Supreme Chef

Chapter 1124 The Fisherman's Gain

Chapter 1124 The Fisherman's Gain (3)

Hearing his second son's cold words, Du Chun also cursed angrily: "You wolfish and ambitious bastard, I have raised you for thousands of years in vain."

Du Chun's second son said coldly: "Don't think that I don't know the purpose of your raising me, and I already knew that I am not your own, you just treat me as a cauldron for refining medicine. If you don't treat me If you want to kill me, I might really give you a pension, but it's a pity that you want to kill me, so I can only send you on your way."

" do you know that you are not my own?" Du Chun never expected that his second son would know this secret that even his own son, Du Liangjun, did not know.

Du Chun's second son sneered, and said: "If you want others to know you have to do nothing, there is no impenetrable wall in this world, you can now go on the road with peace of mind."

After finishing speaking, Du Chun's second son also dug out Du Chun and Du Liangjun's Nascent Soul neatly.

"You treat me like a cauldron. It's a pity. Now I want to treat you like a cauldron." Du Chun's second son looked at Du Chun's Nascent Soul in his hand, and said coldly.

In the mouth of his second son, Du Chun's Nascent Soul gritted his steel teeth angrily, but it was of no avail.


Seeing that all the dust had settled, Lin Mu himself, a fisherman, should come out to benefit, and he also came out of the chaotic world, clapping his hands as he walked, saying: "It's wonderful, your family is really wonderful. , Everyone is calculating each other, which saves me a lot of things."

Du Chun's second son was also taken aback when he saw the trees suddenly appearing.

"Who are you?" Du Chun's second son looked at Lin Muhe in horror and asked.

"You are the one who rescued that girl!" Du Liangjun's Nascent Soul also recognized Lin Mu at a glance.

Lin Mu looked at Du Chun's family of three, and said, "At first, I thought we had no grievances. I really felt a little guilty for killing your family of three. But now it seems that I really don't have any psychological burden at all. The three of you in your family are all out-and-out bastards. Killing you is equivalent to saving thousands of people."

Du Chun's second son, after seeing Lin Mu's cultivation level, also sneered and said: "You want to kill me, it's too beautiful. You are just a little earth fairy, I just want you to give me the order, A few people who come in at random from outside can kill you."

Lin Mu said: "Do you think I will give you a chance to give you an order?"

As soon as Lin Mu's voice fell, Du Chun's second son felt his eyes blur, and then Lin Mu was already standing in front of him.


Lin Mu's palm directly landed on Du Chun's second son's chest.


With Lin Mu's palm, Du Chun's second son's sternum was instantly shattered into powder, and at the same time, the surging immortal energy instantly broke all his tendons, as well as the Yuanying in his dantian.

Things went really smoothly, and the smoothness somewhat exceeded Lin Mu's expectations.Of course, this is mainly due to the civil strife of Du Chun's family. Without their civil strife, Lin Mu would not have been able to solve such a gang of bastards so easily.

"As long as you let me go, I promise to let you enter the third heaven!" Du Chun's Nascent Soul said looking at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in entering the third heaven, you just need to tell me where Yang Dingtian is."

Du Chun said: "Are you Yang Dingtian's friend?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know Yang Dingtian. I'm Yang Ying's friend. My patience is limited. If you tell me Yang Dingtian's whereabouts, I can consider letting you go."

Du Chun said: "That bastard must be practicing some kind of evil kung fu, Yang Dingtian and the city lord, I'm afraid that his evil hands have been ruined long ago."

Lin Mu shook his head when he heard Du Chun's words, and said, "Unfortunately, this news can't buy your life, but I can give you a happy one."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly shattered Du Chun's Nascent Soul. As for Du Liangjun's Nascent Soul, Lin Mu didn't even bother to look at it, and just wiped it out.

Then the Nascent Soul of the special envoy, Lin Shu also directly burned up in a ball of fire.Although Da Luo Jinxian is already extremely powerful, it is obvious that this special envoy is not that kind of genius disciple, so he does not have a guardian pearl to protect his consciousness.

After packing up the storage rings of several people, Lin Mu also left the City Lord's Mansion directly.

Yang Dingtian is dead, and Lin Mu is powerless to recover. As for Yang Ying's confession, Lin Mu can only do so.

Lin Mu sneaked back to his previous hiding place while checking the storage rings of the four of them.

Du Liangjun's storage ring can be ignored directly. The most valuable one is probably more than 1000 high-grade immortal stones. Apart from these, there is nothing else.

However, the storage rings of the other three people are very promising, especially the storage ring of the Daluo Jinxian, which has half a low-grade fairy vein.

What Lin Mu lacks most now is the immortal energy for cultivation. This half of the low-grade immortal spirit vein is enough for Lin Mu to attack the late stage of the Earth Immortal.

On the other hand, Du Chun's ring is not as rich as what is in his second son's ring.

The second son has obviously prepared things for his breakthrough, nearly a million high-grade immortal stones, various elixirs, and various fairy grasses.Apparently, he took advantage of the time he was posing as the city lord to take many things in the treasure house of Liuli City for himself.

"He really knows how to take advantage of his position." Lin Mu also expressed emotion.

"What is this?" Lin Mu saw a well-hidden jade slip and picked it up.

"Baby Refinement Dafa! How come there are such evil exercises." Lin Mu frowned involuntarily after reading the content on the jade slip.

"This exercise was completely destroyed in my era, why is it still appearing now?" Daoist Guang couldn't help being surprised when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Infant refining Dafa.It is known as an evil cultivation method in the fairy world. It uses a very evil method to directly integrate other people's Nascent Soul into your own Nascent Soul, so that you can directly own everything about the other party, including strength and cultivation, and Still the kind of 100% copy.

But the side effect of this kind of practice is also very large, that is, with the deepening of your cultivation, you will become obsessed with this feeling, and then you will be deeply involved in it, and you will get the Nascent Soul completely for the sake of obtaining the Nascent Soul, without knowing it Suddenly, you will become a monster who only knows how to kill.

In that era of Daoist Guang, all the exercises that had been spread outside the world had been destroyed, but he did not expect that he would appear again in modern times.

"It seems that the descendants of those years should not have died, and the fairy world may not be peaceful again!" Taoist Guang said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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