Supreme Chef

Chapter 1115 Whereabouts exposed

Chapter 1115 Whereabouts exposed
After hearing Zhu'er's words, the pure-blood unicorn didn't have the slightest temper, and could only issue a low-pitched warning.

Lin Mu looked at the pure-blooded unicorn, and also thought it was funny, this ancient mythical beast would be afraid of a little girl.

Lin Mu hugged Zhu'er and returned to his room with Xue Linglong, worried that Zhu'er would be bullied, Lin Mu also asked Xue Linglong and Zhu'er to guard outside, while he tried his best to restore his cultivation in the room.

Tens of thousands of high-grade immortal stones were all arranged in the room by Lin Shu, forming a huge spirit gathering array.

Tens of thousands of high-grade immortal stones are enough for an earth immortal to practice for a year.It should be enough to restore cultivation now.

The spirit-gathering array was formed, and the room was instantly filled with a strong immortal energy.

This is the inner layer of the Mortal Realm, so the appearance of such a large amount of immortal energy naturally attracted the attention of many people.

However, these fairy energy only appeared for a moment, and they were all absorbed by Lin Shu into his body.

What Lin Mu has to do now is to recover with all his strength. As for whether he will be exposed, this is not what Lin Mu needs to consider.

Besides, even if it was exposed and attracted those sects from the outer sect, Lin Mu believed that Xue Linglong could handle it by himself.

The movement here has indeed attracted the attention of some sects in the outer sect, and they have also sent experts here to investigate.

However, the existence of the blood spirit dragon, which is comparable to the earth fairy, may not be a big deal in the fairy world, but in this mortal realm, it is an absolutely invincible existence.

The blood spirit dragon is one man who guards the gate and no one can open it, and keeps all the invading enemies in the village.

The blood spirit dragon is powerful, so it is not afraid at all. The immortals guarding the teleportation array came over, and the area of ​​the mortal domain was also huge. When the immortals guarding the teleportation array came, Lin Shu's cultivation had already recovered.

Lin Mu and Xue Linglong have already learned that the guardians of the teleportation array are just some angels. When Lin Mu's cultivation level recovers, a few angels will not be a problem at all.

Lin Shu absorbed the immortal energy with all his strength in the room, and all the immortal energy quickly entered Lin Shu's thirsty tendons like a thousand streams returning to the sea.

With the supplement of immortal energy, Lin Shu's meridians also quickly became full.At the same time, the internal organs have also been greatly nourished.

Lin Mu's cultivation base is rapidly improving, and the speed of Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill is also getting faster and faster.

The two qi of yin and yang circulate in Lin Shu's body. This so-called mother qi of all things exists, and it is the best thing in the world to heal wounds.

After just one lap, Lin Shu's injuries had all been repaired.After two laps, Lin Mu's cultivation had all recovered.

However, Lin Mu did not stop cultivating. There was only half of the top-grade immortal stone left. Lin Mu also wanted to try to break through his current cultivation level, and try to enter the late stage of Earth Immortal, or even the peak of Earth Immortal.

Although the injury this time was extremely serious, Lin Mu's ruthless inheritance, as well as the direct fight with Jinxian and the indirect fight with the Immortal King, are all extremely huge wealth.These experiences and comprehensions are enough to support Lin Shu's impact on the later stage of Earth Immortal.

The high-grade immortal stones given by Grandpa Yan will soon be consumed. Lin Shu also took out the remaining high-grade immortal stones from his chaotic world without hesitation, and added them all in.

It has come to the most critical moment of breakthrough, Lin Mu will not give up.

Three days and three nights passed, but there was still no sign of Lin Mu leaving the customs.

Although Lin Mu didn't leave the customs, the angel guarding the teleportation array has already rushed to this small village in the inner layer of Mortal Realm.

Seeing the blood spirit dragon, a spirit beast with the strength of an earth fairy, the two angels who came were also moved to collect it.

"If you want to accept the master, you are still far behind. Let's wait until you win the master." Xue Linglong glanced at the trees in the room behind him, and said arrogantly.

The blood spirit dragon now has to buy some time for Lin Shu.

"A small spirit beast dares to be so arrogant. It's courting death. I'll accept you now!" One of the angels snorted coldly, and then shot directly, preparing to capture the blood spirit dragon.

Although the Blood Spirit Dragon possesses the strength of the Earth Immortal, but facing the Heaven Immortal, the Blood Spirit Dragon is still far behind.

Xue Linglong put Zhu'er behind, also using his own limit speed to continuously dodge the attacks of the two.

The speed of the blood spirit dragon is extremely fast, and the attacks of the two of them often fail.

But the more strange the blood spirit dragon behaves, the more determined the two angels are to win the blood spirit dragon.

The continuous bombardment of the two failed to capture the blood spirit dragon, one of the angels glanced at Zhu'er, and he also had a calculation in his heart.

There was a sly smile on the corner of the fairy's mouth, and then he suddenly shot at Zhu'er.


Seeing this fairy, Xue Linglong yelled angrily at Zhu'er, and then turned to save Zhu'er.

The two angels were waiting for this moment, and when they saw the blood spirit dragon turn around to save them, they also shot at the same time.


The combined attack of the two angels is so powerful, even if the blood spirit dragon has thick skin and thick flesh, it is even more expensive as an ancient beast, but such a blow will cause the blood spirit dragon to vomit blood directly, and its expression will be instantly sluggish.

"What's the matter with you, little pig?" Zhu'er cried anxiously when she saw the blood spirit dragon vomiting blood.

"court death!"

The two angels saw that their move was successful, and they were ready to take the Blood Spirit Dragon away, but before the two of them could make a move, they felt a violent momentum rushing towards them, and they didn't react at all. He staggered for a while after being beaten.

The two of them looked at each other with full vigilance, and the expression of the young man who suddenly appeared was also changing.

The Mortal Realm is the place where mortals live, how could there be such a powerful immortal, this in itself already explained the problem.

"Who are you? Why are you in the Mortal Realm?" One of the angels asked with full vigilance.

Lin Mu sneered, "I'm the one who killed you two bastards."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu shot directly.

Lin Mu's cultivation has already broken through. Although he is still a small step behind the peak Earth Immortal that he estimated, the late Earth Immortal is enough to deal with these two late Celestial Immortals.

"Earth Immortals dare to be rampant, die to me!" One of them took a look at Lin Mu's cultivation, and then took the lead, preparing to kill Lin Mu.

When Lin Mu saw the angel's attack, he also smiled slightly, and then shook his finger, and a wave of ripples swept across, directly shattering the angel's attack.

Immortals in the later stage of Tianxian, seeing that the forest trees just shook their fingers and broke their own attacks, could not help but change their faces.

Another angel looked at the trees, his face changed a few times, and finally he shouted in horror: "You are the person Ziyu Immortal Emperor is looking for!"

After the angel finished speaking, he also directly took out a communication jade slip, and Lin Mu immediately rushed forward to kill him.Lin Mu didn't expect that Immortal Emperor Ziyu would want him in the entire fairy world, and even the guards in Mortal Realm knew of his existence.

However, Lin Mu's speed was still a step slower. Although he killed the celestial being with one punch, the news was passed on by him.

(End of this chapter)

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