Supreme Chef

Chapter 1198 The Strongest

Chapter 1198 The Strongest (1)

Wu Qiong didn't know why Lin Mu made such an exclamation, but he understood that if Lin Mu oppressed him so much, he would definitely soar into the sky, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with following Lin Mu.

"Brother Lin, Brother Kuang has been cryptic and expressed his intention to surrender to me. I think Brother Kuang can still be trusted." Wu Qiong also said on behalf of Kuangfeng.

Lin Mudao: "Since Brother Wu, you think Kuang Feng can be trusted, then when I refine Xuanluo Dan, I will refine an extra copy for him. During this time, I will guide the recruited alchemists while thinking about how to refine alchemy Yes, you help me arrange it. In addition, the affairs of the Danhui must be prepared quickly. Before the arrival of the strong man from the third heaven, the Danhui in the barren state must be formed."

Wu Qiong said: "Brother Lin, I have already prepared the place, and all the facilities inside are ready, but our current background is not insufficient. Although some alchemists came from the alchemy society, most of the alchemists Master, we are still in the wait-and-see stage.”

Lin Mudao: "It doesn't matter. In the next two days, I will open the altar and explain the alchemy. When someone breaks through the shackles, naturally a large number of people will come."

Wu Qiong said: "If this is the case, then the speed of our establishment will definitely be greatly accelerated."

After Lin Mu and Wu Qiong agreed on all the details, everything began to run in full swing.

Second Heaven has fallen into a rare period of peace, but everyone knows that this peace will soon be broken by the arrival of Third Heaven powerhouses.

"I broke through!"

"Thank you, King Lin Dan!"

These are the two sentences that Lin Mu has heard the most since the altar was opened.

Lin Mu opened the altar to explain the way of alchemy, which made all the alchemists who came here rejoice, and Lin Mu's experience in alchemy allowed them to break through quickly, which made these alchemists really crazy.

The alchemy cultivation base is different from the spell cultivation base. The alchemy cultivation base is more difficult to break through, and it often takes several times the effort to make a breakthrough.And if Lin Mu pointed out today, let them break through successfully, how could they not be crazy.

As Lin Shu's reputation continued to spread, more and more alchemists joined him.

The alchemist's lifelong pursuit is to break through and become a higher-level alchemist. They stay in the alchemy club only for the breakthrough.

Now that Lin Mu can help them break through quickly, how could they still be attached to Danhui.

More and more alchemists came here, and Lin Mu also recruited based on merit.

"I have become a fourth-rank alchemist!"

"I have become a fourth-rank alchemist!"

After another period of time, there were more and more alchemists on Lin Mu's side, and under Lin Mu's guidance, people continued to break through.

One product becomes two products!

Two grades become three grades!
Three grades become four grades!
These breakthroughs can be seen with one's own eyes, and such changes have also moved the alchemists of the entire Second Heaven, and flocked to the barren state.

Of course, Lin Mu continued to select the best candidates, but for those who were not selected, Lin Mu did not let them leave, but let them enter the alchemy building prepared by Wu Qiong.

Of course, Lin Mu didn't let them leave the place as soon as they entered. Lin Mu also came here to preach twice a month.

In the opening lectures for one year in a row, almost all alchemists have improved, but Lin Mu still has regrets.

Among the alchemists he accepted, there were a few fourth-rank alchemists with excellent qualifications. Lin Mu hoped to turn them all into fifth-rank alchemists, but no matter how hard Lin Mu tried, he would always fall short.

"Could it be that the problem is not with them, but with me? Could it be because I haven't broken through to the fifth-rank Alchemy King?" Lin Mu also murmured to himself.

In order to verify his own ideas, Lin Mu also announced to temporarily retreat for half a year to attack the sixth-rank alchemy king.

Lin Mu and Wu Qiong calculated that it would take at least ten years for the joint powerhouse of the third heaven to reach the second heaven, so Lin Mu still has time.

Lin Mu is retreating in his mansion. At this time, whether it is Lin Mu's name as the fifth-rank Alchemy King or Lin Mu's ability to kill Da Luo Jinxian, people dare not come to Lin Mu's mansion to make trouble.

For half a year, Lin Mu did not make alchemy, but recalled all the process of preaching to others in the past six months.

And as Lin Shu sorted out and recalled, Lin Mu's thoughts also gradually became clear, and half a year's time came.With almost no obstacles, Lin Mu broke through and became a sixth-rank alchemy king.

For Dan Dao, Lin Mu also has a lot of accumulation, and for more than a year, he has been constantly pointing others, which is also a rare accumulation for Lin Mu.

Tao is invisible, but it also has form.Expressing the invisible Tao in tangible language is definitely a rare experience for Lin Mu, and it is also an important part of Lin Mu's smooth breakthrough.

After becoming a sixth-rank alchemy king, Lin Mu also left the gate immediately, and then announced the re-opening of the altar on the same day.

"I got it! I really got it! Thank you, King Lin Dan." Among the four fourth-rank alchemists, the one with the highest talent, after listening to Lin Mu's sermon, also stood up and bowed deeply.

"Another fifth-rank alchemy king was born!"

Some onlookers around were also shocked when they saw such a scene.

Don't look at the difference between the alchemy king and the alchemist, but the difference of one word is a world of difference.

Not to mention the lower three days, even the middle three days and the upper three days, the king of Dan will be contested by all major forces.

"A sixth-rank alchemy king taught a fifth-rank alchemy king, this will definitely become a good story in the entire fairy world!" Someone sighed.

"One! More than that? Didn't you see that there were three more?"

"Teaching four fifth-rank alchemy kings by one person, this Fumanlou is really going to shock the world!"

After being reminded by others, other people also saw that there were three other fourth-rank alchemists who were in the process of enlightenment.

It has been an unknown number of years for Erchongtian, and no new alchemy king has appeared.With the arrival of Lin Mu, he is not only the alchemy king himself, but now he has also cultivated four alchemy kings.

It can be foreseen that if Lin Mu stays in the second heaven, the strength of the second heaven will definitely have a qualitative leap.

Although there is a need for resources for the immortal's breakthrough, pills are also indispensable.But now there are four fifth-rank alchemy kings and one sixth-rank alchemy king here in Erchongtian. It is difficult for this strength not to advance by leaps and bounds.

It was lively outside, but the forest was very calm.

Another year passed, and the three alchemy kings who were enlightening all woke up.

"Thank you, Master!" After the three of them got up, they all bowed deeply to Lin Shu, and their titles changed from Alchemy King to Master.

The first person to break through and become a fifth-rank alchemy king was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly bowed deeply, and said, "Master!"

For Lin Mu, an alchemist with unlimited potential, they would be fools if they didn't take advantage of this moment to apprentice him.

In fact, alchemists need someone to guide them to break through, but unfortunately there are too few high-level alchemists.Now there is not only a high-level alchemist, but also an alchemist with unlimited potential. It would be really unwise not to pay close attention to this moment.

For the apprenticeship of the four, Lin Mu did not refuse.The four are alchemists with unlimited potential, and Lin Mu also hopes that the four can become his team to gain a foothold in the fairy world.

With Pill King as his team, it will be much easier for Lin Mu to gain a foothold in the fairy world.After all, the signboard of Pill King is sometimes much easier to use than Xuanxian and Immortal King.

(End of this chapter)

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