his own spiritual sense combat skills, which can be said to be unique in the fairy world, as long as he does not encounter a monster whose cultivation level is too much higher than his own. He can completely torture and kill people.

"It's stupid! It seems that this earth immortal still doesn't understand the people on the list of celestial beings. Ning Haotian, who claims to be the number one in the list of gods, even if he is the number one person on the list of celestial beings, if he simply competes with Ning Haotian In terms of spiritual consciousness, he is no match for Ning Haotian." The spectators couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw that Lin Mu chose to compete with Ning Haotian for spiritual consciousness.

"Looking for death!" Ning Haotian also snorted coldly, and then rushed over with his divine sense.

Lin Mu didn't speak, and rushed over with his spiritual sense.



The spear points of the two collided together, and then they also sent out huge ripples of spiritual consciousness.

The ripples of the spiritual consciousness were pushed out horizontally, and wherever they passed, all the angels retreated incomparably.

This is the attack ripple of the consciousness against the consciousness. If one is not careful, the sea of ​​consciousness may be greatly traumatized. This is not a joke.

Everyone retreated, but the two people in the center of the storm of consciousness felt their sea of ​​consciousness hurt, waves of waves of attacks of consciousness swept across, making them feel like their sea of ​​consciousness was about to split open.

Because of the collision, the spiritual consciousness was broken inch by inch, and the eyes of both of them were protruding, and they were both enduring great pain.

Lin Mu underestimated Ning Haotian's spiritual combat skills, and now he suffered a small loss.

Of course, Ning Haotian underestimated Lin Mu even more. At this time, he suffered a greater loss than Lin Mu.

"It's against the sky! It's really against the sky! The cultivation of this earth fairy's spiritual consciousness is so against the sky, it still makes us live!"

"After more than 1 years of cultivation, it seems that all of them have been cultivated on dogs, and even an earth immortal is not as good as it." Those veteran celestial beings all shook their heads and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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