Supreme Chef

Chapter 1167 Protect as a Panda

Chapter 1167 Protect like a Panda

The head of the Tianyun faction looked at Wu Qiong's leaving back, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Master, Wu Qiong is probably bluffing. He has the highest level of alchemy in the barren state, but he is just Tong Tiexin. With his aptitude, the fourth-rank alchemist is already at the top." An old man beside Fang Zhongshan, Said in a low voice beside Fang Zhongshan.

Fang Zhongshan looked at the place where Wu Qiong left, and said, "Wu Qiong looks carefree, but in fact he is very delicate inside. Who is the person recommended by Huangzhou this time, who can directly enter the second knockout round? "

"It must be that Tong Tiexin, this time he might not even be in the top ten." The people around Fang Zhongshan said.

"Hmph! So you haven't read the list yet?" Fang Zhongshan asked with a cold snort.

" don't need to look, it must be Tong Tiexin." The people around Fang Zhongshan said with a guilty conscience.

"Go and bring me the list." Fang Zhongshan said.


After ordering someone to take the list, he glanced at the person recommended by Huangzhou, his body couldn't help shaking, and he almost threw the list on the ground.

"What? It's not the same person?" Fang Zhongshan said expressionlessly.

"Yes... yes... this time, the person recommended by Huangzhou is... a man named Lin Mu." The man trembled as he spoke, and at the same time secretly regretted his own cleverness.

This Fang Zhongshan is always smiling, but in fact he is a smiling tiger. If he gets ruthless, he will not even know how he died.

"I'll give you one day to investigate all the background of that forest tree. If he is a fifth-grade alchemist, I don't need to tell you, you should know how to do it. If this matter can't be completed, you don't have to come back." Fang Zhongshan's tone became more and more calm.


Hearing Fang Zhongshan's words, the man's body couldn't help shaking.

The calmer Fang Zhongshan was, the more dangerous Fang Zhongshan was.

"What are you still standing here for? Do you still want me to send someone to take you there?" Fang Zhongshan said in a cold tone.

"Yes... yes!" The man said in a trembling voice, and then quickly left the City Lord's Mansion to investigate everything about the forest.

Wu Qiong quickly returned to the inn, and also came to Lin Mu's retreat room.There is also a fifth-rank Alchemy King in the Tianyun Sect. Wu Qiong must let Lin Mu know about this matter as soon as possible. Lin Mu must have a preparation time in advance.

"King Lin Dan." Wu Qiong said loudly as he knocked on the formation outside the door.

Hearing Wu Qiong's cry, Lin Mu also woke up from his cultivation, and then pushed open the door of his room.

"Is there anything City Master Wu wants to do with me? Is the pill almost ready?" Lin Mu asked.

Wu Qiong said with a serious face, "Lin Danwang's medicinal materials are being purchased, but I have an important situation, and I need to talk to Lin Danwang first."

Lin Mu said: "What's the situation?"

Wu Qiong said: "King Lin Dan may have some troubles in this grand event of the second level of alchemy. If King Lin Dan wants to win the championship, he may have to be more careful."

Lin Mu frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Wu Qiong said: "Originally, besides the president of the alchemy society, you are the only one of the fifth-rank alchemy kings I know. But now there is also a fifth-rank alchemy king in the Tianyun sect. I was talking about this fifth-rank alchemy before." Legend of Wang, I always thought it was a fake, but I didn't expect that Tianyun Sect actually had a fifth-rank alchemy king. However, because we knew too little about him before, we collected almost zero information about him. "

Lin Mu has also basically understood some of the situation in Erzhong Tian these days.The highest level of alchemy practice known to Erchongtian is the president of the alchemy club, an existence who may become a sixth-rank alchemy king at any time.

And the remaining ones with the highest alchemy cultivation base are only fourth-rank alchemists.This is also the reason why Lin Mu felt that he was already very low-key, but still caused a sensation.

Lin Mu originally thought that it would be no problem for his fifth-rank alchemy king to win the alchemy grand event, but now that another fifth-rank alchemy king appeared, it added a little uncertainty to his road to the championship.

Wu Qiong said: "King Lin Dan, what I'm really worried about now is not your competition in the Danhui, but I am worried that the Tianyun faction will play some tricks."

Wu Qiong paused, and continued: "If you are the only fifth-rank alchemy king Lin Danwang participating in the competition, then they think that there is no possibility of winning the competition, and they will restrain themselves a bit. But now they think they can win the competition, but Lin Dan Wang, but you will prevent them from winning the championship, and they may use some indecent means."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said, "You mean they might find someone to assassinate me?"

Wu Qiong nodded with a serious expression, and said: "It is possible. So I hope that King Lin Dan will try not to leave the station before the game. If you must go out, please let me know in advance, and I will go out with King Lin Dan of."

When Lin Mu heard that Wu Qiong wanted to protect him like a giant panda, he quickly said, "That City Lord Wu, don't bother you to accompany me."

Wu Qiong said with a serious face: "King Lin Dan may not know how despicable these people are. In order to win the game, they will do whatever they can. So if King Lin Dan must go out, please let me know."

Seeing Wu Qiong's serious face, Lin Mu said helplessly, "Then I'll just try not to go out. I'll be retreating in the inn during this time."

When Wu Qiong heard this, he quickly said: "That's very good. If there are other things, I will let Elder Tong do it for me."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay."

It was the first time that Lin Mu was not used to being protected like a giant panda, but Wu Qiong also had a kind intention, and Lin Mu couldn't refuse either.

But that night, Lin Mu knew how shameless the people in Tianzhou were.

At night, Lin Mu also woke up from his practice, and wanted to go out to relax.

But as soon as he got up, he felt that the formation at the door was touched again.

Lin Mu opened the door, and also saw the staff of the post station standing outside the door.

"What's the matter?" Lin Mu looked at the boy opposite and asked.

The servant held a plate and said: "This is some refreshments presented to you by our host, please accept them."

Looking at the tempting refreshments on the tray, Lin Mu couldn't help but twitch his index finger.

However, when Lin Mu's consciousness swept over these refreshments, his face turned cold, and he said: "I don't need it, take it back, and give it to your master."

The boy said: "The master specifically ordered me to bring it and serve the distinguished guests to eat."

Lin Mu sneered, "Do you want to serve me and eat it, or do you want to see if I'm dead?"

When the boy heard Lin Mu's words, he couldn't help but suddenly changed his color, and then directly slapped Lin Mu, wanting to kill Lin Mu with one palm.

(End of this chapter)

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