Supreme Chef

Chapter 1590 Reveals the Image

Chapter 1590 Reveals the Image
This is the tallest among the [-] peaks, it is much higher than all the other peaks.

As if it were a real king, it was inspecting the remaining [-] peaks.

Everyone knows this mountain, and there is something in it that they don't.But for millions of years, no one has really pryed into the secret of this mountain.

Many people chose to leave after stopping here for a while.

Because they can't see what the name of this mountain is.

Lin Shu didn't walk away, Lin Shu stopped in front of the mirror-smooth main peak.The people around him walked wave after wave, while Lin Mu was like an old monk in meditation.

Lin Mu just stared at Lin Mu like this, feeling that his whole body suddenly became empty.Lin Mu couldn't feel the people around him, things around him, everything around him, even his own body.

Lin Mu felt that his soul seemed to have entered a wonderful world.

Lin Shu saw a seed in the middle of the main peak.This is a seed made entirely of Tao.

Under Lin Shu's surprised gaze, the seed began to take root and sprout.

Gradually it became more and more luxuriant, each of its leaves grew into a Dao, and each of its branches also grew into a Dao.

These Taos are connected with each other and at the same time restrict each other.

Such a wonderful state allows the tree to grow rapidly.

Soon the tree grew into a big tree in the sky. This big tree is very magical.

It has a total of [-] leaves, and each leaf represents a kind of Taoism. At the same time, each of its leaves holds a piece of divine soil.

Such a change shocked Lin Mu. Is this exactly the process of the growth of the Three Thousand Divine Soils?

Watching such a process is no less than experiencing a epoch-making.But this is the opening of the world in the way, and it is of great benefit to the achievement of the Immortal King.

Lin Shu's soul and state sublimated extremely rapidly at this moment.Lin Mu felt the same as when he ascended from the realm of comprehension.I seem to be merging with this world.

And at this moment, the main peak, which has never been moved, also showed an image.

"The video is coming out! The video is coming out! We can finally see who is the one who can stand up to the kings."

Everyone stared at the main peak excitedly and nervously, wanting to see who was the mighty one in ancient times who had left images on the main peak and could be so proud of the kings.

"That is……"

When everyone saw who the person above was, they were all shocked and speechless for a long time.

Because the image that appeared on it was none other than trees.

Lin Shu actually appeared on the main peak, what does this indicate?
Could it be that Lin Mu wants to look down on the kings after all?
Could it be that the Four Great Emperors appeared at the same time just now to prevent Lin Mu from being arrogant to the kings?


All kinds of guesses were thrown into the air all of a sudden.

But no matter what the guess is, one thing is certain.The image of the trees appeared on the main peak, which in itself definitely shows the extraordinaryness of the trees.

There has never been any image of this main peak for millions of years.Why, when Lin Shu entered this life, the image of Lin Shu appeared.

It can't be artificial, and it's definitely not a coincidence.

The people of the Zhulin Alliance obviously did not expect such a thing to happen.All of them were pale, not knowing how to explain this matter.

This matter is indeed unexplainable, and the main peak of the image has not appeared for millions of years.The image suddenly appeared, even if their tongues are full of lotus flowers, I am afraid they can't explain it.

However, Lin Shu's feeling at this time was not so good.

Because Lin Mu felt that he was no longer as simple as using his body to conform to the Tao, but seemed to be incarnating the Tao with his body.

There can only be two results if one incarnates the Dao in one's body.One is the disappearance of forest trees and complete transformation into a part of Tao.Another possibility is that Lin Mu may become an Immortal Emperor immediately, or even a higher realm.

But these two kinds of results are not what Lin Mu wants.

There is no need for extinct trees, which needs no explanation.But becoming an immortal emperor is even a higher level.It is also not what Lin Shu wants.

The road of Lin Shu is to be the strongest in every realm.In this way, many boundaries were crossed at once.It seems to be against the sky, but it lacks too much understanding.Moreover, it is impossible for Lin Shu to be the strongest in every realm.

In this way, the road to the forest is equivalent to being broken.This is definitely not what Lin Mu wants, because Lin Mu has already seen it clearly.

Even the Immortal Emperor and the Supreme could not transcend in the end. The path Lin Mu had to take was to break through the limits all the way and eventually transcend.


Lin Mu forcibly attacked himself, wanting to terminate such a road.

Lin Shu's spiritual attack smashed on the big tree in the main peak.

It is the root of one's transformation, and only by cutting it off can one stop oneself.

However, the attack of the forest is too insignificant compared to the tree of Taoism that has become a big tree in the sky.

Lin Shu's continuous shots, apart from hurting some of his epidermis, couldn't stop it from continuing to grow at all.


Lin Mu yelled, Lin Mu was not willing to just act in harmony like this.

Lin Shu's whole body was burning. This was the burning of the chaotic fire, and outsiders couldn't see anything strange.

Lin Mu wants to use chaos to cut off all connections, and at the same time Lin Mu mobilizes the chaotic world, trying to use the chaotic world to cover up the secret.

Trees can't just turn into paths like this, this is not the way of trees.

The Chaos Fire slowed down a bit, but the general trend did not change.

Just when Lin Shu was in despair, the World Tree and Tianlong Bow in the chaotic world suddenly showed their power.

The Heavenly Dragon Bow and the World Tree each burst out a beam of light, and then this beam of light burst out and shot directly at the tree of Taoism.

Neither the Heavenly Dragon Bow nor the World Tree belonged to this era. They all came from ancient times and possessed unpredictable power.

The tree of Taoism was pierced through a big hole, and then the whole tree began to collapse.

This collapse cannot be stopped, it is just a moment, everything disappears, everything stops.

However, Lin Shu is also bleeding from seven holes, and looks very miserable.

After all, this is a forcible organization of the path of transformation, and such a backlash is not something ordinary people can bear.

It is already Lin Shu's luck that Lin Shu did not fall.Otherwise, even if the trees fell on the spot, it would not be surprising.

At the end of the path of transformation, the image of the forest above the main peak disappeared with a bang.

Seeing the image disappear suddenly, everyone was taken aback.

However, the people of the Zhulin Alliance are very happy.Because of this, they have something to say.

"Everyone has seen it, the law of heaven does not tolerate a devil like Lin Mu. Even the sky wants to accept him, and everyone can punish such a devil!"

(End of this chapter)

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