Supreme Chef

Chapter 1565 Desert Soul Scorpion

Chapter 1565 Desert Soul Scorpion
The appearance of such a character directly swept the audience.Let everyone be silent.No one dares to be disrespectful to the goatee anymore.

Having gone deep into a lot of forests, feeling such a coercion, he immediately understood what was going on.

"There are such old antiques in the fortune teller family, it seems that I am a bit redundant." Lin Mu also laughed at himself, but he didn't get entangled in this matter.Everything Lin Mu does is done according to his heart.Now that he has done it, Lin Mu will not regret it.

The forest quickly deepened, and those outside who had finished re-engraving the map all left one after another.

The temptation of the best immortal veins is too great, no one can resist this temptation.Even if they knew, the odds of them getting it were slim.But they also came in one after another, even if there was a glimmer of hope.They will also pay a hundredfold effort.

What's more, that area is too vast, they believe, even if the trees go far.But it is absolutely impossible to find something overnight.

Lin Mu's speed is very fast, and the speed of the people behind him is not slow.

But the trees that were galloping all the way, when they really approached that area.Instead, it stopped.

Because Lin Mu realized that he was a little too quiet walking all the way.

Excessive silence is absolutely abnormal.

"It shouldn't be so peaceful. Although the secrets here are chaotic, they pose a great danger to the aborigines. But this shouldn't be the reason why the entire army was wiped out in that massive exploration by the fortune teller clan." Lin Mu stood on the spot, It is not that there is no further progress, but a silent deduction.

Because the trees stopped, many people had already caught up from behind.

Seeing that Lin Shu stopped unexpectedly, many people also stopped.Obviously, trees have become a symbol of this era.

They didn't believe that Lin Shu would be so aimless.

Of course, more people did not stop their footsteps because of the tranquility of the road.Instead, he rushed into the sand sea in big strides, looking for the best fairy spirit veins.

I saw wave after wave of people entering, and nothing happened.Those who were originally on the same front as Lin Shu.They all chose to give up.

They chose to continue to go deeper, to find the legendary top grade immortal vein.

The top grade fairy stone is already a legend, and no one has ever seen a whole top grade fairy vein.Even legends are very empty and unreal.

There are fewer and fewer people around, but Lin Shu still doesn't move.

Suddenly, within the sight of the trees, a fairy suddenly fell to the ground, and was quickly swallowed by the desert.Not even a trace was left.

Such a scene has not been noticed by many people, because the place is too big, and their minds.It's not on someone else's body, but on the body of the best immortal vein.

No one noticed, but Lin Mu did.

Not long after the first fell, the second disappeared.It was also silent, without any signs at all.

With the second one, it follows.The third, the fourth...

All the time when this became a storm, and people kept falling like rain.This really caught everyone's attention.

But when they want to leave here, when they want to withdraw from here.But it seems to be a bit late.

People kept falling from the sky, and once they fell into the yellow sand, they would disappear immediately.

There was no sign at all, and it was completely unclear what they did.

This is where the real fear is, the unknown is the real horror.

"There are bones underneath! The sand is alive!"

Suddenly someone screamed and pointed to the sand below in horror.

Then everyone saw that under the sand, there were really white bones.But quite a few, they have completely turned into snow-white bone powder.

Of course there are still some that haven't been turned into bone meal, but those are just dead.

And these sands and stones are really flowing, they are really alive.

But before everyone's real feelings, their brows were completely split, and then their consciousness was lax.They also became, one of the bones below.

Lin Shu was always paying attention to the sky, but he didn't pay attention to the desert below.Because along the way, the desert will never change.This instead made Lin Shu negligent and paralyzed. Hearing those voices, Lin Mu remembered to observe the desert under his feet.

When Lin Mu really observed it, he also shuddered.There is a feeling of chills down the spine.

This is too scary and too exaggerated.

Under the desert, there are densely packed, all of which are scorpions wrapped in sand and not much bigger than sand.

"Desert Soul Scorpion!"

Seeing these scenes will make intensive phobia patients instantly scared to death.Lin Shu also felt his scalp tingling.

The desert soul scorpion is the smallest known fairy beast in the desert.Because it is small, it is so small that it is almost ignored by people.Just like the soul, so it is called the soul scorpion.

But its small size doesn't mean it's not powerful enough. On the contrary, it's one of the most chilling fairy beasts in the desert.

It has this world, and it can be called the hardest tail needle.It can easily pierce the body of the Immortal King, and even some king-level soul scorpions can easily pierce the body of the Immortal King.

Except for the hardest tail pin.They also possess, the most poisonous toxins in the world.

This toxin is not a real toxin.It's a kind of way, the way of poison!

It's frightening and chilling at the same time.

They can control the poisonous path, easily obliterating any strong person whose body is pierced by them.

Because they are small enough, they can be everywhere.

It is true that desert soul scorpions mainly live in groups, but if all of them are desert soul scorpions in the area in front of them, with a radius of a million miles, it would be too terrifying.

The area with a radius of one million miles and a thick layer of sand are all soul scorpions.How to calculate this amount, perhaps the stars in the sky cannot be used to count.

"Run away! This is the desert soul scorpion! The most poisonous thing in the world!"

Someone was yelling, and then ran wildly, wanting to come out.Avoid death.

But they were disappointed, the Desert Soul Scorpion had no intention of letting them go.

A yellow storm swept over, and those flying in the air were not sand, but desert soul scorpions.They are the most poisonous things in this desert.

"Rush out! Must rush out! You can't die here!"

Some people were desperate, while others screamed in despair.

But all of this is useless, because facing such a large number of desert soul scorpions.Even if the fairy king comes, he will fall inside.

"That is!"

When the desert soul scorpion flew up, people saw the appearance of the desert below.

Such a sight stunned everyone.Because under the desert, it turned out to be a thick layer of white bones.

I don't know how many bones there are.

In particular, a sand mountain in the distance, revealing the real thing at this time, turned out to be a bone mountain.

It was made entirely of bones, the bones of dead men.It looked as if it made people feel that they had come to hell.

Even Lin Shu was gasping for breath at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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