Supreme Chef

Chapter 1129 The pie in the sky

Chapter 1129 The pie in the sky

This is a flame comparable to the third-level peak sky fire, and even stronger than the Liushuang sky fire.

The scorching flames burned everything, even if the forest tree was a fairy body, it would not dare to confront it head-on.


Lin Shu dodged, and the flames burned in the lake behind Lin Shu.

The lake water instantly burned, and the originally non-burning lake water also instantly became a fuel that could burn everything.

The flames almost burned through the valley, and the surrounding stones turned into hot magma.

The magma erupted, and in an instant it became a volcano about to erupt.

The power of the flames was so great that Lin Shu was shocked.

Lin Mu used the frosty fire to protect his whole body. Only in this way can he prevent himself from being scalded by the scalding fire, and at the same time prevent himself from being eroded by the fire poison.


When the water snake saw that the blow was missed, it just swung its tail. The tail was as thick as a leg, and it also moved sideways. The power of this snake tail was even more unimaginable.

Wherever it passed, magma was rolled up all over the sky, and the magma washed the entire valley, and the surrounding vegetation was burned, and the fire poison continued to condense, as if it was about to erupt at any time.

"With your favor, you are not done with two tricks." Lin Mu was also furious when he was beaten by the water snake, and he also punched directly.


Lin Mu's fist used the flame wave, the billowing sky fire fell, the sky fire collided with the magma, and then the magma and the sky fire merged. Under the action of Lin Mu's fist, he also directly rushed towards the little snake next to the water snake.


The water snake saw that the little snake beside him was about to suffer disaster, its triangular eyes widened, and its mouth opened wide, trying to suck all the flames into its mouth.

"If you want to swallow the sky fire, I will let you swallow it!"

Lin Mu let out a cold snort, and then activated the sky fire, causing the sky fire to rush directly into the snake's mouth.


The flames emitted by the skyfire and the water snake are different. Although the flames emitted by the water snake have the power of the skyfire, they are not the same as the skyfire after all.

The fire of the sky is born of the heaven and the earth, and its power is extremely huge, and it contains the rules of the sky and the earth. Its power and destructive power are simply not comparable to the acquired flames sprayed by the water snake.

The sky fire burned wantonly in the water snake's mouth, and soon the water snake's mouth was scorched black. At the same time, the outer snake's skin began to wrinkle rapidly, losing moisture.


In the end, the water snake couldn't bear it anymore, and spit out the sky fire.

"Keep driving for me!"

Lin Mu's fist continued to move forward, and the flame wave continued to unfold. The newly expanded flame wave also merged with the sky fire spit out by the water snake, and then rushed towards the little snakes protected by the water snake.


These little snakes have not mutated, and they are still in their infancy, so they cannot compete with the sky fire of the forest at all.

The sky fire spread wantonly, and those little snakes covered by the sky fire were all burned into coke in an instant. Even those who escaped by chance, half of their bodies were burned off.


The water snake looked extremely angry, and roared angrily, and its huge body directly smashed into the sky fire on the ground.

Although the water snake's mouth cannot resist the power of the sky fire, its body can resist the power of the sky fire because it is accompanied by flames equal to the power of the sky fire all year round.

The water snake pressed down the huge body, and instantly pushed a lot of sky fire to other open spaces.

Tianhuo was squeezed out, and Water Snake saw that he had thousands of descendants, but now he had less than a hundred descendants, and his eyes almost glared blood.

The water snake opened its mouth wide, and swallowed the remaining little snakes into its own mouth. Of course, the water snake didn't really want to eat its own offspring, it just wanted to protect these remaining offspring, and then they could release them. Use hands and feet to kill trees.

Seeing that the water snake was really desperate, Lin Mu's expression turned serious.

There is only one way in and out of this canyon, and now it is blocked by a water snake. If Lin Shu wants to escape, he can only deal with the water snake first.


The water snake, who had no worries about the future, also completely let go of its hands and feet.

Big, big mouthfuls of flames spewed out, comparable to the sky fire of the third-level peak, burning everything here, even the air was burning rapidly, and the space had a tendency to melt.

This is the power of the third-level peak sky fire. Even the extremely strong space in this fairy world cannot resist the power of the high-level sky fire.

Lin Mu covered his whole body with frosty fire. At the same time, he was also thankful that the water snake, apart from its tyrannical body and ability to use flames, didn't seem to know how to use its own mana, and its intelligence was not developed enough.

If the water snake's spiritual intelligence is still highly developed and can be used very flexibly, it can be compared to the Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base, then Lin Shu really has no possibility of escaping.

Relying on his own Frost Skyfire, Lin Mu also forcibly passed through the skyfire fire curtain sprayed out by the water snake.

Lin Mu rushed over forcefully in this way, just to find a gap, so that he could break out of the water snake's encirclement in one fell swoop.

Lin Mu has long been optimistic about this opening, but when Lin Mu is about to approach this opening, an extremely huge snake tail also directly swept over.

The tail of the snake came so suddenly that Lin Shu didn't have time to react.

Lin Mu had no choice but to choose to fight hard.


The power of the water snake is much stronger than that of the forest tree, and the forest tree was swept away in one fell swoop.


Lin Mu's body fell heavily into the magma, which immediately aroused a magma flame hundreds of feet high.

The forest tree that fell into the magma also felt pain all over his body, and his bones seemed to be broken in several places.

After being promoted to the Immortal God Body, Lin Mu has not been injured yet, and now being injured by this water snake has made Lin Mu sober.

Now that he was hit into the magma by the water snake, Lin Shu didn't plan to go out immediately. After being wrapped by the sky fire, Lin Shu became shallower and deeper until he stood on the ground again.

Since the water snake was a bit clever, Lin Mu didn't want to rely on some gap to break through, so Lin Mu just waited here, waiting for the water snake to come down to find him.

Although this water snake is a bit smart, compared with Lin Shu's great wisdom, it is still far behind.

Especially this water snake's patience is extremely poor, after only a while, it couldn't bear it anymore, and then plunged headlong into the tumbling magma, looking for this tiny human who killed thousands of his descendants.

Sensing the fluctuations from the magma, Lin Mu also activated the speed rule, and then rushed out of his eyes and fled directly towards the entrance of the canyon.

Hitting Lin Shu would definitely not be able to defeat this water snake. For now, Lin Mu had no choice but to escape.

When Lin Shu rushed out of the magma, the water snake also reacted, and then raised its huge snake head, trying to prey on Lin Shu.

The speed of the water snake was also extremely fast. When Lin Mu saw the huge snake's head protruding out, he also stomped heavily on the snake's head with his foot.


The snake's head was trampled down heavily by the forest tree.

And the trees also took advantage of this huge rebound force to quickly rush to the entrance of the canyon.

(End of this chapter)

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