Supreme Chef

Chapter 1105 On the ring, a fair battle

Chapter 1105 On the ring, a fair fight

The three golden immortals also looked at Lin Mu when they heard Ning Haotian's words.

Lin Mu looked at Ning Haotian, wishing he could pinch Ning Haotian to death, but he didn't have to think about letting Lin Mu hand over what he got.

"Hand over your inheritance and your own law, and we will let you go!" The three golden immortals said, looking down at the forest.

"What a beautiful thought!" Lin Mu stood up and said with difficulty.


Lin Mu, a little earth fairy, dared to resist himself, a late golden fairy, so there was only one end, and that was death.

After uttering one word, this golden fairy also made a direct and strong move, preparing to kill Lin Shu.

Facing Jin Xian's all-out attack, Lin Mu's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.With all his means, he was able to deal with the Celestial Immortal, but Lin Mu knew that he was still far behind in dealing with the Golden Immortal.To deal with the existence of Jinxian in the later stage, the difference is not a star and a half.

Lin Mu is also running his skills at this time, preparing to escape through the air. Facing the existence of Jinxian in the later stage, Lin Mu has no chance of winning.

But just when the golden fairy's big hand was about to fall, the rules of heaven and earth suddenly sent down a thunderbolt.

The thunder directly destroyed Jinxian's light palm, and then a ring appeared, and then the entire second floor was filled with loud voices.

"Above the ring, a fair fight!"

The sound shook the universe, and then an irresistible suction force imprisoned Lin Shu and the Jinxian who made the shot, all on the ring.

"I see. The Ruthless Emperor rose from the bottom. Naturally, he has to face unfair battles from time to time. He hopes to establish a fair fairy world, so the will here is also inherited from him. If the strength of the two sides is equal, he His will will not interfere, if it is different, the will left behind will directly interfere." Someone deduced.

Everyone nodded after hearing this inference.

Lin Mu found himself imprisoned in the arena, and his cultivation hadn't changed at all. Instead, it was the Golden Immortal opposite, whose cultivation had directly dropped from the Golden Immortal to the mid-stage Earth Immortal like himself.

The golden fairy found that his cultivation base had fallen, and he also wanted to break free, but he found that he could not go against this strong will at all.

When Lin Mu discovered this fact, he was also ecstatic in his heart.If it's a battle at the same level, Lin Mu really has no one to be afraid of.

Lin Mu cupped his hands towards the ring and said, "Senior, can I invite more people to come up?"

Since there is such a convenience, Lin Mu naturally wants to solve it all at once, so that they will run away when the time comes.


That will is also a direct response. Although this will is mechanical and very blunt, it is not ignorant of flexibility.

"It's just the three of them!" Lin Mu directly chose the remaining two golden immortals, and Ning Haotian who was about to escape.

Being selected by Lin Mu, Ning Haotian also turned pale.In the cross-level battle, I can only draw with Lin Mu. If this is a battle at the same level, I will definitely fall.

However, he wanted to escape, but he couldn't resist the ruthless will to stay here.

The three were forcibly detained on the ring.

Seeing the four of them standing together, Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said, "It just happened to solve the four of you together, saving trouble."

The three golden immortals snorted coldly, and said, "It's just arrogant, if we fight at the same level, we will kill you too."

Only Ning Haotian didn't open his mouth, because he knew Lin Mu was against the sky, and he already regretted that the disaster had been diverted.As a result, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money now, it is simply shooting yourself in the foot.

He wanted to escape, but unfortunately he had no choice but to go against the will of the ring.

"Anyone can say big words. Whether you can kill me or not depends on your ability. You four should do it together." Lin Mu said with a grin.

In a battle at the same level, with one against four, Lin Mu is confident that there is no pressure at all.


The first Golden Immortal who was about to kill the trees was also the first to strike. Although he was in the middle stage of the Earth Immortal, he was a Golden Immortal after all, and his fighting skills were not ordinary.

After a single blow, there was no flaw at all. Even an ordinary fairy would not be able to stop such a blow.

But he was very unlucky, what he met was not an ordinary celestial being, but an enchanting earth celestial like Lin Mu.


Lin Mu also punched forcefully, with no intention of dodging at all.

Lin Mu's cultivation was not restricted at all, and the cultivation of the immortal body was still there.

The Jinxian frowned slightly when he saw that Lin Mu chose to fight head-on, but he didn't flinch.


The fists of the two collided with each other, making a muffled sound.

Then he saw the golden fairy's arm snap off inch by inch, and the golden blood splashed directly on Lao Gao, staining the ring with a layer of blood.

"Immortal body!"

Seeing this, the other two golden immortals turned pale with shock, and Ning Haotian was even paler.

It's okay to fight at the same level, Lin Mu is still a fairy body, so no matter how you fight, there is no need to fight at all.

After a successful blow, Lin Mu didn't intend to let it go, he stepped out directly, and then directly blasted out with a Witch God Fist.


The violent fist raged directly, and the golden fist wind formed a whirlwind of death that split the world.


Jinxian was strangled inside, and also let out a horrible scream. His body was quickly divided, and countless flesh and blood disappeared. In the end, even Nascent Soul and Consciousness Sea collapsed quickly.

When a protective orb appeared, it was about to break through the void immediately.

Although the speed of the protective orb was extremely fast, he couldn't fly out of the arena at all, and was also suppressed by the law.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Mu couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and then a ball of sky fire blasted out, completely burning the guardian pearl.

"You dare to kill my Emperor Sect disciple, you are looking for death, let us go quickly, otherwise, the Emperor Sect will crush you!" The remaining two golden immortals also said sternly.

The two of them are not stupid, the two of them can also see that on this ring, even if the Immortal Emperor comes, he may not be Lin Mu's opponent in a fight with Lin Mu at the same level.

Lin Mu looked up to the sky with a long smile, and said: "You guys are really thinking beautifully. There are still four people left in the ring. Either you three leave, or I will immediately. There is no possibility of a third."

"I'll give you all the inheritance, just please don't kill me!" Ning Haotian also directly chose to give in, and he didn't have the courage to make trouble just now.

Lin Mu looked at Ning Haotian, and said: "This can't impress me at all. What you get after you die will also be mine."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Ning Haotian's face turned pale, and he didn't know what to say.

After hearing Ning Haotian's words, the remaining two golden immortals also asked in a deep voice: "What on earth is it possible for you to let us leave? You should know that in the fairy world, it is impossible for you to offend Emperor Zong. It’s a good end. Even if you enter that mysterious area, you will end up dead.”

Lin Mu snorted coldly: "Then I really don't believe it anymore. Today I just want to offend Emperor Zong. You three are going to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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