Supreme Chef

Chapter 1666 Who Is King

Chapter 1666 Who Is King (2)

Nine Obsidian Lord and others chose to come at this time.Apparently, he was also worried that someone would harm himself and others.He wanted to take advantage of this scuffle to leave this sacred land and end this trial.

Nine Obsidians and their worries are not superfluous, because such things happen every time.At the end of every trial, there will be a genius, and the time of mass fall begins.

Regardless of whether it is a master in the open or in the dark, they will choose to make a move at this time.Kill those invincible geniuses, kill those young supreme beings who have obtained endless benefits in the sacred land, and seek their opportunities.

This kind of thing happens every time, and every time many people succeed.

Nine Obsidians and the others chose now because it is more chaotic now.Twenty top Immortal Sovereigns are fighting here.This is definitely an unprecedented event, and it is also the biggest opportunity for them to leave here.

When a few people arrived, someone shot them immediately.These are some of the top geniuses who have already prepared and calculated.

However, Nine Obsidian Lord is Nine Obsidian Lord, and his reputation is not blown out.Instead, it was piled up with blood and bones all the way.Although some people have planned and organized for a long time, they are going to target Lord Nine Obsidians.

But Nine Obsidian Lord is still able to handle such calculations with ease.He kept making shots, and kept resolving them.At the same time continue to attack.

Lord Nine Stars pushed forward all the way, nine stars surrounded his body, firmly protecting his body in the center of the stars.

This kind of protection makes Lord Jiuyaoxing truly invulnerable, even if there is a sudden sneak attack, it is completely impossible to break through Lord Jiuyaoxing's body.

The ancient sword is also galloping vertically and horizontally, and the demeanor of the world's strongest five-crown king is truly revealed.

As for the remaining ancient genius who got the Yuantian Vine, he is also very extraordinary.As soon as his supreme power is exerted, there will be pieces of corpses falling down.As for the Yuantian Vine in his hand, it will continuously absorb the life essence of these four people.

These life essences made Yuan Tian Teng's chaotic energy stronger.At the same time, it also made the illusory gourd on the top of Yuantian Vine more solid.

This is his secret method of ripening, which is a bit cruel.But it wasn't that he took the initiative to attack, but someone took the initiative to provoke him, so he fought back.

So he doesn't need to worry, the quality of the Yuantian Vine will be reduced because of some cause and effect.

The four of Lin Mu seemed to have negotiated, and they kept approaching the ring from four different directions.

Everyone seems to be in a competition, and they all want to see who can be the first to set foot on this road.


Suddenly, on the teleportation array composed of three thousand Taoism, there was a burst of swaying, and at the same time it emitted a light that was countless times more dazzling than the sun.

This light illuminated the three thousand sacred soils, and all the lives on the sacred soils saw this light.

Even people outside the sacred land were dazzled by the dazzling light, and couldn't open their eyes.

"This is the flower of the Great Dao, and it is a legendary flower. It has never been seen before in the world!" Someone outside recognized the meaning of such a change.

The flower of the avenue is a legendary flower. There are only rumors in the world, and no one has ever seen it once.Because the legendary flower of the Dao is the Tao flower that appeared on the head of the Supreme when the Supreme was achieved in ancient times.According to legend, this flower has a die-cut relationship with the Supreme, and there is also a legend that this flower is also related to the strength of the Supreme.

If one can get this flower, it is very possible to spy on the secret of the supreme... and so on, there are countless legends,

But there is no supreme being in the current world, and it is even more impossible for the people of the current world to see the flowers of the great way.

At this time, the three thousand ways form a Dao foundation, and the Dao foundation sublimates to appear the flower of the Dao.It was an accident, but not entirely an accident.

Because this has appeared in the prophecy of the end of the world, the flower of the avenue will appear, the Supreme will emerge, and the end will come.

This is the proverb left by the prophecies of the last days. No one in this world does not believe in the prophecies of the last days.

Because until now, the things recorded on it have either already happened, or are all evolving and are about to happen.

In short, the above prophecy has not missed a case so far, so no one will doubt its authenticity and accuracy.It's just that the doomsday prophecy unearthed from the ancient mine has completely disappeared.The last record on it is also completely unknown.

Lin Mu and the others looked at the flowers of the avenue, and didn't think of any prophecy of the end of the world.In Lin Mu's view, the flower of the avenue is an opportunity, and it is also a great opportunity.


Some people reflected that they were ready to take the flower of the avenue for themselves immediately.

But such people are really pitiful, because as soon as they yell out, they have already become targets and cannon fodder in the eyes of others.

Basically, they all fell before they rushed to the formation.

The aborigines are envious when they look at the flower of the avenue, but they dare not try it.Because this arena is not something they can step on.

If they try to forcibly step on it, bad luck will come immediately.When the time comes, they will die faster than those cannon fodder just now.

Ku Niu looked at the blooming avenue flower loudly, he really couldn't help it.And just now, he has been suppressed to death by the patriarch of the fortune teller clan, and he has no ability to fight back at all.


Looking at the blooming flowers of the avenue, he also decided to give it a try.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed!This is the determination of the Great Sage Kui Niu.

The great sage Kui Niu abandoned the patriarch of the divine operator clan, turned around and entered the formation, ready to take the flower of the Great Dao.

The great sage Kui Niu had just entered the formation, and the imagined scene of dark sky and thunderous thunder did not appear.

On the contrary, the Great Sage Kui Niu stood in the center of the formation, very stable, as if nothing ominous happened.

Great Sage Kui Niu took a step forward, but this step just fell.The entire foot of the great sage Kui Niu was melted off without a sound.


First he lost his feet, and then he heard the screams of the great sage Kui Niu.But once this kind of ominousness starts, it is impossible to end easily.

The Great Sage Kui Niu was ominously wiped out bit by bit in that formation.

A moment later, the mighty Great Sage Kui Niu, who had chased and killed more than ten thousand miles of trees, completely fell under the amazed eyes of everyone, and then disappeared.

"Hiss! The great sage Kui Niu died here. It seems that this flower of the Dao is destined to have no fate with us aborigines. This heaven is really unfair." Someone looked up to the sky and screamed, insulting the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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