Supreme Chef

Chapter 1111 Pearl's Secret

Chapter 1111 Pearl's Secret (2)

Just as Lin Mu was about to stand up and go out, his face suddenly changed.Then Lin Mu dodged directly, rushed out of the room, and came directly outside.

The reason for the change of color was because Lin Mu saw that several monks were kicking and beating around Zhu'er at this time, while Zhu'er was holding a plant tightly. It was full of scars, but Pearl still didn't want to let go.

Four monks beat up a mortal, and he was still a child, which made Lin Muli furious.Moreover, these four people are all at the Nascent Soul stage. It stands to reason that with their cultivation, they just need to move their fingers to kill Zhu'er, but now they are completely abusing and looking for fun.

"Get out of here!"

When Lin Mu came out of the room, he was also full of evil spirits. With a roar, Lin Mu directly sent the four monks surrounding Zhu'er flying.

"Master!" The four Nascent Soul cultivators shouted in horror, their mouths and noses spurting blood when they were shocked by Lin Mu's roar.

"Death to me!"

What the four of them did really made Lin Shu on the verge of going berserk.If they had killed Zhu'er, perhaps Lin Mu would not be so angry, but their abuse was absolutely unbearable to Lin Mu.

With Lin Mu's palm, it also shattered the muscles and bones of the four people.How they treated Zhu'er, Lin Mu planned to treat them, and he had to get it back a hundred times.

After making the four of them paralyzed, Lin Mu also directly hugged the bruised Zhu'er.Seeing the scars on Zhu'er's little body, Lin Mu's eyes were about to burst with anger, wishing to directly crush the four of them to ashes.

Feeling that she was being hugged, Zhu'er forced her eyes to open, looked at Lin Mu with a painful smile, and said, "Big brother, I found a elixir for you."

Lin Mu stared at Zhu'er's eyes almost wide open, a third-grade elixir, even in the cultivation world, Lin Mu might not be able to see it, but Zhu'er suffered such inhuman torture.


Lin Mu raised his head to the sky and screamed, and then directly detained the four of them.

"Senior, spare your life! Senior, spare your life! We are the branch of the Emperor Huazong in Mortal Realm, please spare your life, senior!" The four bowed their heads and begged for mercy.

Lin Mudao: "I don't care what Emperor Huazong you are, all of you will die to me!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also pinched his handprints, and then captured the energy of the four of them.Then pour it into Zhu'er's small body continuously to help Zhu'er repair her damaged body.

This method of spiritual energy grafting is a taboo method, because it is too vicious, so it is banned by the fairy world.

Although this method can forcibly deprive others of their true essence, the deprived person will die in pain and misery. It is too evil, so it is forbidden by all immortals.But Lin Mu is completely angry now, why would he care about the ban.

Lin Mu now just wants Zhu'er to get better immediately, and then let these four bastards get the punishment they deserve.


The bodies of the four rolled over on the ground, and they also let out terrifying roars. This sound did not belong to humans at all, and it penetrated people like the teeth grinding of hell evil spirits.

But in the face of these, Lin Mu was unmoved at all, Zhu'er was already so miserable, and this group of people could still do such a thing, even if it was a more cruel method, Lin Mu didn't think it was too much.

With the support of the essence, qi, and spirit of the four Nascent Soul Realms, the scars on Zhu'er's body also quickly disappeared, and her spirit also quickly improved.

However, something strange happened to Lin Mu. It stands to reason that the aura of the four monks in the Nascent Soul Realm could not turn an ordinary person into the Nascent Soul Realm, but at least it should be in the Golden Core Realm.

But when these spiritual energy entered Zhu'er's body, it was as if a stone had disappeared into the sea, and there was no trace of it at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Such a thing is indeed strange, and Lin Mu couldn't help reaching out his consciousness to look for the vanished vitality.

However, under Lin Mu's investigation, Zhu'er's body was not found to be any different from normal people.

If there is any difference, it is that Zhu'er's dantian is too empty, there is no aura at all, and it cannot store any aura at all.

Lin Mu didn't believe that so much spiritual energy came in, and even a little splash couldn't be stirred up, that is to say, he didn't believe in this evil.

Lin Mu continued to absorb the four Nascent Soul monks. Although the four Nascent Soul monks could no longer make a sound and their bodies were like skeletons, Lin Mu still did not stop.

Lin Mu continued to absorb the true energy of the four people, just to see what kind of secrets Zhu'er's body held.

Let the spiritual consciousness enter together with the true essence, this is the way Lin Mu thought of.However, this method did work.

Lin Mu found that all his consciousness, after reaching the dantian with his true essence, disappeared directly.

As for where those spiritual senses went, Lin Mu also had no brains at all, but one thing is certain, that is, it is not that Zhu Er's body cannot absorb true energy, but that there is a problem with her dantian.

Now that the problem was determined, Lin Mu directly used his spiritual consciousness to investigate Zhu'er's dantian.

Lin Mu divided his consciousness into hundreds of parts, and then began to carefully explore Zhu'er's dantian.

Lin Mu didn't want to discover any shocking secrets, Lin Mu just wanted to help this kind and lovely little girl.

In the fairy world, lack of strength is tantamount to death, so Lin Mu must find out the reason why Zhu'er can't practice, and then help Zhu'er to practice, so that Zhu'er has the ability to protect herself.

The four Nascent Soul Realm masters on the ground had turned into a pile of dry powder, and they disappeared completely when the breeze blew. If no one said it, no one would know that such four people existed in this world.

Lin Mu is still exploring Zhu Er's dantian.

Soon Lin Mu discovered the problem. Lin Mu found a very strange thing in Zhu'er's dantian.

Zhu'er's dantian is actually like a teleportation array, while Zhu'er is like a transfer station.

All the true energy that entered Zhu'er's dantian, no matter how much it came, would just circle around Zhu'er's body.Then it entered another space. As for the destination, Lin Mu didn't know.

Lin Mu marked his immortal essence with a trace of spiritual consciousness, and then wanted to see where his immortal essence went.

Xian Yuan disappeared quickly, and Lin Mu tracked his divine consciousness mark, and he also arrived at a very distant place.


Just when Lin Mu thought that he was about to reach his destination, an extremely evil force erupted directly, and then directly destroyed Lin Mu's divine sense mark and devoured Lin Mu's immortal essence.

"Such an evil power seems somewhat familiar!" Sensing this extreme evil, Lin Mu also felt somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

(End of this chapter)

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