Supreme Chef

Chapter 1651 Never Perfect the Enemy

Chapter 1651 Never Perfect the Enemy
The so-called five declines of heaven and man are all kinds of visions that appear when the lifespan of immortals comes to an end.These visions all represent the immortal's lifespan, which has come to an end.It represents that this person is about to perish.

As long as you can't detach yourself, no one can escape this result in the end.Similarly, if a fairy has all the above situations, it also means that his lifespan has come to an end.

It's just that Lin Mu didn't expect that the end of the poisonous way, the ultimate evolution of the poisonous way, turned out to be the five declines of heaven and man.

This is the extreme that represents the end point. If it is not for the extremely evolved Thunder Dao, it really cannot resist the extremely evolved Poison Dao.

But fortunately, this section of the poisonous path was not evolved by the man in black himself, but he obtained it from nowhere.Otherwise, if he evolved it by himself, I am afraid that Lin Mu would already be on his way by now.

Lin Shu cut off Thunder decisively, and then moved back continuously.

The five decays of heaven and man corrode everything, time and everything has an end, even space has a lifespan.

Under the corrosion of the five decays of heaven and man, the space and formations here have been corroded by a large area.Pieces of corroded cavities appeared.

These spaces have all come to an end, completely disappearing from this world.

The trees retreated quickly, but the poison moved forward at a faster speed.


If you want to deal with the five declines of heaven and man, you can only use time.Because time has no end, no matter how the world changes, it will always flow.Even if a new era is opened, it will also continue to move forward.

As soon as reincarnation came out to confront the five declines of heaven and man, the five declines of heaven and man were impacted by reincarnation and quickly defeated.

The five declines of heaven and man represent the end, but reincarnation represents the beginning of a new life.No matter how many endings there are, in the end, it is hard to beat one new life after another.

In the end, the Five Decays of Heaven and Man were completely defeated by the impact, but there was still a trace of it, which was stained on Lin Shu's arm, causing Lin Shu's arm to almost die.

However, Lin Shu's time path was shaken, and the poison of the five decays of heaven and man was completely dissipated.

Lin Shu cut off the tattered sleeve robe, also exposing his arm.

"It's related to time!" The black-robed man looked at the trees, a ray of light bloomed in his eyes.

"This is better, it allows me to have access to time, and it is more beneficial to my practice." The man in black said looking at Lin Shu.

Lin Mu said: "You talk more and more nonsense, are you worried that you will lose?"

The black robe said humanely: "I just want you to experience the feeling of failure slowly."

"Then I don't have time to play with you. Let's end this boring fight as soon as possible. I don't want to watch Yuantian Teng fall into the hands of others for nothing. I don't want to work for a long time and end up with nothing. Get it." Lin Mu looked at Yuan Tianteng, who had already left two-thirds of the void and said.

Bai Yixian is indeed somewhat related to Yuantian Vine, and his scriptures can summon Yuantian Vine.

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he took the initiative to bully him, and used his physical strength to attack the black-robed man.

The man in black came from the devil world, and his body is also his strong point.However, this black-robed man is obviously developing in an all-round way, not just for body training, the Taoism he possesses also emerges endlessly.

And each one is the kind with great power, and at the same time, each one also has a great origin.

This is Lin Shu, who reads those who don't know the ancient books.If it was another person, I am afraid that he would have fallen by now.

Lin Mu and the black-robed man were desperately attacking and killing them.If you smash my star river, I will naturally destroy your sword energy.

The two are completely fighting for life and death, vowing to separate you and me this time.

"You must be tired, how about we take a break?" Wu De said to Gu Jian: "Anyway, you don't want to kill us, and we are embarrassed to kill you. How about everyone taking a break?"

"No!" Gu Jian categorically refused, and then stabbed hundreds of swords continuously, wrapping all three of Wu De in it.

Apparently Gu Jian took this opportunity as a chance to sharpen himself.

Wu De discovered this, and he yelled angrily, saying, "You have a good idea, and you regard us as a sharpening stone on your road to success. If you give us any benefits, let us help you."

Blood Spirit Dragon shattered half of the sword energy with one paw, and said: "That is, what benefit did you give us, let us be your training partner. When you become stronger, you turn around and kill us, why do we bother?"

Gu Jian didn't answer, he was still repeatedly striking out the sword, he was sharpening his sword moves.

"Don't talk, pretend to be dead, I can't fulfill you." Wu De's face was serious, and then he pointed to the sky and the ground, and directly used his own tricks.

The blood spirit dragon was also angry, and also used his strongest blow.

As for Gu Xuan, she was completely following the crowd, but she didn't use the colorful light of her Myriad Spiritual Eyes.Instead, she used the Great Five Elements Technique that Lin Mu taught her.

Among Gu Xuan's Great Five Elements Techniques, the five top-level immortal materials have been completely collected.At this time, the power displayed by the Great Five Elements Technique is definitely not comparable to that displayed by Lan Wuxian that day.

The Great Five Elements Technique in Gu Xuan's hands is the peak display of the Great Five Elements Technique.Even if it is an ancient sword, I dare not be careless.

Although Gu Jian is a respectable opponent, the three of Wu De have no obligation, let alone help Gu Jian sharpen his sword moves.The opponent is the enemy, helping the enemy is weakening oneself, such a stupid thing, Wu De and the three are still unable to do it.

"Here, it's enough to break his epiphany." Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, and at the same time commanded Wu De and Xue Linglong, and the three of them shot together to interrupt Gu Jian's epiphany.

The three of them shot at the same time without hesitation.

The three of Wu De were taken out alone, and the power of the attack was not something ordinary people could bear.What's more, the three of them shot at the same time, which is even more unbearable for ordinary people.If three people attacked Lin Mu at the same time, Lin Mu would not dare to beat him lightly.


The attack of the three came in an instant, and they bombarded the position that Gu Xuan pointed out.There was a bang, and Gu Jian stopped his enlightenment. At the same time, he spurted blood and took three consecutive steps backwards.

It is a great enmity to disturb people's enlightenment like this.But Wu De and the other three didn't regret it. If it was Lin Mu who enlightened, the three of them would try their best to protect it.

But the enlightened one is the enemy, so there is no such need.

Gu Jian looked at the three of them with resentment, but there was nothing he could do.If you take out one alone, they are all opponents that you can match with yourself. If you play three together, you have no chance of winning by half a point.

"Now you can take a good rest." Wu De said relaxedly after moving all his bones.

Wu De's appearance made Gu Jian gnash his teeth, wanting to beat up this nasty fat man very much.But facing the three of them, there was nothing he could do.

On the side of Baiyixian and Lord Jiuyaoxing, the battle is still in full swing, and the occasional tricks have completely exposed their murderous intentions.

Apparently Lord Nine Obsidian Stars didn't want Bai Yixian to take Yuan Tian Teng away just like that.This kind of thing that perfects the opponent, Lord Nine Obsidians can't do it either.

As for the forest side, it is still a life and death struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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