Supreme Chef

Chapter 1633 Supreme Blood

Chapter 1633 Supreme Blood (2)

Now is indeed the best time to snatch the supreme blood. The supreme blood wiped out the Qi sword, but the consumption itself is not small.Its power has weakened a lot, and it cannot be recovered in a short time.


Finally someone couldn't help but make a move, and he made a move, but the others were not in a hurry to attack it.After all, the tragedy caused by Qi Sword just now is still vivid in his mind.This place is still a dead land, and hundreds of thousands of people died on this land.Their blood has not yet dried up.


Before the person who made the shot approached, a road was chained, and it exploded suddenly, directly piercing through the space and the sea of ​​consciousness of the person who made the shot.Then that person's body was torn apart and completely disappeared in the world.

"The instinct is still there, the Qi sword has been completely wiped out, it's a good time to make a move." Some masters made such a final judgment.

With such a judgment, several people took action immediately, wanting to intercept the supreme blood.

But they were obviously cheated, and now is not the best time.Because they were directly pierced by Dao Ze's chains as soon as they made a move.Completely tear their bodies apart.

Their relatives and friends, seeing them die tragically because of lies, originally wanted revenge.But when they saw the strength of those who spread lies, they chose to remain silent.These people who fabricate lies are all giants, and they are simply not something they can shake.

In such a situation, they can only admit that they are unlucky.Be more careful in the future.

The four Lin Mu watched from a distance, without moving a bit.Even if this drop of blood has been obliterated a lot, but not everyone can shake it.Their death like this actually has nothing to do with outsiders, they can only be blamed for being too greedy.


After a period of silence, a bat-like creature suddenly appeared next to Supreme Blood.

It doesn't seem to be affected by the supreme blood, on the contrary, the supreme blood seems to make him more energetic.

"People of the blood race." The old monk looked at the bat-like man and said.

"Blood race?" Lin Mu frowned slightly after hearing this.

The Blood Race is an interface that is completely opposite to the Sky Feather Realm, in the eyes of the Sky Feather Realm.Kindred are dark, they are all devils.They feed on blood, and they are born in blood.

According to distant ancient rumors, the Blood Realm used to be a myriad of realms, including the Immortal Realm.All dead creatures, the final destination of blood.

The blood realm is completely an interface wrapped in blood, where nothing but blood is blood.Apart from that, there is nothing else.

The blood race was born in such a sea of ​​blood, and their birth was somewhat similar to the ghost world.The ghost world is the resurrection of some ancient corpses with consciousness, and the blood race is the ancient blood, which has produced spiritual wisdom and lived.

In essence, there is no difference between the two.

Of course, if you want to say that they are exactly the same, that is, the two worlds are both very mysterious, and at the same time, both are very ruthless.I don't know if it's because they have never lived.So they completely disregard life. In their eyes, life may be the most redundant.

So they advocate killing and war, both internally and externally.

So although these two realms are indeed small in size, in terms of strength, their rankings can definitely be ranked among the top ten thousand realms.Especially in the ghost world and the blood world, if the hidden secrets are discovered, it will definitely be shocking.

There are even rumors that in the world of ghosts and the world of blood, there are god corpses from ancient times and divine blood from ancient times that have spirituality.

After that kind of existence has spirituality, the power of destruction is completely unimaginable.

The person who appeared in the blood world at this time was the most powerful person in the blood world.He has stepped on the throne of the king of fairy kings, of course, this is not the key.The point is, the blood world is naturally close to blood.

When this person from the blood realm appeared, that drop of supreme blood began to tremble.It seems that the appearance of the person in the blood world made it very excited, as if it had found a home.

"Can't let him succeed!"

Naturally, some people couldn't understand that Lin Mu didn't need to block it, and they started to block it.

This is the blood of the Supreme, possessing unimaginable benefits.No one will stand by and watch, it was acquired by another person.


All of a sudden, three rays of light swept towards the top genius in the blood world.

Faced with so many attacks all at once, people in the blood world dare not be careless at all.He concocted an inexplicable formula, and then the Supreme Blood was manipulated by him and blocked in front of him.

The supreme blood did not resist his control, which in itself already explained some problems.


The three attacks hit the Supreme Blood, and the Supreme Blood was safe and sound, but the three rays of light were completely shattered.

This is the instinctive reaction of Supreme Blood. When it faces an attack, it will automatically start to fight back.


Seeing that such a blow had no effect, more people joined the ranks of the attack.After all, people in the blood world have successfully contacted Supreme Blood and gained the trust of Supreme Blood.

If this last trouble is not resolved now, who knows what will happen in the end.


This time more rays of light hit the supreme blood.The Supreme Blood was still unharmed, it still smashed the incoming attack.

But such a shock shook the person in the blood world who controlled the Supreme Blood from the state of controlling the Supreme Blood.

Without the protection of Supreme Blood, more people attacked him in an instant.


Without even humming, one of the supreme geniuses of the blood race just fell away.

"At a time like this, unless you have the confidence and ability to dominate the crowd, otherwise, whoever goes up will die." Wu De couldn't help saying when he saw the ferocity.

Xue Linglong said: "In such a situation, don't talk about going up, I'm afraid that if you just have an idea, you will be at risk of being wiped out."

Lin Mu said: "We don't need to worry, we just need to change it. Although the supreme blood has been obliterated, its real change has not yet been stimulated. When its real change is fully stimulated, then it will be changed. It’s a good time for us to make a move.”

Wu Dedao: "But when will this have to wait?"

Lin Mu said: "It's coming soon, this kind of change is coming soon. It's better to have a master now, and you can continue to shoot. When it changes, you can take everyone on the road together."

Even Lin Mu felt that it would be the best if one or two immortals were involved at this time.At that time, the two immortals will also be taken away together, and Lin Mu will not have to have any worries anymore, and he can make a move without any worries.

(End of this chapter)

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