Supreme Chef

Chapter 1687 Years of loneliness

Chapter 1687 One Hundred Years of Solitude (3)

Wu De was bleeding like the Blood Spirit Dragon, Wu De's injury ended, and a huge blood hole was pierced through Wu De's chest.

Wu De's strength is considered the strongest among the three, so Wu De has suffered the most attacks.

The blood spirit dragon was also very miserable, its wings were almost broken off.

However, none of the three regretted it at all. They were already very satisfied with being able to do this for Lin Mu.

Just when the three of them were preparing to plunge into the turbulent flow of time, even if they died, they would die together.

An incredibly powerful divine sense blocked the way of the three of them.

How powerful is this person who blocked the way of the three of them only with his spiritual sense.It is really unimaginable.

"Six immortal monarchs, it is shameless to persecute the juniors like this. I will send you on your way today!" A voice full of killing and cruelty resounded through the sky.

Then a middle-aged man with a sense of immortality walked out from the split void.

This is definitely a top Immortal Sovereign-level powerhouse. The six Immortal Sovereigns are in front of him, and they don't even have the strength to raise their hands.

"Dare to ask where the seniors are from, we are from the Emperor Sect." Facing such a top immortal emperor, they don't have the backbone of Gu Xuan and the others.

Blood Spirit Dragon stared at this visitor, feeling a familiar feeling.And this feeling is very familiar.

It seems that I have been with this person day and night for a long time.

But no matter what the blood spirit dragon thinks, it can't remember that the person it gets along with day and night can have such cultivation and strength.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in the blood spirit dragon's mind, it seemed to know who the person in front of it was.

"Old Skeleton!"

The Blood Spirit Dragon exclaimed in surprise.

The middle-aged man turned around, looked at the Blood Spirit Dragon with a smile, and said, "Now you still call me Old Skeleton, aren't you afraid of being spanked by me?"

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Old Skeleton, you hit me and I admit it, you kill these six bastards for me first."

The six immortals saw that the blood spirit dragon knew this person.Immediately, his face was pale with fright, and everyone was trembling.


The six of them fled together as if they had agreed upon it.along six different directions.

This is to see who is lucky. If you are lucky, you should be able to escape.

But they obviously don't know that the old skeleton is the ancient Taoist Guang.Comparing their speed with him, they are looking for death.

A ray of light flashed in front of the six people, before the six people realized what was going on.

The dantian and sea of ​​consciousness of the six people were all shattered.

In the face of the ancient power of the old skeleton, they have no possibility of surviving at all.

The old skeleton killed the six people at once, carried the bodies of the six people, and threw them directly into the turbulent time flow.

The corpses of the six immortals were crushed as soon as they entered the turbulent flow of time, and there was no possibility of them being preserved.

"Old Skeleton, have you recovered your cultivation?" Blood Spirit Dragon asked in surprise as he looked at Old Skeleton.

Taoist Guang shook his head and said: "Not yet, I just had some chance to recover the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor realm. I still need to practice myself in the future."

Hearing this, Xue Linglong's eyes lit up, and said: "The cultivation of the Immortal Emperor is enough, the boss of the old skeleton treats you well, you must help the boss take revenge."

There were two cold lights in Taoist Guang's eyes, and he said: "I already know about Lin Mu. I came here to see if it is possible to find Lin Mu. I don't believe that Lin Shu will die like this. .I don't want him to just fall like this."

"Grandpa, do you have a way to go inside and find the little daddy?" Gu Xuan immediately asked urgently after hearing Taoist Guang's words.

Daoist Guang looked at the turbulent flow of time in front of him, shook his head and said, "I have no way to enter such a turbulent time flow. I don't think anyone in today's fairyland has the ability to enter here. Even if I recover to the full glory I am afraid it will be difficult to approach the cultivation base of the period."

When Gu Xuan heard Taoist Guang's words, the light on Gu Xuan's face immediately dimmed.

Guang Dao said: "But you don't have to worry, I have been with Lin Shu for a long time. I can feel that the breath of Lin Shu is still there, although it is very weak, but I guess it should be the reason why he was blocked by the chaotic world."

When Gu Xuan heard Taoist Guang's words, she immediately beamed with joy again, and said, "Grandpa, can you really feel the breath of little daddy?"

When Xue Linglong heard Taoist Guang's words, his expression changed, and he said: "Old Skull, what you said is true, you can really sense the breath of the boss."

In fact, the blood spirit dragon has long been unable to sense the breath of the forest.It's just that the Blood Spirit Dragon doesn't want Gu Xuan to be hopeless, and of course it doesn't want to make itself hopeless either.

But in fact, in the heart of the blood spirit dragon, it has already made the worst plan.But Daoist Guang's words at this time once again burned hope in his heart.

Taoist Guang nodded and said, "Yes, I can still sense the breath of trees."

Blood Linglong said: "But why can't I feel it?"

Taoist Guang said, "This has something to do with your cultivation."

Xue Linglong said: "I just said that the boss must be fine. Now I am finally relieved."

Gu Xuan's pretty face also once again bloomed with brilliance.Gu Xuan already knew that Xue Linglong was lying to her, but she hoped that this lie could continue.

Now Daoist Guang has definitely told her, which gave her new hope.

"Old Skeleton, since the boss has nothing to do, we can make a plan first and help the boss recover a little interest. Now that you join, I believe that our four-person team will be able to kill those who are flying eggs from the Emperor Sect." Blood Linglong calculated excitedly.

Guang Dao said: "It is true that we need to plan carefully, but I can't make too many shots. Otherwise, it will trigger some unpredictable chain reactions. After all, I don't belong to this era. If I make too many shots, I will be recognized. Caused a lot of terrible trouble."

Wu Dedao: "You don't need to make frequent shots. When you meet someone we can't handle, you can just make shots in secret."

Taoist Guang nodded and said, "This is no problem."

With the addition of Daoist Guang, the combination of four people became more handy.

The four no longer appear once a year, but keep making shots.And the targets are completely random, without any predictability.

And the most frightening thing is that there seems to be an unfathomable master behind them.Even the top immortal emperor of the emperor sect, the old immortal emperor who had already stepped into the rank of immortal emperor with one foot, fell at the feet of this mysterious man.This made them even more afraid of Gu Xuan and the others.

In the end, the four of Gu Xuan killed the entire fairy world in panic.All geniuses are afraid to go out, because there is a danger of falling if they go out.

But not going out means not being able to compete for more resources.This is simply unbearable torture and imprisonment for them who are trying to survive the last days.

Changes are taking place in the fairy world, and changes are also taking place in the chaotic world.

(End of this chapter)

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