Supreme Chef

Chapter 1606 The Emperor Shows His Power

Chapter 1606 The Emperor Shows His Power (3)

Although Lin Mu was seriously injured, he really became more and more courageous as he fought.

Lin Mu had gone completely mad and completely gave up all defenses.

For Lin Mu, this kind of battle, on the one hand, opened the shackles that troubled him to advance.On the other hand, it is also a kind of tempering of all the laws of Lin Shu, which can make one's own methods more comprehensive.This is also of great benefit to Lin Shu's impact on the realm of the Immortal King.

The Realm of the Immortal King can use Dao principles, and to allow Dao and Dharma to exert their greatest power, the first thing to do is to melt and understand the Dharma.

Lin Mu rushed into the encirclement circle of the one-armed Four Great Emperors, and Lin Shu opened and closed completely, using all the methods.The whole body is spraying auspicious energy, and the auspicious energy is like a rainbow, pouring the body of Lin Shu.

They are helping Lin Shu to break through the shackles that trouble his cultivation.


Lin Mu's fighting spirit was high, and under the siege of the Four Great Emperors, although more blood spewed out.But the shackles are getting looser and looser.


Suddenly the Four Great Emperors shot at the same time, and their palms also directly pierced into Lin Mu's body.

Four hands pierced Lin Shu's body from four directions.

Besides their hands, there is their law and their way.

This is what really kills people, their law and way collide wantonly in Lin Shu's body.

The body of the tree is completely destroyed, and all the vitality of the tree must be completely wiped out.

"This time Lin Shu will definitely not survive!"

There are people from the Lin Zhu Alliance below who are cursing, they really need Lin Shu to die.

Because Lin Mu's performance was too strong, which made them more than just jealous.This has frightened them, and they don't know how to limit the trees.

If Lin Shu really rose up in this life, they would never be able to turn around.

The hands of the Four Great Emperors directly pierced Lin Mu's body, which also made Lin Mu scream.

However, Lin Mu took a deep breath, using their Tao and their methods to attack the shackles that limit their own cultivation, the realm of the Profound Sage.

Such a process is the process of breaking the seeds of the Dao before the trees.But the pain is too much.Breaking the shackles of Xuansheng at this time is a double torture both physically and mentally.

But such pain is still effective.Because the shackles have been completely softened.The essence representing the fairy king is continuously gushing out, and Lin Shu's body is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

"The few of us also helped to solve the problem completely." Zishi looked at Lin Mu and said.

"it is good!"

The remaining three people agreed, and then shot at the same time, preparing to add a fire, and then completely eliminate Lin Shu.

When Lin Mu crossed the tribulation, the four of them had already completed their fairy king tribulation.

Although they lost the throne of the King of Immortal Kings, the benefits they gained were still not small.Although they failed to sit on the throne of the King of Immortal Kings, what they obtained was no less than that of the King of Immortal Kings.

It's just that Lin Shu's side is too dazzling.Let people not notice the four of them at all.

At this time, the four of them made a move, which once again attracted everyone's attention.

The Immortal King can already control the Dao, and let the Dao be used for himself.

At this time, the four of them made a move, and the Dao Principle that filled the sky, like a finger-wielding force, charged towards the trees.

These ways are like divine chains, which can easily tear everything apart.

Seeing such a scene, those who watched the battle were also shocked.

"The accumulation of these ancient geniuses is really beyond what we can imagine. They have just been promoted to the Immortal King, and they have such power. They will definitely become a giant in the future."

"This time, Lin Shu is definitely going to die. There is absolutely no possibility of him surviving."

"It's not necessarily true. Lin Mu can always come out of adversity and create miracles. This time, maybe Lin Mu can still create miracles?"

"Drink! You really think highly of Lin Shu, under such circumstances. I am afraid that even an immortal king would not be able to survive. What's more, Lin Shu has not broken through to enter the realm of the immortal king. If he can still live, I will lick the ground from the beginning to the end."

"Then let's wait and see."

A patch of Dao approached in front of him, and Lin Shu suddenly opened his eyes.

There are divine lights blooming in Lin Shu's eyes, and these divine lights are very mysterious.It's like one vortex after another, and among these divine lights, there seems to be an alternation of the universe and an alternation of stars.

It seems that there is an evolution of the world, in short, everything is very mysterious.

The divine light was shocking, and it was easily shattered, and all the piercing Taos were chains.



The Dao Ze chain that Zishi and the four teamed up with was broken inch by inch.

Zishi and the others looked at the trees with deep shock in their eyes.

They clearly felt that the tree was dying, and they were going to add the last fire to send the tree to the west.

But why did Lin Mu come back at the last moment?
This is really incomprehensible.


In Lin Mu's body, representing the energy of the Immortal King, the shackles were finally re-opened.It began to gallop in Lin Mu's body, and these energies made the three thousand principles in Lin Mu's body begin to condense.

The original chains began to melt, and then formed a bunch of fuzzy things.They seem to be forming some mysterious words, but obviously the accumulation of trees is still not enough.

However, this did not prevent Lin Shu's cultivation base from skyrocketing.


Lei Dao was the first to have such a change, with the help of the Immortal King's energy at this time.Lei Dao also formed the word "雷" in the first time.

At this time, Lin Mu's Lei Dao can be regarded as a real breakthrough, and he can really start to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with a peerless figure like Lei Di.

Even Lin Mu is destined to go further than Lei Di in the future, because Lei Di only embarked on this road when he was Xianjun.

Lin Mu obviously went earlier, so he will be able to go further in the future.


With the appearance of the character "雷", above the nine heavens, a streak of seven-colored thunder struck down.

This colorful thunder is full of auspiciousness, and at the same time, there are inexplicable substances mixed in it, which seems to be the origin of the way of heaven.

The colorful thunder directly empowered, rushed into Lin Shu's body, and then began to nourish the word thunder.

The inexplicable substance mixed in it is really the origin of the way of heaven.Because Lei Dao was very cheerful when he first came into contact with it, and then all kinds of thunder began to pervade.

These thunderbolts washed over Lin Shu's body like running water.But this is not a kind of destruction, but a kind of nourishment.



Following the thunder, the arms of the Four Great Emperors in Lin Mu's body were completely broken and shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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