Supreme Chef

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

After the two boarded the spaceship, Yuan Xiu also quickly steered the spaceship out of the range of Tianhai City.

"Brother Lin, what are your plans and where are you going?" Yuan Xiu asked.

Lin Mu said: "I don't have anywhere to go, brother Yuan, where are you going?"

Although Lin Mu used to be a fairy, but he was in the fairy world for a short time, and then he was jointly suppressed by the four great fairy emperors.

Therefore, Lin Mu's understanding of the fairy world is not as good as Yuan Xiu's, especially Lin Mu of the second heaven is completely ignorant.

Yuan Xiu thought for a while, and said, "Brother Lin, if you really have nowhere to go, you can follow me to Tian Linbao."

"Tian Linbao?" Lin Mu had obviously never heard of this place.

Yuan Xiu also seemed to see that Lin Mu didn't know much about Erchongtian, but Yuan Xiu was relieved when he thought that Lin Mu had been retreating.

Yuan Xiu took out a piece of jade slip and said, "Brother Lin, there is some information about Erchongtian recorded here, brother Lin, please take a look first."

This is exactly what Lin Mu needs most now, and Lin Mu took the jade slip over to check the contents quickly.

It turns out that every heaven in the fairy world is divided into heaven, earth, xuan, huang, yu, zhou, hong, and huang, plus a source state, a total of nine states, also called nine heavens.

However, the area of ​​each continent in each sky is extremely huge, comparable to several cultivation worlds. If you want to cross the sky, even if it is a fairy who wants to fly, it will take decades. Of course, you can also use the intercontinental teleportation array , but the cost is also very high.

Although it seems that the divisions of the first and second heavens are exactly the same, there are actually differences.

In the second heaven, each heaven has a supreme sect, and the head of this sect will be called the god, and Yi Yi is obviously the master of the day.

And this time, it is the God of the Nine Heavens, plus the Immortal Craftsman Guild of the Second Heaven, who jointly hold the Second Heaven Alchemy Dao Grand Meeting.

As for Tianlin Castle mentioned by Yuan Xiu, it is a place that has not yet formed a city and has relatively many forces.

Such a place is the most suitable place to hide, even if Tianhai City wants to find it, it is not so easy.

Lin Mu and Yuan Xiu arrived at Tian Linbao after flying for more than a month.

Tianlinbao is just like its name, and it really has an idyllic style here, which makes people feel comfortable when looking at it.

Yuan Xiu landed his spaceship, and then took Lin Shu to the gate of a farmhouse-like building with ease.

Lin Mu frowned slightly as he looked at this earth-like building.

This kind of architectural style is very rare in the fairy world. The fairy world is generally a cave, or some simple buildings, such as the earth's architectural style, which is definitely very rare.

Lin Mudao: "Brother Yuan, did you build this place yourself?"

When Yuan Xiu heard Lin Mu's words, he also said, "Brother Lin also thinks this architectural style is special, right? When I bought this place, I also thought the architectural style was special."

When Lin Mu heard this, he also understood that this place was not built by Yuan Xiu, but Yuan Xiu bought it from someone else.

Lin Mudao: "Brother Yuan, when you bought it, did you know where the people living here came from?"

Yuan Xiu shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but I do know that the person who lives here is a very powerful immortal. He was in Tianlin Castle back then, but he made a great reputation.

Not long after he ascended, someone came to challenge him, wanting him to hand over one of his magic weapons.However, this Sanxian who had just ascended to the throne insisted on beheading all the invading enemies, even though they were all Sanxians.But with one against ten, and even fighting, this is also a remarkable record.

And it is said that later, he continued to upgrade in a short period of time.It only took 50 years to change from Sanxian to Jinxian, and left the second heaven. As for where he went now, no one knows.However, such a person is destined to be amazing and brilliant, which is beyond my imagination. "

When Lin Mu heard Yuan Xiu's words, he was also very interested in this cultivator who might be from the earth.

Just ascension to be able to fight ten against one, such a record is indeed astonishing. After 50 years of cultivating from Sanxian to Jinxian, such aptitude is enough to defy the sky.

"Do you know his name?" Lin Mu also asked.

Yuan Xiu thought for a while and said, "His name seems to be Li Er."

"Lao Tzu! Li Er!"

Lin Mu has lived on the earth for a long time, so he naturally knows who Li Er is.

Laozi is the founder of Daojia, and the "Tao Te Ching" left behind, even according to Lin Mu's current vision, is very in line with the way of heaven.

Such an amazingly talented person, who can become a golden fairy in 50 years, doesn't care about the strangeness at all. Even if he is now the fairy king, Lin Mu doesn't think it is strange at all.

"Yes! Yes! He seems to have called himself Lao Tzu all the time. Brother Lin, have you heard of him?" Yuan Xiu also asked excitedly.

Of course Lin Mu would not say that the two of them came from the same place, and explained: "I have indeed heard about it."

Seeing that Lin Mu had also heard of Lao Tzu's name, Yuan Xiu was also very proud, and said, "At the beginning, everyone thought that this courtyard contained the Dao of Heaven. I also spent a lot of energy in order to compete for this courtyard."

Lin Mu looked at the courtyard praised by Yuan Xiu, and really wondered how Yuan Xiu would feel if he went to the earth and saw such buildings everywhere on the earth.

"Brother Lin, let's go in and talk." Yuan Xiu opened the door and invited Lin Mu to enter the room.

When Lin Shu entered the yard, he also felt a familiar feeling.

It has been a long time since Lin Shu has experienced this familiar feeling on the earth, and it is also very cordial to feel it again.

But before Lin Mu had time to comprehend it carefully, several sneers came from the door.

"Yuan Xiu, you shy tortoise, you are finally willing to come back. Now that you are back, let's settle the account of the past, shall we?" Yuan Xiu looked at the group of people blocking his door, and his face sank instantly. .

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry, I made you laugh. I'll get rid of these people first, and I'll buy you a drink when I get back." As soon as I came back, people blocked the door. No matter how good-tempered Yuan Xiu was, he couldn't bear it.

The people blocking the door also sneered when they saw Yuan Xiu coming out, and said: "Yuan Xiu, you think you have been hiding for decades, and you can walk sideways in Tianlin Castle when you come back at the peak of the fairy. I tell you to dream, Brother Lu is now a Golden Immortal, and his master is also in Tianlinbao. Brother Lu's master is already at the peak of the Golden Immortal. If you are sensible, don't resist, and obediently hand over the things you stole back then. "

When Yuan Xiu heard this, his expression couldn't help but change.He didn't expect that a person with a lower level of cultivation than himself was already a golden immortal, and he even found a master who was at the peak of a golden immortal.

But let him hand over the things from that year, where will he hand it over.The fairy medicine of that year had already been eaten by him when he was promoted to a fairy, so where would he go?

Seeing that Yuan Xiu's expression was wrong, the person on the opposite side also sneered and said, "I know you can't hand over what you had back then, so use your life to repay it!"

(End of this chapter)

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