Supreme Chef

Chapter 1107 The Storm Will Rise

Chapter 1107 The Storm Will Rise (2)

Sitting in place for a day and a night, Lin Mu also integrated all the inheritance fragments he got into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Of course, the integration above the trees did not really comprehend. If it is necessary to comprehend, it will take too long, and the trees dare not delay this time.

Lin Mu believed what he had discovered, and Ziyu must have discovered it too. If Ziyu sealed off the second floor by then, it would be too late for him to escape.

Although the arena can allow him to fight fairly, but Lin Mu only met the Golden Immortal. If it is beyond the existence of the Golden Immortal, Lin Mu is not sure whether the arena is easy to use.

After changing his appearance again, Lin Mu also felt the difference in the atmosphere of the second layer when he came out of the retreat.

There used to be a lot of angels on the second floor, but now none of them can be seen, and there are also many angels in the sky above. The angels in the costumes of the Eastern Emperor Sect are patrolling the sky, as if they are looking for something.

"Stop!" Just as Lin Mu was about to escape, he was also spotted by the angels patrolling the sky.

A group of Heavenly Immortals from the Eastern Emperor Sect descended and surrounded the forest in the center.

"What's the matter, everyone?" Lin Mu asked, clasping his hands.

One of the angels took out a jade slip with a picture of a forest, and compared it carefully with the forest.

"Take out your storage ring, we need to check!" After comparing the looks, one of them also said.

"Why!" Lin Mu said sharply with his eyes raised.

The Heavenly Immortal of the Eastern Emperor Sect snorted coldly, and said: "If you still want to get out of here alive, you'd better cooperate with us, otherwise, you will only have a dead end."

Lin Mu gritted his teeth and finally handed over his storage ring.

The fairy took Lin Mu's storage ring, checked it, and found that there was nothing of value except for some scattered fairy stones.

"You're still a poor man, take your ring and get out!" Tian Xian cursed after checking it once.

Lin Mu took the ring from him, and immediately turned and left without daring to stay.

"He is simply a coward. I am afraid that such a person will only be an earth fairy in this life." After watching Lin Mu leave, the fairy who checked Lin Mu's ring also said.

After Lin Mu left, he was also thankful that he had the foresight to transfer everything to the chaotic world.However, although he escaped the interrogation this time, it is obvious that the second floor has been blocked, and it may not be easy to go out in a short time.

After Lin Shu turned around, he also came to an exit on the second floor.

Looking at the Immortal King sitting there, Lin Mu also gave up directly.

Under the consciousness of the Immortal King, there is no secret about him, and he was just looking for death in the past.

After turning around, Lin Mu also turned back to the place where he retreated just now, and this place is relatively safe.

Lin Mu is also starting to think about how to get out here. Now it is only blocked by the fairy king, and the fairy looks for it.

If you can't find it anymore, I'm afraid the Immortal King will also join in the search.

For the sake of the Immortal Emperor, it is perfectly normal for the Immortal King to join the search team, even the Immortal Monarch.

One more Immortal Emperor can change the entire structure of the Immortal World, and it is totally worth the price.

No matter how much they paid, it was worth it, but Lin Mu had to leave here no matter how much he paid.

The trees are hidden in the canyon, and they are also thinking about how to get out of here.

After thinking hard for a long time, Lin Mu also came up with the only feasible solution, which is to use the dragon bone arrow to cut through the space here, and then directly break through the space and leave.

However, if you use the Tianlong bone arrow, the first is that the movement is relatively large, and the second is that it is more dangerous, because the space you cut does not know where it leads. You can't survive nine lives.

And to use the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow, you need to find a space, a relatively weak place, otherwise the space is too tight, and the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow may not be able to cut through the space there.

There is a ready-made place where the space is not tight, just the place where I fought the devil and the Buddha that day.

Back then, the devil used the sky keel bone arrow, which had been weakened by an unknown amount, to be able to cut through the space there.It is not a difficult task for him to use a complete sky keel bone arrow to cut through the space there.

It's just that Lin Shu now has to imagine how to get there.Now the outside is almost controlled by the Eastern Emperor Sect. If I want to go there, I will definitely be interrogated heavily. If there is a mistake in one link, I am afraid that it will be lost forever.

After thinking for a while, Lin Mu finally decided to give it a try. The longer the delay, the worse it would be for him.If he really waited until the Immortal King, or even the Immortal Emperor, took the initiative to search, then he might be really in danger.

Lin Mu came out of the retreat again, and he was going to go there directly. Fortunately, the distance between the two places was not too far away. If he tried his best, he would arrive in less than half an hour.

Lin Shu sneaked carefully, trying not to reveal any telltale feet.

Finally, half an hour later, Lin Mu also approached the place where he fought that day.

Seeing no one around, Lin Shu also showed his figure.

But just as Lin Mu showed his figure, a group of six angels suddenly descended from the sky.

"Here is an Earth Immortal, take it away, and show it to the Immortal Emperor!" The six heavenly immortals came down and saw the tree, but they didn't make sense at all, so they wanted to take the tree away and show it to Ziyu.

"Come with us, otherwise you will suffer!" One of the angels said to Lin Mu holding a fairy rope.

This kind of immortal rope was refined by Emperor Zong, and it can bind the immortal essence of an immortal. Once trapped, there is no way to break free.The side was very spicy.

"Don't even think about it!" Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Mu to go with them. If he goes with them, everything will be exposed in front of the Immortal Emperor, and he will die by then.

"If you don't come with us, then you are that Earth Immortal, catch him!" After the leader finished speaking, the remaining five rushed towards the forest with the fairy ropes.

Now that he was discovered, Lin Mu no longer hid, and directly attacked forcefully.


As soon as Lin Mu made a move, there were thousands of lightning guns.

At this moment, the Thunder Robbery Spear was even more powerful, and the burst of blue light made people dare not look directly at it.

"It's him! It's him! Report to the Immortal King, come over and capture this person immediately!" The leader of the fairy that day also roared when he saw Lin Shu's thunderbolt.

The signs of Lin Shu are very simple, one is the speed rule, and the other is the thunder method.Now that one of the two signs has been revealed, they have every reason to believe that this is a forest tree.

(End of this chapter)

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