Supreme Chef

Chapter 1109 Mortal Domain

Chapter 1109 Mortal Domain
Although Ziyu didn't use half a ounce of coercion, after listening to Ziyu's words, the four immortal kings all spurted blood directly.At the same time, his expression immediately became sluggish.

"Yes! This subordinate understands, and this subordinate will go and capture him now!" The four fairy kings also quickly agreed without any delay.After agreeing, he quickly left the Emperor Tomb to look for trees.

In the space crack, Lin Shu protected his whole body with only a little consciousness, allowing his body to float in the space crack, regardless of his destination.

Lin Mu was lucky to be able to escape. As for the destination, Lin Mu didn't want to take care of it, but he didn't have the strength to do it anymore.

Lin Mu not only burned his own immortal energy this time, but also sacrificed his domain. If it wasn't for the immortal body, Lin Mu would be a dead person now.

After wandering for an unknown amount of time, Lin Mu finally saw a ray of light in front of him, exhausting his last strength, Lin Mu also forcibly changed his direction a little, heading towards the bright place, and then Lin Mu passed out directly.

He didn't know how long he had been in a coma, but when Lin Mu opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a wooden bed.The place that catches the eye is a simple wooden house.

Lin Mu moved reluctantly, but felt that he had no strength in his whole body.He wanted to run the aura, but just after it started, Lin Mu felt tingling pain in his veins all over his body, and at the same time, his dantian was dead silent, even the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill didn't move.And the sea of ​​consciousness is almost on the verge of collapse. Most importantly, Lin Shu is completely unable to sense his own chaotic world now.

"It seems that this time I really fought too hard!" Lin Mu sighed as he looked at the bad situation in his body.

Although it was to escape for his life, if he fell directly into a mortal, it would undoubtedly deal a huge blow to Lin Mu.

"Big brother, wake up!" Just as Lin Mu was thinking about his own affairs, he heard the voice of a crisp little girl.

Lin Mu turned his eyes to look, and saw a little girl who looked like a porcelain doll in patched clothes and two smart braids.

Of course, what Lin Mu really paid attention to was not the little girl herself, but that the little girl was just an ordinary person.That's right, the little girl didn't have any fluctuations in her true energy, she was just an ordinary person.

"Ordinary people? Isn't this a fairyland anymore?" Seeing that the little girl was just an ordinary person, Lin Mu was also taken aback.

But when Lin Mu wanted to open his mouth to ask, he found that he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth.

"Brother, don't move yet. I have someone boil some medicine for you. I hope it can help you." After speaking, the little girl busily brought Lin Mu a bowl of medicinal soup.

For Lin Mu who is an alchemist, just by smelling it with his nose, Lin Mu already knows what is in the medicine.This medicine contains some ordinary herbs, the only precious one is a spiritual herb, not a fairy herb.

"Could it be that I really left the fairy world and arrived at a cultivation planet!" Lin Mu was also shocked in his heart.

"Big brother, drink some medicine. Grandpa Yan said that if you drink this medicine, you will feel better." The little girl persuaded Lin Mu.

After finishing speaking, the little girl also picked up a small spoon, blew the medicine to cool down, and then fed it to Lin Mu one by one.

Lin Mu looked at the little girl and couldn't bear to make the little girl sad.

But just after Lin Mu took a sip, his face suddenly changed.

"What's the matter, big brother? Is this medicine too bitter? I'll get you some fruit!" After speaking, the little girl also put down the medicine bowl, and then brought a red, red fruit to Lin Mu.

"Big brother, this is the fruit that Grandpa Yan gave me. I'm not willing to eat it, so I'll give it to you." The little girl seemed very reluctant to part with this fruit.

When Lin Mu saw this red fruit, his expression became very exciting again.

Because Lin Mu discovered that this glowing red fruit turned out to be the fruit of a ninth-level fairy tree—the Cangyun Tree.

The Cangyun Tree is known as one of the top ten spiritual fruits in the fairy world, and among the top ten spiritual fruits, the Cangyun Tree is also at the forefront.

The Cangyun Tree is a kind of spiritual fruit that grows in the clouds. Legend has it that the Cangyun Tree came from the cloud palace of the ancient Tianlong. The real body is a holy medicine, and only its descendants are the ninth-rank fairy medicine.

Cangyun fruit is the fruit of the Cangyun tree. It is a holy medicine for healing, especially for spiritual damage, and it has miraculous effects.

Seeing this Cangyun fruit, Lin Mu was sure that he was still in the fairy world, but since it is the fairy world, how could there be ordinary people.

Moreover, the reason why Lin Mu's face changed color after taking a sip of the medicinal soup was because Lin Mu discovered that although the medicinal materials of this medicinal soup were very common, the water used to make the medicinal soup was an unknown spiritual spring.

This Lingquan has unexpected curative effects on external injuries. Lin Mu just took a sip and felt that his injuries had already healed.

Lin Mu didn't know who this grandpa Yan was, but he really didn't want to eat the little girl's Cangyun fruit.

The Cangyun fruit is too precious, if it is given to this little girl, it will definitely let her step into the Nascent Soul or Transformation God Realm.

But Lin Mu still can't speak now, so Lin Mu can only shut up to tell the little girl that he doesn't need this kind of thing.

Seeing Lin Mu's mouth tightly shut, the little girl also said, "Brother, this fruit is not poisonous. Grandpa Yan gave it to me before. It's really delicious. If you don't believe me, watch me take a small bite."

The little girl's world is very simple, she just thought that Lin Mu suspected that the fruit was poisonous, so she took a small bite immediately.

Seeing that the little girl took a small bite, Lin Mu couldn't help but frown slightly as there was no change in the slightest.

This is clearly the Cangyun Fruit, but an ordinary little girl took a small bite, and had eaten a few before, and she was still an ordinary person, this fact does not make sense.

The little girl looked at Lin Mu and said, "Brother, this fruit is really not poisonous, and it's delicious. Let me feed you some."

After finishing speaking, the little girl stuffed Cang Yunguo into Lin Mu's mouth without any explanation.

When the Cangyun fruit entered the stomach, it gave off a refreshing smell, and at the same time, the sweet juice made Lin Mu's tongue salivate. At the same time, the overbearing medicinal power of the Cangyun fruit also instantly flowed into Lin Shu's almost broken sea of ​​consciousness, quickly repairing it. The sea of ​​consciousness of the trees, at the same time replenishes the power of the trees, which is almost dry.

This is indeed the ninth-grade fairy fruit Cangyun fruit, and the medicinal effect of this fruit is really astonishing.But Lin Mu couldn't figure it out, why the little girl in front of him had no effect at all after eating this overbearing fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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