Supreme Chef

Chapter 1645 The request of the elixir

Chapter 1645 The request of the elixir (1)

Hearing Xue Linglong's muttering, Wu De smiled at Xue Linglong, and said, "If you feel like going around in circles, you can go to other places and try."

Xue Linglong looked at Wu De, annoyed, and said: "You fat man, why don't you try it, seeing you like this, you must have no good intentions."

While talking, the Blood Spirit Dragon found an ancient artifact from his small treasure house.

This is an ancient fairy treasure, but it has lost its spirituality, only the materials on it are still valuable, and it was put away by the blood spirit dragon's spirit of not wasting.

The blood spirit dragon weighed the ancient artifact in his hand, and then casually threw the ancient artifact in his hand.

Before the ancient artifact landed, it disintegrated and evaporated silently in front of everyone.


Seeing this result, the seven couldn't help but gasped.

Although this ancient artifact has been scrapped, the materials used to refine it are all top-notch fairy materials.Even if the Immortal Emperor makes a move, he cannot be easily shaken.But here, it disappeared without a sound.

"The formations around here are a little too strong. They won't survive at all. Even if you take a wrong step, you won't be able to survive." Xue Linglong said.

"Do you still think it is taking us around?" Wu De said mockingly.

Xue Linglong said: "This longevity medicine is really boring. I have nothing to do by myself, and I have arranged so many formations here."

Lin Mudao: "These formations are not arranged by the elixir. These formations are all artificially arranged. But I just don't know who the person who arranged this formation is."

"I am afraid that there is no one who can arrange such a large formation in this world and in ancient times." Wu De said after careful observation.

Lin Mu agreed with Wu De's words very much.Lin Mu is also proficient in formations.

Although the formation here is artificially arranged.But there is no formation pattern that Lin Mu has seen before.Lin Mu is very proficient in both ancient and contemporary array patterns.Lin Mu is sure that it does not belong to the ancient times, and it definitely does not belong to the current world.

"I'm afraid this question can only be answered when we see the longevity medicine." Lin Mu sighed and continued to lead the way.

It took them a day to arrive at a strange courtyard.

In this courtyard, there is a small grass swaying in the wind.This is the longevity medicine that Lin Shu and the others saw outside.

He is an ordinary three-leaf grass with only three leaves, which looks extremely delicate.But no one will ignore it, because it is the elixir of life that makes even the supreme ones crazy.

And the golden light that defeated the Great Sage Kui Niu just now came out of this grass leaf three times.Being able to defuse the Immortal Emperor's attack, at least it can guarantee that no one who enters here has the ability to kill him.

"I've arrived, what request do you have, or what conditions do you have, just tell me?" Lin Mu stopped three feet away from the longevity medicine.

Although the distance between the two is only a mere three feet, it seems that it only takes one step to cross.But Lin Mu didn't dare to step forward even a little bit. The danger here just now has been confirmed by the blood spirit dragon with ancient artifacts.

Now the distance of three feet, if it is really dangerous, is enough for the tree to die thousands of times.

Clover heard Lin Shu's words, twisted and changed in the air, and finally transformed into an old man with green hair, green eyebrows, and green beard.

It's not surprising that the plants turned into spirits, but the people who replaced the legendary elixir still let Lin Mu and the others watch it for a long time.

This green villain is only more than 20 centimeters.It is very short, but it is long and looks like an old man, which makes people feel a little weird.

"Little old man, after all, you are also a elixir, so can't you put on a more flattering look?" Xue Linglong said while laughing.

"What do you know, a mature blood spirit dragon dares to point out the country in front of the old man?" The little green old man said angrily.

The little old man transformed from the longevity medicine is indeed a bit weird.As soon as he came up, he saw through the identity of the blood spirit dragon.

Everyone regards the blood spirit dragon as a fairy beast with the bloodline of reaching out.Up to now, no one has seen the body of the bleeding spirit dragon.But this little old man who was transformed from the elixir of longevity called out the identity of the blood spirit dragon as soon as he came up.

There are only two explanations for this situation. The first is that it is the closest friend of the Blood Spirit Dragon just like Lin Mu.Second, it has witnessed the growth of a divine beast.

The possibility of the first possibility was too low. It was the first time that the Blood Spirit Dragon had met it. It was impossible to say that the two knew each other.

Since the first possibility no longer exists, there is only the second possibility.And Lin Mu also felt that the second possibility should be more likely.

"Why did I see through the body, so I didn't make a sound." Stroking his beard and looking at the blood spirit dragon, he said proudly.

Xue Linglong said: "Who said that Uncle Long stopped talking, Uncle Long was just wondering if you, a green old man, are enough for me to stuff my teeth."

The old man said: "I'm here, you can eat me if you have the ability. If you are already at the peak maturity stage, you still have the capital to say so, but now you don't even have the capital to be my nourishment. "

The old man with the green beard is also a master who refuses to suffer.

"You..." The Blood Spirit Dragon was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.There are countless traps and formations at every step here, and the current Blood Spirit Dragon really has no way to do anything with it.

"It's really rare that you, a little grass, dare to be so rampant." Wu De said.

The old man with the green beard looked at Wu De and said, "You are a tomb robber. You have the nerve to talk. You know how many ancient tombs you have robbed during the time you have come to this sacred land. If I give all your scandals to the aborigines Say it again, I'm afraid you don't have to think about getting out alive."

After a pause, the green-bearded old man said, "But I seem to have seen one person like you. But it's been too long, so I can't remember it. Of course, it's really hard for me to recognize a wicked person like you." You remember."


Wu De was also speechless when he was refuted by the old man with green beard, and he didn't know how to refute.

Lin Mu looked at the old man with the green beard, joined hands, and said: "Senior, I know you are extraordinary. But now you are looking for us, I think you are asking us for something. Since you are asking for something, I don't know if senior Should be low profile, at least like me?"

"That's right! You're so arrogant when you ask us, it's simply too much." The Blood Spirit Dragon regained his strength and said loudly.

Wu De also regained his strength, and followed the blood spirit dragon, and began to scold the green old man in various ways like his master.

The green old man seemed to be deaf, he didn't hear the words of Xue Linglong and Wu De at all.

"You kid is a bit interesting, people can't see through, and people can't see through." The old man with green beard said, looking at Lin Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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