Supreme Chef

Chapter 1163 A low-key sensation

Chapter 1163 A low-key sensation (1)

Because the notice at the gate of the city lord's mansion stated that among the alchemy certification, the top ten alchemists can not only sit in the first-class cabin of the spaceship, but also get a guaranteed place in the barren state, and directly enter the second heavenly alchemy path The elimination contest of the event.

Although elixir masters are also extremely sought-after in the fairy world, there are probably hundreds of thousands of elixir masters in the entire Second Heaven.

After all, there is a second heaven, but there are thousands or tens of thousands of cultivation worlds.

If you participate round after round, it will not only be time-consuming, but also labor-intensive.

Lin Mu didn't want to do this, so Lin Mu was also going to do his best to fight for the top ten spots.

When Lin Mu entered the City Lord's Mansion, someone greeted him immediately.

"May I ask if this fellow daoist is here to certify the star level of the elixir master?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes, take me to the certification."

When the other party heard that Lin Mu was here to certify the alchemist, he hurriedly said respectfully: "This alchemist, please come with me."

Lin Mu followed behind the angel, and also walked towards the inner courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"I don't know how many alchemists this alchemist wants to certify, so I can ask someone to prepare the alchemy room in advance."

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said, "Just the fourth grade."

Lin Mu is now fully capable of refining sixteen special-grade fourth-grade pills.Moreover, Lin Mu felt that he should be no problem with ordinary fifth-grade pills.

But Lin Mu couldn't refine the fifth-grade elixir, so Lin Mu also worried that this would not be enough to make him the top ten, so it's better to be on the safe side.

"What! Fourth Grade Immortal Alchemist!"

The angel in front couldn't help but staggered when he heard Lin Mu's words.

"Is there any problem?" Lin Mu looked at the fairy and asked back.

Tianxian looked at Lin Shu, was also stunned for a moment, and then said more respectfully: "No problem! No problem! Alchemist, please invite me."

In fact, Lin Mu felt that he was already very low-key and safe, but Lin Mu forgot that this place is only the Second Heaven.

Rank four alchemist is already the top existence in the second heaven.Even in Tiankui City's City Lord's Mansion, from the time of certification to the present, there are only a dozen or so people who have actually certified fourth-rank alchemists.

Of course Lin Mu didn't know about this, if Lin Mu knew, maybe Lin Mu wouldn't have certified a fourth-rank alchemist.

Soon Tianxian brought Lin Shu to the alchemy room deep in the inner courtyard, and brought Lin Mu to a alchemy room marked with four on it. The Tianxian also said respectfully: "Please come in, alchemist. What kind of medicine do you need to refine? It needs to be written in the teleportation jade slip inside, and the medicinal materials will be delivered. However, after the elixir is refined, the City Lord's Mansion will take half of it as usual."

After listening to Lin Mu, he also nodded, and Kuicheng is quite real this day.I just want half of the elixir.

Lin Mu entered the alchemy room, looked at the well-equipped alchemy room, and nodded.

The alchemy room provided a kind of earth fire, which was enough for alchemy, so Lin Mu kept taking out his own sky fire.

Lin Mu thought for a while in the elixir room, and then wrote down the elixir he was going to refine.

Purple Kuidan.

This is a fourth-grade elixir for healing, as long as it is not a serious injury to the consciousness and dantian, basically a elixir can solve it.

Among the fourth-grade pills, Zi Kui Pill is not the top one, but it is not the bottom one either. Lin Mu thinks that it should be no problem to win the top ten with this. Elixir will do.

After deciding what kind of elixir to refine, Lin Mu also wrote down the medicinal materials he needed, and then sent them out with the teleportation jade slip.

At this time, in another room of the City Lord's Mansion, the alchemists of the City Lord's Mansion and their subordinates are busy, preparing everything for the alchemy event.


After the alarm sounded, the jade slips hanging on the wall also lit up.

"Someone is certifying a fourth-rank elixir teacher, hurry up and see what kind of elixir he wants to refine!" Seeing the jade slip on the wall that belonged to the fourth-rank alchemy room lit up, everyone quickly put down their buddies and surrounded them.

"He wants to refine Zikui Pill!" When everyone saw the elixir that Lin Mu wanted to refine, they were surprised again.

It’s not that no one has used the fourth-rank alchemy room, but the dozen or so people who come here for certification usually refine some entry-level elixir of fourth-rank. Really few and far between.

"Prepare the medicinal materials for him, prepare two copies of the medicinal materials, send them to him immediately, and notify the city master separately." The fourth-rank alchemist who presides over here also said in an orderly manner.


Following the order of the fourth-rank alchemist, everyone immediately started to act.

After Lin Mu waited for half an hour in the alchemy room, all the medicinal materials he needed were sent over.

The medicinal materials were delivered, and after Lin Mu checked them carefully, he also confirmed that the medicinal materials were correct, and then began to make alchemy.

Lin Mu did not use his own divine sense to refine the fourth-grade elixir.This method is not available even in the Immortal World. Lin Mu knew that once this method appeared, it would definitely cause a sensation.

But what Lin Mu has to do now is to keep a low profile. Let's save this kind of high-profile matter until the real competition begins.

Relying on Lin Mu's strong spiritual sense, all the medicinal materials were thrown into the alchemy furnace, and then directly refined.

In an hour, a furnace of sixteen super-grade Zi Kui Pills was also completely refined.

Looking at this batch of pills, Lin Mu was quite satisfied, thinking that with this batch of pills, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to get into the top ten.

Lin Mu put the pill into the jade bottle, and then put it on the teleportation array.

Soon the jade bottle disappeared and appeared in the spacious room.

"The elixir from the fourth-grade alchemy room has been sent!" A servant saw the jade bottle coming, and quickly reported it.

"So fast!" The fourth-rank alchemist in charge couldn't help being stunned when he saw the jade bottle being delivered.

An hour, this speed is too fast.This also made him doubt the quality of this bottle of elixir.

But logically he still took the jade bottle.

As soon as the bottle cork was pulled out, a strong medicinal fragrance came from the pavement, and everyone in the room couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"This... this is a special elixir!" The fourth-rank elixir master felt a little shocked when he felt the strong fragrance of the medicine.

Then he poured out the medicine, and immediately everyone surrounded him.

"Two batches of medicinal materials have refined sixteen special-grade elixir. This is definitely a top-ranked elixir teacher!" Someone said in shock.

"The elder has some extra medicinal materials back." Soon, the servants brought over the remaining medicinal materials from Lin Shu.

"One elixir, refine sixteen special-grade Zikui elixirs!" The person who spoke just now looked at the medicinal materials in the disciple's hands, and was also dumbfounded in shock.

He already felt that it was very powerful to refine sixteen super-grade pills from two parts of medicinal materials, but now he didn't know what to say at all.

(End of this chapter)

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