Supreme Chef

Chapter 1598 The Throne Show

Chapter 1598 The Throne Show (3)

Zishi's Kurong Dao in one hand caused the anger in the world to transform repeatedly.The two completely opposite energies, representing dryness and prosperity, continuously attacked the surrounding trees.

Kurong is originally opposite, he represents life and death, and life and death have the greatest energy.

Surrounding the forest like this also made the forest a little flustered.

Lin Mu's continuous shots are also a way of fighting against the sun with one hand and the other with the sun.

"The Way of Yin and Yang!"

Zishi's expression changed slightly when he saw Lin Shu's method.

The Way of Life and Death, the Way of Dryness, the Way of Yin and Yang, and the Way of Reincarnation.

These four realms are originally juxtaposed, all related to life and death, and all related to time.They are also mutually restraining each other.

Forest trees use yin to grow, and yang to dry.

Just to restrain each other, Zishi can only push desperately.

The people watching the battle below have never seen such a duel.

Whether it is yin and yang, or dry glory, they are the most difficult principles in this world.It is also the most difficult way to master in the world.

Throughout the ages, anyone who can master these principles has become a giant.



The attacks of the two caused the thunder in the void to riot, and all kinds of visions erupted from the thunder.


A thunder arrow was shaken out from the thunder calamity. The thunder arrow smashed the space and went directly into the distant mountain peak.


The mountain collapsed suddenly, and everyone who watched it gasped.

The buildings in the Immortal King's Land are all protected by inexplicable Taoism and cannot be destroyed at all.

What's more, from this Immortal King's Land, there are countless great figures walking out.

The aura left by these great figures will nourish everything in the Immortal King's Land.Let the one in the Immortal King's Land not be destroyed even more.

But just now, a burst of lightning arrows destroyed a divine peak.It can be seen how fierce the battle among the thunderbolts must be.

Lei Ting was completely boiled by the beating, Lin Shu and Zishi were beaten to the point of insanity.

Around Lin Shu, there is a black and one white representing Yin and Yang, and the Dao is circulating, and a Tai Chi diagram is formed under Lin Shu's feet, which completely sets off Lin Shu.

Beside Zishi, there are also representatives, one dry and one prosperous, two different auras circulate.Under his feet, there is also a sense of withering glory, forming a mysterious picture of life and death.

"The throne has been affected, and it seems to be far away from the world and disappear!" Suddenly someone pointed at the high altitude, the throne that was getting farther and farther away from Jieyun.

Seeing such a scene, the three of Lin Mu also set off at the same time, heading towards the Thunder Tribulation.

The Throne appears, once missed, missed forever.

The bodies of the three of them are like three divine rainbows, all of which go straight up to the sky.In the robbery cloud, no one has ever entered.

Facing the catastrophe, all immortals can't avoid it.No one has ever taken the initiative to meet them, but the three of them, Lin Mu, are the most outstanding geniuses in the world.They have such confidence and capital.

They are the most favorable contenders for the throne.

"Who do you think will be the last to sit on this throne?" Someone looked at the throne with greedy eyes, and after swallowing, he also asked.

"It must be the ancient king of the Wuxian Dynasty. It is said that he has seen this throne, not the first time."

"What! Is this not the first time he has seen this throne?"

"Of course, he is the king of ancient times. It is not surprising to have seen this throne. Even if he has sat on this throne before, it is not surprising at all. And I heard that it is not the first time that Nine Obsidian Lord has sat on this throne .”

"What do you mean? Could it be that Nine Obsidian Lord has already sat on the throne that represents the king of immortal kings."

"Nine Obsidian Lord is so powerful. It's strange that he sits on this throne. And as far as I know, every life that Nine Obsidian Lord was born, he has sat on this throne. He has sat nine times in a row and completed nine times. Metamorphosis. In this life, I don’t know why he didn’t come.”

Everyone was shocked to hear the words of this insider.Everyone felt incredible.

"Nine Obsidian Lord is really too strong, the strength is beyond what we can imagine!"

Finally someone sighed.

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.Obviously they acquiesced to this sentence, Lord Nine Obsidians is a stone that weighs on everyone's hearts.

A full nine worlds!All whom he oppresses cannot hold their heads up.

Even now, when Lin Mu, Zishi and the ancient king are fighting for each other, someone will mention this, the giant that is suppressed in everyone's heart.

The three of Lin Mu had entered Jieyun at this time, and Jieyun was even more dangerous.

This place is completely a sea of ​​catastrophes, and all kinds of thunder emerge in endlessly.And there are various, various creatures appearing in Thunder.

"There are living beings in the cloud of calamity. What kind of thunder calamity is this? Never seen it before?"

Seeing the three of Lin Mu in the middle of Jieyun, and the vision that Jieyun appeared, everyone was dumbfounded.

There are still creatures appearing in the catastrophe, which is unheard of.

There were three trees, and they were also a little dumbfounded when they saw the surging creatures.

Although these thunder creatures are the existence of the lowest level.They are all the simplest creatures, but these are the creatures transformed by thunder, so Lin Mu and the three of them dare not accidentally deal with them.

God knows, what kind of accidents will happen to these creatures formed by thunder.

The three of them didn't have time at this time, they were attacking each other, and each occupied a corner, concentrating on dealing with their own thunder tribulation.

On the opposite side of the forest is a group of unicorns.

These unicorns can only belong to the first-level fairy beasts in the fairy world.But after all, it was formed by thunder, and Lin Shu didn't dare to be careless.


Lin Mu shot, also preparing to fight Thunder with Thunder.

The thunder from the forest swayed down, killing a large number of unicorns immediately.

“So easy?”

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu was also stunned.

This unicorn is too weak, no different from the first-level fairy beast in the fairy world.

But before Lin Mu's words fell, those unicorns that had been exterminated all came back to life.

"This... Immortal!" Seeing this, Lin Mu was also stunned.

These unicorns are easy to kill, but if they don't die, Lin Mu's thunder disaster will not be over.

Zishi and the ancient kings of the Wuxian Dynasty also discovered such a change.


The three roared at the same time, and then all went towards the deepest part of Jieyun and killed them alone.

Obviously, the three of them had the same idea, they all wanted to go to the deepest part of the thunder disaster to find the origin of the mutation.Only by finding the source, can they break through this thunder disaster.Only after passing through this thunder disaster can they set foot on the throne of the Immortal King King.

(End of this chapter)

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