Supreme Chef

Chapter 1571 Ancient Sword

Chapter 1571 Ancient Sword
Everyone is fighting, and the best immortal pulse makes everyone crazy.Everyone was strangled together, there was a rain of blood, and some people were constantly falling.

This is a disaster, a disaster caused by the best immortal veins.

Lin Shu didn't move, and didn't participate in it, but stood outside.

But Lin Mu doesn't want to participate, but it doesn't mean that everyone is willing to let Lin Mu just watch like this.

"If you want to reap the benefits of a fisherman, it's a beautiful idea! No one here can reap the benefits!" Someone took the initiative to find Lin Shu, and attacked Lin Shu, bringing Lin Shu into the battle.

"court death!"

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then shot decisively, killing the person who got him into the battle.


Suddenly Lin Shu's back felt cold, and his hair stood on end.An extremely dangerous feeling came from behind Lin Shu.

Lin Shu dodges, and a flying sword two fingers wide also flies past Lin Mu's arm.

Feijian brought out a string of blood flowers, which belonged to the forest.

Lin Mu has already achieved the most difficult to achieve the flawless real body among the fairy bodies, the real Dzogchen.There are very few things in this fairy world that can hurt trees.But this fairy sword is still able to do it, so it can be seen that this fairy sword is definitely not ordinary.

Lin Mu raised his hand to grab the fairy sword. The fairy sword shook and cut off the Dao, and flew away from Lin Mu's hand in an instant.

Lin Mu turned around and saw a man wrapped in sword energy standing behind him.And that fairy sword was hovering above his head like a silvery white dragon.

"People from Jianzong?" Lin Mu asked.


"You're going to kill me?"


"For sword moves?"


The previous two questions did not exceed Lin Mu's expectations.But the answer to the third question was indeed somewhat beyond Lin Mu's expectations.

It's really strange that the people of Jianzong didn't come to him for sword moves.

"Then why?"

"To kill you!"

This may seem like nonsense, but it shows his strong self-confidence.

Not for the sword move, just to kill you.Obviously, in his opinion, the sword moves Lin Mu had mastered did not move his heart.Killing trees was what moved his heart.

Lin Mu was slightly taken aback, then laughed, and said, "Okay! Then come and kill me!"

Jianzong, an ancient genius, swept his long sword across, but it didn't cut at the trees.Instead, it slashed into the air, and then a rain of blood appeared, and a corpse that turned into two halves fell straight down.

This is a person who tried to attack the forest in vain.

"The person I Gu Jian wants to kill cannot be helped by others!" Gu Jian snorted coldly, warning everyone.

"It's interesting, I will save your life!" Lin Mu looked at Gu Jian and said.

"No! I will kill you!" Gu Jian said confidently.

The white dragon sword above Gu Jian's head showed its power, and when the sword fell, it directly cut off a white horse like a galaxy.

This is an explosion of sword energy, a vast explosion of sword energy like a galaxy.

His sword is the same as others', he speaks very little, but what comes out is a simple and crisp killing move.

Seeing such a river of swords falling down, Lin Mu's eyes also froze slightly.

This White Dragon Sword is extraordinary, and the sword moves of the ancient sword are also very extraordinary.When the sword fell, it didn't even leave the slightest opening for counterattack.

Lin Mu punched directly, and responded to Gu Jian's attack with a powerful saber technique.

The Shadowless Knife counterattacked, also cutting out a galaxy.This galaxy is equally bright and brilliant, making people completely afraid to look directly at it.

The two galaxies clashed, and the starlight scattered, piercing the space and smashing the ground.

All those who have not had time to leave and are hostile to the forest.They all fell into this pair of star rivers.

Everyone was pierced by the starlight and strangled by the galaxy.

This made everyone run away with their heads in their hands, and they finally understood.What a gap.That's the difference!

Even if the aftermath of the battle between the two is scattered, it is not something they can contend with.

The curtain fell on Xinghe, and the White Dragon Sword turned into a silver dragon, heading straight for Lin Shu's chest, obviously planning to pierce Lin Shu.

This white dragon sword is a bit weird, it should not be a thing of the world.There is a kind of coercion of a divine beast, I don't know if it is polished from the bone of a divine beast.

If this is the case, then this White Dragon Sword is really extraordinary.

Lin Mu made a move, and directly shook it with the Shadowless Knife.

The Shadowless Knife is also very extraordinary, especially now that it has absorbed a large number of immemorial supreme treasures.This makes the Shadowless Knife even more extraordinary.

The two strong clashes sparked.These sparks can penetrate the world.

The sound waves emitted wiped out the space and immortality, making this place a vacuum and chaotic.

The white dragon sword flew backwards, and Lin Mu's arm also felt numb for a while.

This ancient sword is indeed a superpower, and at the same time he has the self-confidence.It is comparable to Lin Shu.

The ancient sword didn't stay at all, and the white dragon sword returned to his hand.He held the sword directly, and stopped at his feet.The whole person merged directly with the sword, and once again struck directly.

This attack was faster and more concise.

This is true simplicity.Gu Jian himself has already comprehended this state.No wonder he has no interest in that peerless sword intent.

Peerless Sword Intent is actually the simplest and most direct embodiment of Kendo.As long as the ancient sword is followed, one's own path will continue.He can also achieve such an achievement.

This is really a very tricky opponent.

But Lin Shu is also fearless, although Lin Shu rose in the present world.But Lin Shu will not be afraid of any challenge.

Lin Mu also attacked with the Shadowless Knife in his hand.

The two of them broke apart as soon as they touched, and the speed was so fast that it was dizzying.This kind of speed and this kind of attack made everyone tremble with fear.

Although the fight is fast, the separation is also fast.But the destructive power caused is not small at all.

The place where the two of them were was turned into chaos.

The clothes on Lin Mu's body were cut wide, leaving a bloodstain on his body.

Gu Jian's tiger's mouth was completely shaken open, and blood was dripping.

"Gu Jian is really extraordinary. Although his reputation is not obvious, no one dares to underestimate him. Even Lord Nine Stars speaks highly of him."

"It seems that you are really ignorant. If you say that Gu Jian's reputation is not obvious, then no one has a great reputation. Gu Jian has won the first prize in the sacred land five times, and one of the first wins directly killed at least an ancient sword. Genius. It's just that he is low-key, and he doesn't win the championship with his true colors every time!"

"What! There is such a thing!"

"Of course! And Gu Jian is the highest ranked among the four five-crown people who may still be alive in this world. It is also the voice of winning this time, second only to Lord Nine Obsidians. There are even rumors that if Gu Jian can complete it in this life If it is Nirvana once, it will directly challenge Lord Nine Obsidian."

The last person said in a low voice: "And there are rumors that Gu Jian may be the direct blood of the Sword Emperor. And the distance is not too far away."

"It turns out that the ancient sword has such a long history. It seems that this time, Lin Mu will meet his opponent!"

After hearing the origin of the ancient sword, many people sighed.At the same time, there is also some expectation that the two will continue to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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