Supreme Chef

Chapter 1600 Set foot on the throne

Chapter 1600 Set foot on the throne
Ten Thousand Immortals Ascension!

That soaring light is the sharpest sword in this world, it can pierce through everything.

No one can interfere with the ascension, otherwise you will die under the law of heaven.

This is a must-kill trick that no one can break.

Such a spectacle made everyone watching the battle feel cold.This is too scary, no one in the world can break it.

Standing on a high place, Lin Mu looked down at the soaring Ten Thousand Immortals, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.

"My word is the law, and my deed is the sky! Under the heaven, everything is empty!"


The Wanfa millstone began to rotate slowly at high altitude, and with the vibration of the Wanfa millstone, all kinds of light representing the principles of Tao began to sway.

This represents the will of heaven, and at this moment Lin Shu seems to have really transformed into a god of heaven.

These rays of light formed a barrier, blocking all the flying fairies.Then the millstone began to glow, and the light had an inexplicable suction force, sucking all the flying fairies into the millstone.

All the flying immortals entered the millstone and were all wiped out.It's like being wiped out by the way of heaven.


Seeing Lin Mu's response, the people below were even more shocked.

"What I say is the law, and what I do is the sky! This is not a rumor, it is true! There are really people who can achieve such a state!"

These three exclamation marks represent the shock in most people's hearts.

This is really a spectacle. There have been these two rumors in the world for a long time.But since ancient times, everyone thought it was a rumor.

Unexpectedly, someone actually reached it today.

The ancient king of the Wuxian Dynasty also turned pale. He couldn't imagine such a state.


When the last flying fairy was wiped out by the millstone.The millstone is also suppressed, to obliterate the country of the country between the world.

The millstone covered the country of the country, and the country of the country also collapsed, the city walls collapsed in pieces, and all the houses were smashed.

The people in the country are all running away in panic.

This is a catastrophe.


The country is broken, and the mountains and rivers are gone.

The ancient Wang Dakou of the Wuxian Dynasty coughed up blood, this was his country, this was his country, and he would bear the brunt of the damage when the country was broken.


The ancient king of the Wuxian Dynasty flew upside down, while Zishi took advantage of the situation, and the Kurong Dao in his hand formed a Kurong Dao sword, cutting directly towards the forest.

Behind Lin Shu, the Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram emerged, blocking Zishi's Kurong Dao Sword.

Kurong Dao and Yin-Yang Dao collided, and the surging power directly shredded the remaining Jieyun.

Lin Mu's body shook violently, while Zishi took a step back.

Lin Mu was the first to rush out of Jieyun, and he was already in the realm of the Immortal King.

With the same strength, if Lin Mu is one step ahead of them, he will naturally be stronger than them.

This is an advantage.

Zishi was also knocked into the air!

The ancient king of the Wuxian Dynasty and Zishi looked at each other, and then attacked together.

This is the time to desperately, the two have to join forces.

If they don't join forces at this time, they really don't have any chance at all.

Lin Mu now has a slight advantage. If Lin Mu takes the throne, it will be very difficult for them to come back.

At this moment, the people below were all fascinated by it.

Many people have even forgotten that this is a war, and they have gained a lot of understanding from the fight between the three of them.They sat cross-legged on the ground and began to digest their feelings.

The three of them were under the throne, and in order to fight for the final throne, they had already fought to the point of madness.

The sound of the explosion shook the four fields.Shatter the sky and sink the earth.

Except for the one hundred and eight peaks that stood tall in ancient times, this land of kings was almost sunk by the three of them.

There was a muffled sound like thunder, the tree backed up, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.Zishi and the ancient king of the Wuxian Dynasty were shocked, their arms were numb, and their ribs were broken.


Although the throne is within easy reach, Lin Mu has already fought to the point of madness, so naturally he will not retreat.

Lin Mu's fighting spirit became more and more high, which made everyone's chest feel blocked.

This is the fighting spirit of the God of War, which is stuck in everyone's chest, making everyone feel like a light is on their backs.

Behind Lin Mu, Thunder Wings appeared, and then rushed directly towards the two of them.

Lin Mu gave up Dharma and Tao.

Prepare to fight against the two with your body.

Lin Mu's body is full of witchcraft, and at the same time, there is an inexplicable way circulating on his body. This is the way of magic immunity, which is Lin Mu's advantage.

The eyes of the two jumped when they saw the majesty of the witch god rushing down surrounded by trees.

Lin Mu completely abandoned Fa, but the two of them couldn't be underestimated.

The witch is indomitable, vertical and horizontal, and can fight even the gods and beasts, and even dare to disobey the way of heaven.

Law and Tao are useless to witches.

Lin Mu punched at the same time, directly bombarding the two of them.

This is the Wushenquan, but some changes have already taken place.The golden light, in addition to being more radiant, also brought a kind of domineering, which is not the way.It is a kind of overbearing that overlooks everything and the world.This is man's domineering, not heaven's domineering.

When the two of them saw Lin Mu rushing over, they quickly formed seals.

Use your own Sheji Dao and Kurong Dao to block Lin Shu's fist.

Lin Mu can abandon the Tao, but they don't have such capital.

Lin Mu's fist hit the Dao Ze shields of the two of them.There was a deafening explosion.

It awakened some people who were comprehending, and even some people with low cultivation bases were all shattered.

Killing them, Lin Mu, doesn't feel like killing innocent people indiscriminately, they are all members of the Lin Zhu Alliance.

They were here to kill him, and Lin Mu wouldn't feel any psychological burden if he killed them.

Zishi and the ancient Wang Heng of the Wuxian Dynasty flew out, with a mouthful of blood gushing out from their mouths.


Lin Mu sent the two of them flying, but the three of Wanjie joined forces and launched a final assault on the throne.

They want to take advantage of the trees, and when the old power has exhausted the new power, they want to take the opportunity to hide from the throne.Let all Lin Mu's calculations, let all Lin Mu's plans come to naught.

"court death!"

Seeing that the three of them wanted to sneak attack on the throne, Lin Mu also let out a cold snort, and then there was a surge of witchcraft in his body.

The witch energy gushing out from the hole covered the sky and the sun.Let the trees stand between the sky and the earth like the real witches and gods.

The trees opened and closed, and attacked the three people at the same time, blocking all three people from Wanjie below.

"I've said it before, you are only worthy of being my stepping stone to the throne!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu took a step forward, ready to step on the steps formed by the bodies of the three people to step onto the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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