Supreme Chef

Chapter 1668 Supreme Scripture

Chapter 1668 Supreme Scripture
This is the supreme scripture bestowed by the Flower of the Great Dao. Although I haven't read it yet, anyone can see how extraordinary this scripture is.Even the faint imprint on it is enough to explain everything.

This is the imprint of the Dao of Heaven, representing supremacy.Anyone who gets it can ascend to the sky in one step.

This is the greatest treasure of this sacred land for thousands of generations.It is the supreme reward for all those who participated in the trial.

Countless reincarnations have been brewed, and countless reincarnations have been hidden.Finally in this last lifetime, it was revealed.

Lord Nine Obsidian is cross-legged on the ground!

The ancient sword lay cross-legged on the ground!

The owner of Yuan Tian Teng lay cross-legged on the ground!

Lin Shu also sat cross-legged on the ground!

Wu De and Xue Linglong also sat cross-legged on the ground!

The rest of the people sat cross-legged on the ground!

If you want to obtain the supreme scripture in the flower bud, you must first pass the level of Quenching Dao.Quenching Dao seems to be a supreme opportunity, but it is actually the first test for everyone.

If you can't even pass this level, let alone the supreme scriptures.

The process of quenching the Tao is to first abandon all the principles of the Tao, and then re-establish contact with all the principles of the Tao.

This is the process of quenching the Tao, breaking first and then standing.Re-establish all connections and temper the principles with your own body.

This process is not so difficult for Lin Mu.The road foundation of forest trees has been broken before, and the process of recasting the road foundation is the most thorough road quenching process.

Lin Shu was the first to complete this process, and this time Lin Shu was tempered more thoroughly.Let your own way be more mellow, let your own way be more plump.


Dao is controlled by Lin Shu again and used by Lin Shu.The trees have regained their ability to move on this formation.

Lin Shu stood up from the ground, but it was still very difficult to walk.

There is a lot of pressure here, not only for the aborigines, geniuses from the outside world are still restricted by the pressure of the Tao.

After the trees, Nine Obsidian Lord stood up from the ground for the second time.

Lin Mu looked at Lord Jiuyaoxing, and his vigilance towards Lord Jiuyaoxing became more and more serious.

I have been recast by the Dao Foundation, and I have completed the Quenching Dao before, so I can be the first to get up.

But Nine Obsidian Lord had never gone through such a process, but he was still able to get up second after himself.If he had never recast the Dao Foundation before, then it is really unknown who will be the first to complete the process of quenching Dao, himself or him.

After Nine Obsidian Lord, the masters of Gu Jian and Yuan Tian Teng, and Wu De all got up one after another and walked towards the last chance.

The process of walking is also the process of quenching the Tao.

The more complete the quenching path is, the faster it will go, and in the end, it will naturally be completely free.

Lin Mu is always one step ahead of Lord Nine Stars, but Lord Nine Stars is calm and calm. Under the protection and surround of nine stars, he is also approaching very quickly.

In the end, Lin Shu was the first to fly up, and Jiu Yao Xingjun and others followed closely behind, flying into the air one after another.

The trees were just a breath away, and the scriptures in the flower of the avenue are not so easy to get.Therefore, the time of this breath has no advantage for Lin Mu.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no advantage at all.At least Lin Mu can see the whole picture of this supreme scripture one breath earlier than others, and engrave a trace of his own brand on this scripture one breath earlier than others.

Nine Obsidian Lord and the others flew to the height opposite to the tree, and they did not repeat the same action as the tree.On the scriptures, engrave your own brand.

Because this kind of qi is useless, if you lose, you lose, and there is nothing to argue about.

"Being the number one in the ninth life, I also feel a little lonely. In this life, I hope someone can defeat me. Now that this scripture has appeared, let's fight again." Nine Obsidian King stood on the stars, like a king Just like in the world, he looked down at everyone and said.

"The last duel between you and me is not over yet, and I also hope to truly see your strength." Bai Yixian said, holding Yuantian Vine in his hand.

Gu Jian didn't speak, but the Gu Jian in his hand was already humming softly.It made a soft moan like a dragon's roar, obviously it was already excited.

Although Wu De and the others also flew into the air, it was clear that Wu De and Xue Linglong had no intention of making a move.

"This way seems to be in conflict with mine. It's okay to learn from it. I won't participate." After watching it carefully, Wu De chose to quit.

There is no need for the blood spirit dragon, the blood spirit dragon is an ancient beast.This kind of scripture conflicts with the morality of the blood spirit dragon.The blood spirit dragon doesn't even have the desire to watch, all it needs is the process of tempering.

The Blood Spirit Dragon is a divine beast with lofty aspirations. The path that the Blood Spirit Dragon walks in this life is different from that of its predecessors.At the same time, there is also the blood spirit dragon, the road of the avenue summed up by the human race.

Blood Spirit Dragon also took a step back, expressing that he had no intention of participating in it.

The three of them looked at Lin Mu, obviously all three of them felt that Lin Mu was their biggest opponent.Because Lin Mu was the first to complete quenching, although this cannot really explain the combat power.But it illustrates the potential and proves that the potential of trees is unlimited.


Lin Mu only has one word, but he has already expressed his determination.

"Okay! Then let's fight to determine the king of this life!" Nine Obsidian Lord said, and then took the lead in attacking.

Nine Obsidian Lord is not against one person alone, but against three people at the same time.

The nine stars around Jiuyao Xingjun's body form a group of three, forming a three-talent array.Towards Lin Mu, the three of them pressed down respectively.

The Yuantian Vine in Bai Yixian's hand shook lightly, and the Yuantian Vine immediately turned into a real Tianvine.

The thick vines seemed to be like a dragon, blowing away one of the stars at once.

The ancient sword was also unparalleled, and the ancient sword with a huge background in his hand turned into a white silver dragon, with a sword energy flying across the sky.

The constant collision with the stars sends out sparks that penetrate space.

Lin Mu was the most direct, he used his fist to open the way, and beat the three stars back steadily.

The people below all felt excited when they saw the scuffle above.This is the battle of geniuses they have always expected, this is what they want to see, the most brilliant duel in this life.

Today they finally got what they wanted, and the melee of geniuses officially started, but the genius trial of this last life is about to end.

The duel of Lin Mu's four top talents will become the most brilliant and brilliant fireworks in this life.Its light will not only shine on the present, but also shine on the ancient and modern history, and it will be recorded in the annals of history forever.

(End of this chapter)

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