Supreme Chef

Chapter 1588 The Son of Thunder is Dead

Chapter 1588 The Son of Thunder is Dead
The son of Lei had too many thoughts, but the blood flowing out of his body was telling him.His path today may very well be cut off on this day.It is very possible that his path will never be able to go on today.


Son of Thunder yelled, he was very unwilling.He is destined to be brilliant, how could he just fall down here.The son of thunder fought hard and stabbed out the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand.

Fang Tian drew a halberd and stabbed towards Lin Shu's heart.He wanted to hurt Lin Mu, at least to hurt Lin Mu and force Lin Mu to retreat.Because of this feeling, it made him very bad.

However, Lin Mu had no intention of taking a step back.Lin Shu's body glowed, and a thunderbolt counterattacked from Lin Shu's heart.These Thunder Dao are close to the origin of Thunder Dao, possessing unpredictable power.

These Thunder Roads collided with Fang Tian's painted halberd of Son of Thunder, which made Fang Tian's painted halberd tremble uncontrollably.At the same time, it also changed its direction, slid over the arm brushing against the trees, and slashed into the open space.

When Lin Mu stirred the Thunder Spear in his hand, the arm of the Son of Thunder was blown to pieces.


The Son of Thunder screamed again, but Lin Mu didn't show mercy at all.

The thunder gun pierced out like lightning, leaving several transparent blood holes on the son of thunder.These blood holes were so eye-catching that the son of thunder screamed again and again.


Finally, with a flick of Lin Mu's wrist, the thunder robbery spear tore the son of Lei's body apart.

The body completely exploded, and the soul of the son of thunder also wanted to merge with the thunder and escape.But since Lin Mu made a move, how could he leave trouble behind.

Lin Mu raised his hand and threw the thunder gun in his hand.

The thunder gun pierced straight out of the air, constantly rubbing against the thunder in the void along the way, sparking extremely powerful sparks.


In the end, the soul of the Son of Thunder could not escape the fate of being pierced.The primordial spirit was nailed to the void.Lin Mu stepped forward and came to the front, also holding the thunder gun in one hand, and then stirred it vigorously, completely shattering the primordial spirit.

Piercing the world in the son of the five thunders, it also announced that Lei Zong's genius trial battlefield this time came to an end in this way.Lei Zong completely withdrew from the final competition.

Of course Lei Zong still has people, but the remaining people are not enough to compete with Lin Mu and the others.

Lin Mu looked at the son of Lei who still had a sliver of thought, and said: "You still have remnants, it should be your obsession. You want to know where my "True Explanation of the Thunder Way" came from? Coincidentally, I'm in a very bad mood right now. So I can't tell you."


Hearing Lin Mu's words, the last lingering thought was also blown away in anger.

The Lei Zong people outside shouted angrily, and some even clamored to try their best to get inside and kill Lin Shu.

Xianwang Ridge is a magical place that cannot be explored by the outside world.So they wanted to pass on the news through Son of Thunder's last remnant.

But they didn't expect that Lin Mu would be so cunning and so dishonest.Didn't even say it.

If the son of Lei dies, it can be exchanged for the whereabouts of the "True Explanation of the Way of Thunder".That Lei Zong is not too bad.But now they got nothing, and instead lost the person who was most likely to compete in the sacred land.

"Ling Mu, I swear, the day you come out is the day of your death!" The Lei Zong executive gritted his teeth, really not hungry, and now bombarded Lin Mu with five thunders.


After beheading the son of thunder, Lin Mu also entered the cave where the son of thunder retreated.

Lin Mu also felt something in his heart at the entrance of the cave, and then paused.

Lin Mu looked at the hole, and then raised his hand to slap, and suddenly there was a thunderbolt, easily smashing a killing formation at the entrance of the hole.

"Knowing that you are going to die, you still leave such a backhand. It seems that you are more despicable." Lin Mu murmured.

Breaking through the final arrangement, Lin Shu also entered the cave.

This cave is indeed a rare and blessed place to comprehend the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao".

Not to mention the unusually strong thunder path here, and on the stone wall of the cave, there are marks left directly by the thunder path, which is very useful for the trees in the Xuansheng domain.

The son of Lei left such a great gift for himself, of course Lin Mu would not be polite.

Immediately, Lin Shu also sat cross-legged on the spot, while comparing the dao mark on the stone wall, and at the same time verifying it with the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao".

After the two-phase certification, Lin Shu's thunder path also grew rapidly, and there was no danger anymore.

For half a month, Lin Mu sat there without moving.


Suddenly there was a thunderbolt, which fell directly from the sky, then split the cave, and poured directly into the top of Lin Shu's head.

But this time Lin Mu didn't dodge, because it was a sign of his great success.

The thunder poured in from the top of his head, which made Lin Shu's whole body surrounded by thunder.These thunderbolts were born in the void, but this time they represented not destruction, but infinite vitality.

Lin Mu's body's acupoints were released, attracting these thunders into his body, nourishing the thunder in his body.

Lei Dao is also like a shriveled sponge, no matter how many there are, they will always come.

In the end, Lei Dao changed in Lin Shu's body, and the chain representing Lei Dao first decomposed into countless regular chains.

Then these chains of rules were combined in mid-air, as if they were going to be combined into a mysterious rune.

But just when the rune was about to form, this change stopped.

This termination was not caused by Lin Mu's lack of understanding of Lei Dao.But because Lin Shu's cultivation base is not enough, this is the key issue.

Look at the rune that is about to form in his body.In Lin Mu's heart, it became clear once again.

"It seems that my deduction is correct, and the path I chose is also correct. These principles will eventually be condensed into a rune. And if all three thousand principles can be condensed into runes, then this area will form His scriptures are definitely the strongest scriptures in heaven and earth." In Lin Mu's heart, he had already verified the current changes in his body and his inferences back then one by one.

"This road is difficult, but it is feasible. It is not a dead end. As long as I can become the king of the former kings, I will definitely be able to turn this thunder path into a rune."

Lei Dao is indeed the Taoism closest to the origin of the Dao of Heaven, and the great success of Lei Dao has brought Lin Mu one step closer and clarified the path he wants to take.At the same time, it also clarified its own direction.

"It's almost there, I should go out and have a look. I haven't shown up for so long. They should be looking for it very anxiously." After completing Lei Dao's transformation, Lin Mu also decided to leave this retreat.

After all, this is not the ultimate place to become the king of fairy kings, Lin Mu's goal is the king of fairy kings.

(End of this chapter)

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