Supreme Chef

Chapter 1653 Destiny Spring

Chapter 1653 Destiny Spring

The man in black looked at the trees with a distorted expression, and said in a cold voice: "Is this the way you people from the fairy world behave? Is this the demeanor you should have as No.1 at the time?"

Lin Mu said indifferently: "You think it's right, and you think it's right."


The man in black robe hid his withered palm in the middle of the black robe, and suddenly raised his hand, a spell was imprinted in mid-air, and then a space passage appeared, and the man in black robe was about to forcibly leave.

Such an action is dangerous, but it is better than dying here.

"I expected you to run away, even if you want to run away, leave the gourd to me." Compared with Wu De, the man in black is obviously not as shameless as Wu De.

Wu De blocked the space channel and directly blocked it.

The blood spirit dragon was also polite, and the dragon grabbed the hand behind it, and directly grabbed the ring of the man in black.

As for Lin Mu, he didn't share any benevolence and morality with him, he also shot from behind, and stamped his palm towards the back of the black-robed man.

Gu Xuan was not idle either. In addition to blocking the black-robed man with the Great Five Elements Technique, she also used the Myriad Spirit Eyes to remind Lin Mu three times to suppress the black-robed man to death.


Wu De pointed and hit the shoulder of the man in black robe, causing the man in black robe to ooze demonic blood from his shoulder.

The blood spirit dragon grabbed the black-robed man's chest with a dragon claw, and grabbed a large piece of flesh and blood.As for Lin Shu, it was even more straightforward, directly breaking the back of the man in black behind him.


The man in the black robe was coughing up blood, and his shriveled body became even more rickety, like an old man on the verge of death.

"Leave the gourd!"

Seeing that the man in black was going to run away desperately, Wu De and Xue Linglong shouted loudly at the same time.

"For you guys!"

The man in black was also decisive, he threw the gourd down, turned around and ran away.If the gourd is gone, you can look for it again, but if the life is gone, then it is really gone.

Seeing that the gourd was about to hit Juezhen behind him, Lin Mu quickly chased after him.

Lin Shu used the speed rule, his body turned into a flash of lightning, and chased towards the gourd like lightning.

The man in black grabbed it decisively, and Lin Mu left the space where the three of them surrounded and suppressed, and entered the space passage.

Entering the space passage, the man in black immediately closed the space passage.

With the speed of Lin Shu, it is naturally no problem to catch up with a gourd.

Lin Mu caught up with the gourd, stretched out his hand to grab it, and grabbed the gourd in his hand, stopping his figure in time.However, the distance to Juezhen is less than half a foot.

"It's dangerous! Although the bastard ran away, the gourd was saved." Blood Linglong patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go too, it's meaningless to stay here," Wu De said.

Lin Mu looked outside, and said: "Leaving is definitely necessary, but it is definitely not possible to leave from the front. The Great Sage Kui Niu must still be waiting outside. If we leave like this, we will fall into the hands of the Great Sage Kui Niu."

Gu Xuan said: "Won't the masters of the fortune-telling family come? There are seniors of the fortune-telling family, that old black bull, shouldn't dare to do anything?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "Xuanxuan, you still don't understand the dangers of the fairy world. The great sage Kui Niu has reached the end of his life. He will not give face to anyone standing in front of him. He wants to live. Those who want to survive can do anything. And if the great sage Kui Niu is really desperate, the seniors of the fortune teller family may not really be desperate. Even if he really worked hard for us, we can’t afford it .”

Gu Xuan nodded and said, "I understand, little dad, so what should we do now?"

Lin Mu said: "Let's go back, where the longevity medicine is, there is a teleportation array that has been arranged long ago. It is the passage for it to leave here, we can use that teleportation array to leave here."

"This elixir has left such a backhand." Wu De said with his eyes lit up after hearing Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu and the others returned to the place where the longevity medicine was. Lin Mu made a direct move, broke through a hidden passage, and then led Gu Xuan and the others directly onto the teleportation array.

The teleportation array was activated, and the four of them, Lin Mu, also flashed out and disappeared on the teleportation array.

Outside the pharmacy, Great Sage Kui Niu was really crazy, and he would carefully check all the people who came out.No matter which force it is from, he can do anything in order to survive.

But hundreds of people came out one after another, but there were no trees.The reason why the Great Sage Kui Niu identified Lin Mu was because the man in black told the Great Sage Kui Niu that the elixir of longevity was in Lin Mu's hands.

"Ah! Lin Muer!" After waiting for a month, the eyes of Kui Niu Dasheng were red, as if he was going crazy.

At this time, Lin Mu and others were drinking fine wine in the ancestral land of the Shentuozi clan, talking about how the Great Sage Kui Niu would be angered.

"Do you think that old black cow will be turned into a mad cow by anger? Can the beef of a mad cow still be delicious?" Xue Linglong said contentedly while eating the grilled steak made by Lin Shu.

"Xiaolonglong mad cows can't be eaten, and you will go crazy if you eat mad cows." Gu Xuan said with a mouth full of oil.

Xue Linglong wiped his mouth and said: "Xuanxuan, don't worry, I will definitely not eat mad cows."

Ming Zhe said: "Xuanxuan, if you don't want to eat mad cows, I'll go to the ancestor to get you a calming spell."

"You little fat man, you know you don't want to learn well, and you are just like others to run fairy at such a young age." Wu De slapped Ming Zhe on the back of the head and said.

When Ming Zhe heard Wu De's words, his face blushed, and he looked very embarrassed.

"You old fat man, why beat the little fat man." Gu Xuan said unwillingly.

When Wu De saw it, he quickly raised his hand and surrendered: "I admit defeat, you two are of the same mind, I can't say no to you two."

"There are still a few months, and we are leaving here. Do you have any plans?" After eating and drinking, it is time for them to think, consider, and leave here.

Lin Mu said: "I don't worry about leaving here. If people outside really want to kill me, I will definitely give them a fresh and refined gift. I promise that they will remember it for the rest of their lives. But the things inside, I I'm really worried."

Wu Dedao: "There is nothing to worry about here. It is enough for us to push them horizontally. It is superfluous to talk to them about morality."

Lin Mudao: "There is no one who is going to leave. I don't have anything to worry about. But the aborigines in the sacred land make me worry. If they are determined to intervene, it may be very troublesome for us to leave."

Ming Zhe said: "I told the ancestor about this matter, and the ancestor said that he will contact some experts to escort you out."

Lin Mudao: "Of course I know this, but you don't get rewarded for nothing. Such people donate for free, and the relationship is not strong enough."

Ming Zhe said: "The old ancestor has mentioned this issue. The old ancestor said that you don't have to worry about my fortune teller clan. If you are worried about other clans, you can try to get the spring water from the Destiny Spring and use it in exchange."

(End of this chapter)

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