Supreme Chef

Chapter 1127 Mutation of the Secret Realm

Chapter 1127 Mutation of the Secret Realm (2)

After confirming that everyone had escaped, Lin Mu also led the golden centipede and Scorpio to a hidden place.

After arriving here, Lin Mu also let go of his hands and feet, and began to prepare to kill the golden centipede and the scorpion.

The two fairy beasts are mutated fairy beasts, one is equivalent to the peak of a heavenly fairy, and the other is equivalent to a golden fairy.They are all extremely powerful beings.

This kind of cultivation may not be very good in the outside world, but in this secret realm, it can definitely threaten the lives of most people who come in, especially their venom, even if it is contaminated by Da Luo Jinxian, it will be very troublesome.

But fortunately, Lin Mu has something specially designed to restrain their venom, Skyfire.

The scorpion and the golden centipede spewed out their venom one after another, ready to directly melt the tree, but the tree wrapped his whole body with sky fire, and then rushed towards the venom directly.


The venom splashed on the sky fire, and the sky fire also made a scorching sound, and at the same time, a puff of burnt smell came out, and the venom that fell on the ground would instantly corrode the hard ground one by one. potholes.

It is also fortunate that there is a sky fire in the forest, otherwise, even if the top golden immortals come here, they will only have a dead end.

Not afraid of the sky fire of the two mutated beasts, Lin Mu rushed directly to the two mutated beasts.


Facing the two mutated fairy beasts, Lin Mu also directly punched them fiercely.

Lin Mu's fist was powerful and heavy. Although he didn't use any combat skills, his strength was also very strong.


The two mutated beasts were caught off guard and were also sent flying.


The two mutated beasts collided with the mountain wall behind, and there was a muffled sound, and the mountain shook violently, as if it was about to break.


The two mutated fairy beasts uttered a scream in pain, but the two mutated fairy beasts were rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Although they were blown away, they didn't suffer much damage.


The two mutated beasts were furious, the golden centipede sprayed out a large amount of venom, and the scorpion directly stabbed the forest with its venomous stinger on the back of its tail.

The scorpion's stinger exudes a dark purple light, and the sharp stinger is already comparable to a fourth-rank fairy weapon.

This is definitely an excellent material for refining poison soldiers, but Lin Mu does not need it to refine poison soldiers, but to use it to refine body refining liquid.

"Good come!"

Lin Mu also let out a low cry, then reached out and grabbed the scorpion's stinger.

At the same time, Lin Shu also released the sky fire, allowing the sky fire to directly burn off the scorpion's stinger.


The Scorpio was also in pain from being burned by the sky fire, and let out a piercing scream, and at the same time, its huge body twisted violently.

However, although the power of the scorpion is strong, it is still inferior to Lin Mu's immortal body, and Lin Mu has the help of the sky fire, the harder the scorpion struggles, the faster its stinger will fall.


Finally, under the simultaneous wrestling of Lin Shu and Scorpio, and with the help of Tianhuo, the stinger finally broke off.


A lot of venom was sprayed out, and the trees were not wasted. They sealed all the venom and threw it into a jade bottle.


His biggest thorn was pulled out by Lin Shu, and Scorpio let out an extremely angry cry, and then opened his mouth to bite Lin Mu.

Seeing the mouth bitten off by Scorpio, Lin Mu also turned sideways, and at the same time grabbed a part of the golden centipede's body, directly using the golden centipede as a weapon, and smashed it at Scorpio.


The huge bodies of the two collided together, and the collision between the two was like gold and stone, not like a physical collision at all, and the most terrifying thing was that when the two bodies collided, sparks burst out.

This is a body comparable to Jinshi, and Lin Shu is a little shocked by such a body strength.

"What did these mutated beasts eat to have such a strong body!" Lin Mu also thought to himself.

If there is really a place in the secret realm where you can refine your body, then Lin Mu will definitely not give up. Lin Mu will definitely try his best to find it, and then use it to help his immortal body upgrade.

Although the two mutated fairy beasts were smashed by each other's bodies, neither of them died. It can be seen that the bodies of the two are extremely strong.


Taking advantage of the drowsiness of the golden centipede, Lin Mu also took a step forward, and then directly chopped off the mouthparts of the golden centipede that produced venom with the Shadowless Knife.

The mouthparts were cut off, and the golden centipede also spewed out a lot of venom, which was also collected by the trees.

The two poisonous insects that have lost their most reliable weapons are like tigers without teeth, their power has been reduced by more than half.

Just when Lin Mu was about to deal with the two mutated beasts, the two mutated beasts suddenly opened their mouths, and then spit out a mouthful of flames.

The flames sprayed by the two were extremely hot, even comparable to the frosty flames in Lin Mu's hands.

The flames spewing out of the trees was also extremely shocking. Although these two fairy beasts could use poison, Lin Shu was sure that neither of them were fire-type fairy beasts.

However, the two mutated beasts spewed out flames comparable to heavenly fire.

"That's impossible! No matter how mutated they are, it's impossible for them to spit out sky fire. If sky fire is so easy to get, can day fire still be called sky fire?
"No! They must have eaten something. They must have eaten something I don't know. Otherwise, their bodies would not have such a mutation.

Now that he was sure what they ate, Lin Mu wanted to see what it was.

Lin Mu held the Shadowless Knife, facing the weaker golden centipede, and directly slashed the sky first.

The knife array swept across, and soon trapped the golden centipede inside.

Although this mutated fairy beast is powerful, its intelligence is too low.

The knife array was raging, and the golden centipede could only roar except for roaring, although its mouth was full of flames comparable to sky fire.

But Lin Mu believes that its flame will always end one day.Lin Mu didn't believe that Tianhuo was so cheap now that the two mutated beasts in Yuantian Secret Realm possessed a flame comparable to Tianhuo.

The knife array continued to rage, and Lin Mu also saw the opportunity, and then directly and decisively punched out.

For this punch, Lin Mu used the Wushenquan.

The body of this golden centipede is so hard, it is impossible for ordinary punches to break through the body of the golden centipede.


Lin Mu punched the golden centipede and the golden centipede was torn apart, and in the golden centipede's bloody body, a piece of white jade caught Lin Mu's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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